module Main where import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS import qualified Data.ByteString as SBS import Control.Lens ((^.), (^?), ix) import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as SV import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UV import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.Array.Repa as RP import Data.Array.Repa ((:.)(..), Z(..)) import qualified Data.Array.Repa.Repr.ForeignPtr as RF import Codec.Picture as JP import Codec.Picture.Repa import qualified Data.Store as Store import Control.Exception.Base import MXNet.Coco.Mask import MXNet.Coco.Types import MXNet.Coco.Index data Y8 class ToDynamicImage a where toDynamicImage :: Img a -> DynamicImage instance ToDynamicImage Y8 where toDynamicImage (Img arr0) = ImageY8 $ JP.Image w h (SV.unsafeFromForeignPtr0 (RF.toForeignPtr arr) (h*w*z) ) where (Z :. h :. w :. z) = RP.extent arr arr = RP.computeS arr0 readFromCache path = do bs <- SBS.readFile path Store.decodeIO bs readFromJson path = do bs <- BS.readFile path case Aeson.decode' bs of Nothing -> error $ "cannot parse annotation file: " ++ path Just inst -> return inst store path obj = do SBS.writeFile path (Store.encode obj) return obj readAnnotations path = readFromCache cache_file `catch` (\ e -> do let _ = e :: IOException readFromJson path >>= store cache_file) where cache_file = "./" annotatino_file = "/home/jiasen/dschungel/coco/annotations/instances_train2017.json" main = do inst <- readAnnotations annotatino_file mapM_ (\cat -> putStrLn $ cat ^. odc_name) $ allCats inst let anno = V.head $ allAnns inst imgId = anno ^. ann_image_id img = V.head $ V.filter (\img -> img ^. img_id == imgId) (inst ^. images) height = img ^. img_height width = img ^. img_width store "./" $ inst ^. images store "./" $ inst ^. annotations store "./" $ inst ^. categories -- putStrLn $ show imgId -- crle <- case anno ^. ann_segmentation of -- SegRLE cnts _ -> frUncompressedRLE cnts height width -- SegPolygon polys -> frPoly (map SV.fromList polys) height width -- mask <- decode crle -- let Z :. c :. w :. h = RP.extent mask -- maskHW = RP.backpermute (Z :. h :. w :. c) (\ (Z :. c :. w :. h) -> Z :. h :. w :. c) mask -- maskImg = toDynamicImage $ (Img $ (*255) maskHW :: Img Y8) -- savePngImage "a.png" maskImg -- putStrLn $ img ^. img_file_name -- putStrLn $ img ^. img_flickr_url -- putStrLn $ img ^. img_coco_url