{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Werror=incomplete-patterns #-} {-| Module : Fcf.Data.Text.Internal Description : Type-level Text data structure with methods Copyright : (c) gspia 2020- License : BSD Maintainer : gspia = Fcf.Data.Text.Internal This is from https://kcsongor.github.io/symbol-parsing-haskell/ Ks. symbols library -} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Fcf.Data.Text.Internal where import Data.Char (chr) -- import Data.Proxy import qualified GHC.TypeLits as TL import qualified Fcf.Data.List as L import Fcf.Data.Bitree import qualified Fcf.Alg.Symbol as S import Fcf -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type LookupTable = Tree (TL.Symbol, TL.Symbol) -- :kind! Head2 "hello" type family Head2 (sym :: TL.Symbol) :: TL.Symbol where Head2 "" = "" Head2 sym = Head1 sym (TL.CmpSymbol sym "\128") -- :kind! ToList "hello" type family ToList (sym :: TL.Symbol) :: [TL.Symbol] where ToList sym = ToList1 sym "" -- Helper. data ToSymbol2 :: [TL.Symbol] -> Exp TL.Symbol type instance Eval (ToSymbol2 lst) = Eval (Foldr S.Append "" lst) -- :kind! Eval (HeadA "koe") data HeadA :: TL.Symbol -> Exp TL.Symbol type instance Eval (HeadA sym) = Head1 sym (TL.CmpSymbol sym "\128") -- :kind! Eval (ToListA "hello") -- :kind! Eval (ToListA "") data ToListA :: TL.Symbol -> Exp [TL.Symbol] type instance Eval (ToListA sym) = ToList1 sym "" -- :kind! Eval (Uncons "hello") -- :kind! Eval (Uncons "") data Uncons :: TL.Symbol -> Exp (Maybe TL.Symbol) type instance Eval (Uncons sym) = Eval (Map ToSymbol2 =<< L.Tail =<< ToListA sym) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Helper, from symbols-package. type family Head1 (x :: TL.Symbol) (o :: Ordering) :: TL.Symbol where Head1 x 'GT = TL.TypeError ('TL.Text "Starts with non-ASCII character " 'TL.:<>: 'TL.ShowType x) Head1 x _ = LookupA x "" Chars -- | Helper, from symbols-package. type family ToList1 (x :: TL.Symbol) (pfx :: TL.Symbol) :: [TL.Symbol] where ToList1 x x = '[] ToList1 x pfx = ToList2 x pfx (TL.CmpSymbol x (TL.AppendSymbol pfx "\128")) -- | Helper, from symbols-package. type family ToList2 (x :: TL.Symbol) (pfx :: TL.Symbol) (o :: Ordering) :: [TL.Symbol] where ToList2 x pfx 'LT = LookupA x pfx Chars ': ToList1 x (TL.AppendSymbol pfx (LookupA x pfx Chars)) ToList2 x _ _ = TL.TypeError ('TL.Text "Non-AScII character in " 'TL.:<>: 'TL.ShowType x) -- | Helper, from symbols-package. type family LookupA (x :: TL.Symbol) (pfx :: TL.Symbol) (xs :: Tree TL.Symbol) :: TL.Symbol where LookupA "" _ _ = "" LookupA _ _ ('Leaf x) = x LookupA x "" ('Node l c r) = Lookup2 x "" c (TL.CmpSymbol x c) l r LookupA x pfx ('Node l c r) = Lookup2 x pfx c (TL.CmpSymbol x (TL.AppendSymbol pfx c)) l r -- | Helper, from symbols-package. type family Lookup2 (x :: TL.Symbol) (pfx :: TL.Symbol) (c :: TL.Symbol) (o :: Ordering) (l :: Tree TL.Symbol) (r :: Tree TL.Symbol) :: TL.Symbol where Lookup2 _ _ c 'EQ _ _ = c Lookup2 x pfx c 'LT l _ = LookupA x pfx l Lookup2 x pfx _ 'GT _ r = LookupA x pfx r -- | Helper, from symbols-package. (Generate the character tree.) chars :: Tree String chars = buildTree [ chr c | c <- [0..0x7f] ] where buildTree [] = error "panic! buildTree []" buildTree [c] = Leaf [c] buildTree pairs = Node (buildTree l) c (buildTree r) where n = length pairs (l, r) = splitAt (n `div` 2) pairs c = case r of [] -> error "panic! buildTree: r is empty" (c':_) -> [c'] -- | Helper, from symbols-package. The character tree that is needed for -- handling the initial character of a symbol. type Chars = 'Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\NUL") "\SOH" ('Leaf "\SOH")) "\STX" ('Node ('Leaf "\STX") "\ETX" ('Leaf "\ETX"))) "\EOT" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\EOT") "\ENQ" ('Leaf "\ENQ")) "\ACK" ('Node ('Leaf "\ACK") "\a" ('Leaf "\a")))) "\b" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\b") "\t" ('Leaf "\t")) "\n" ('Node ('Leaf "\n") "\v" ('Leaf "\v"))) "\f" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\f") "\r" ('Leaf "\r")) "\SO" ('Node ('Leaf "\SO") "\SI" ('Leaf "\SI"))))) "\DLE" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\DLE") "\DC1" ('Leaf "\DC1")) "\DC2" ('Node ('Leaf "\DC2") "\DC3" ('Leaf "\DC3"))) "\DC4" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\DC4") "\NAK" ('Leaf "\NAK")) "\SYN" ('Node ('Leaf "\SYN") "\ETB" ('Leaf "\ETB")))) "\CAN" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\CAN") "\EM" ('Leaf "\EM")) "\SUB" ('Node ('Leaf "\SUB") "\ESC" ('Leaf "\ESC"))) "\FS" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\FS") "\GS" ('Leaf "\GS")) "\RS" ('Node ('Leaf "\RS") "\US" ('Leaf "\US")))))) " " ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf " ") "!" ('Leaf "!")) "\"" ('Node ('Leaf "\"") "#" ('Leaf "#"))) "$" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "$") "%" ('Leaf "%")) "&" ('Node ('Leaf "&") "'" ('Leaf "'")))) "(" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "(") ")" ('Leaf ")")) "*" ('Node ('Leaf "*") "+" ('Leaf "+"))) "," ('Node ('Node ('Leaf ",") "-" ('Leaf "-")) "." ('Node ('Leaf ".") "/" ('Leaf "/"))))) "0" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "0") "1" ('Leaf "1")) "2" ('Node ('Leaf "2") "3" ('Leaf "3"))) "4" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "4") "5" ('Leaf "5")) "6" ('Node ('Leaf "6") "7" ('Leaf "7")))) "8" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "8") "9" ('Leaf "9")) ":" ('Node ('Leaf ":") ";" ('Leaf ";"))) "<" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "<") "=" ('Leaf "=")) ">" ('Node ('Leaf ">") "?" ('Leaf "?"))))))) "@" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "@") "A" ('Leaf "A")) "B" ('Node ('Leaf "B") "C" ('Leaf "C"))) "D" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "D") "E" ('Leaf "E")) "F" ('Node ('Leaf "F") "G" ('Leaf "G")))) "H" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "H") "I" ('Leaf "I")) "J" ('Node ('Leaf "J") "K" ('Leaf "K"))) "L" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "L") "M" ('Leaf "M")) "N" ('Node ('Leaf "N") "O" ('Leaf "O"))))) "P" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "P") "Q" ('Leaf "Q")) "R" ('Node ('Leaf "R") "S" ('Leaf "S"))) "T" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "T") "U" ('Leaf "U")) "V" ('Node ('Leaf "V") "W" ('Leaf "W")))) "X" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "X") "Y" ('Leaf "Y")) "Z" ('Node ('Leaf "Z") "[" ('Leaf "["))) "\\" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "\\") "]" ('Leaf "]")) "^" ('Node ('Leaf "^") "_" ('Leaf "_")))))) "`" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "`") "a" ('Leaf "a")) "b" ('Node ('Leaf "b") "c" ('Leaf "c"))) "d" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "d") "e" ('Leaf "e")) "f" ('Node ('Leaf "f") "g" ('Leaf "g")))) "h" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "h") "i" ('Leaf "i")) "j" ('Node ('Leaf "j") "k" ('Leaf "k"))) "l" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "l") "m" ('Leaf "m")) "n" ('Node ('Leaf "n") "o" ('Leaf "o"))))) "p" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "p") "q" ('Leaf "q")) "r" ('Node ('Leaf "r") "s" ('Leaf "s"))) "t" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "t") "u" ('Leaf "u")) "v" ('Node ('Leaf "v") "w" ('Leaf "w")))) "x" ('Node ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "x") "y" ('Leaf "y")) "z" ('Node ('Leaf "z") "{" ('Leaf "{"))) "|" ('Node ('Node ('Leaf "|") "}" ('Leaf "}")) "~" ('Node ('Leaf "~") "\DEL" ('Leaf "\DEL")))))))