name: fei-nn version: 0.2.0 synopsis: Train a neural network with MXNet in Haskell. description: High level APIs to rain a neural network with MXNet in Haskell. homepage: license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Jiasen Wu maintainer: copyright: Copyright: (c) 2018 Jiasen Wu category: Machine Learning, AI build-type: Simple cabal-version: 1.24 Library exposed-modules: MXNet.NN MXNet.NN.NDArray MXNet.NN.Types MXNet.NN.Utils MXNet.NN.Utils.GraphViz MXNet.NN.Layer MXNet.NN.Optimizer MXNet.NN.LrScheduler MXNet.NN.EvalMetric MXNet.NN.Initializer MXNet.NN.Callback MXNet.NN.DataIter.Class MXNet.NN.DataIter.Vec other-modules: hs-source-dirs: src ghc-options: -Wall default-language: Haskell2010 default-extensions: GADTs, TypeFamilies, OverloadedLabels if impl(ghc >= 8.6) default-extensions: NoMonadFailDesugaring build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5.0 , unordered-containers >= 0.2.8 , resourcet >= 1.1.8 , vector >= 0.12 , mtl >= 2.2 , lens >= 4.12 , transformers-base >= 0.4.4 , aeson >= 1.2 , containers >= 0.5 , template-haskell >= 2.12 , graphviz , text >= 1.2 , bytestring >= 0.10 , exceptions >= 0.8.3 , time < 2.0 , fei-base Executable lenet main-is: lenet.hs other-modules: Parse DatasetVector hs-source-dirs: examples/mnist ghc-options: -Wall default-language: Haskell2010 build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5.0 , unordered-containers >= 0.2.8 , attoparsec >= 0.13 , attoparsec-binary >= 0.2 , vector >= 0.12 , bytestring >= 0.10 , resourcet >= 1.1.8 , exceptions >= 0.8.3 , mmorph >= 1.0.9 , mtl >= 2.2.0 , ghc-prim , fei-base , fei-nn