{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances, PatternGuards, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Feldspar.Compiler.Imperative.FromCore
  , numArgs
  , fromCore
  ) where

import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer

import Data.List
import Data.String
import Data.Bits

import qualified Feldspar.DSL.Expression as Lang
import qualified Feldspar.DSL.Lambda as Lang
import Feldspar.DSL.Lambda hiding (Value, Variable)
import Feldspar.DSL.Network
import Feldspar.Set (universal)
import qualified Feldspar.Core.Types as Lang
import Feldspar.Core.Representation hiding (variable)
import qualified Feldspar.Core.Representation as Lang
import qualified Feldspar.Core.Functions.Array as Lang
import qualified Feldspar.Core.Functions.Tuple as Lang
import Feldspar.Core.Functions.Num ()
import Feldspar.Range (Range(..),BoundedInt)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable, typeOf)

import Feldspar.Compiler.Imperative.Representation hiding (blockProgram)
import Feldspar.Compiler.Imperative.Frontend
import Feldspar.Compiler.Backend.C.CodeGeneration
import Feldspar.Compiler.Error
import Feldspar.Compiler.Backend.C.Library

type Transformer a = StateT Integer (Writer [Definition ()]) a

-- | Path of a matching variable
type Path = [Int]

type MultiVar = [(Path, Lang.TypeRep)]

indexType :: Type
indexType = NumType Unsigned S32

-- | Where to place the result of a single-edge
data SingleLoc a
    = Shifted (Expression (), FeldNetwork (Out ()) Lang.Length) (SingleLoc a)
        -- ^ A shifted location
    | SingleLoc
        { singleLV :: Expression ()
        , feedback :: FeldNetwork (Out ()) a
          -- ^ A location represented by a 'LeftValue ()' and a corresponding
          --   expression. The expression is used for feedback.

-- | Container of a SingleLoc
getSingleLV :: SingleLoc a -> Expression ()
getSingleLV (SingleLoc lv _) = lv
getSingleLV (Shifted _ sl) = getSingleLV sl

-- | Where to place the result of a general program
data Location ra a
    S :: { single :: SingleLoc a } -> Location (Out ()) a
    M :: { multi  :: Ident }       -> Location ra a

-- | Append a path to an identifier
pathIdent :: Ident -> Path -> Ident
pathIdent ident path = concat $ intersperse "_" $ (ident :) $ map show path

toSingle :: Type -> Location (Out ()) a -> SingleLoc a
toSingle typ (S loc)   = loc
toSingle typ (M ident) = SingleLoc expr fb
    expr   = varExpr $ variable ident typ
    fb     = Lang.Variable ident

getIx :: Lang.Type a
    => FeldNetwork (Out ()) [a]
    -> FeldNetwork (Out ()) Lang.Index
    -> FeldNetwork (Out ()) a
getIx a ix
    = undoEdge
    $ unData
    $ Lang.getIx (fromOutEdge universal a) (fromOutEdge universal ix)
        -- TODO Think about size

    :: FeldNetwork (Out ()) Lang.DefaultWord
    -> FeldNetwork (Out ()) Lang.DefaultWord
    -> FeldNetwork (Out ()) Lang.DefaultWord
addExpr a b = undoEdge $ unData (fromOutEdge universal a + fromOutEdge universal b)
  -- TODO Think about size

add :: Expression () -> Expression () -> Expression ()
add a b = FunctionCall "(+)" indexType InfixOp [a,b] () ()

    :: Lang.Type a
    => [(Expression (), FeldNetwork (Out ()) Lang.Length)]  -- ^ Accumulated shifts
    -> SingleLoc [a]                       -- ^ Original location
    -> Expression ()                       -- ^ Index variable
    -> FeldNetwork (Out ()) Lang.Index     -- ^ Index expression
    -> SingleLoc a
indexLocSingle ls (Shifted l loc) ixVar ixExpr =
    indexLocSingle (l:ls) loc ixVar ixExpr
indexLocSingle ls (SingleLoc lv fb) ixVar ixExpr = SingleLoc lv' fb'
    lv'     = arrayElem lv $ foldl add ixVar (map fst ls)
    ixExpr' = foldl addExpr ixExpr (map snd ls)
    fb'     = getIx fb ixExpr'

-- | Sum the shifts of a shifted location
sumShifts :: SingleLoc a -> Expression ()
sumShifts (SingleLoc _ _) = createConstantExpression $ intConst 0
sumShifts (Shifted (e,_) l) = add e $ sumShifts l

-- | Indexing into a location
    :: Lang.Type a
    => SingleLoc [a]                    -- ^ Original location
    -> Expression ()                    -- ^ Index variable
    -> FeldNetwork (Out ()) Lang.Index  -- ^ Index expression
    -> SingleLoc a
indexLoc loc ixVar ixExpr = indexLocSingle [] loc ixVar ixExpr

selectFst :: (Lang.Type a, Lang.Type b)
          => SingleLoc (a,b)
          -> SingleLoc a
selectFst (SingleLoc e fb) = SingleLoc (StructField e member () ()) fb'
    member         = fst $ head $ s
    (StructType s) = typeof e
    fb'            = undoEdge $ unData $ Lang.getFst $ fromOutEdge universal fb

selectSnd :: (Lang.Type a, Lang.Type b)
          => SingleLoc (a,b)
          -> SingleLoc b
selectSnd (SingleLoc e fb) = SingleLoc (StructField e member () ()) fb'
    member = fst $ head $ tail $ s
    (StructType s) = typeof e
    fb'            = undoEdge $ unData $ Lang.getSnd $ fromOutEdge universal fb

locToNode :: Location (Out ra) a -> FeldNetwork (Out ra) a
locToNode (S (SingleLoc _ fb)) = fb
locToNode (M ident)            = Lang.Variable ident
  -- TODO Ingoring shift

multiVarIn :: FeldNetwork (In ra) a -> MultiVar
multiVarIn = listEdge $ \path a -> (path, edgeType (edgeInfo a))

simpleExpr :: Expression () -> Transformer ([Program ()], Expression ())
simpleExpr expr = return ([],expr)

isComplex :: FeldNetwork (Out ra) a -> Bool
isComplex (Inject (Node Condition)    :$: _ :$: _ :$: _)       = True
isComplex (Inject (Node Parallel)     :$: _ :$: _ :$: _)       = True
isComplex (Inject (Node Sequential)   :$: _ :$: _ :$: _ :$: _) = True
isComplex (Inject (Node ForLoop)      :$: _ :$: _ :$: _)       = True
isComplex (Inject (Node (NoInline _)) :$: _ :$: _)             = True
isComplex (Inject (Node SetLength)    :$: _ :$: _)             = True
isComplex (Inject (Node Pair)         :$: _ :$: _)             = True
isComplex (Inject (Node SetIx)        :$: _ :$: _ :$: _)       = True
isComplex a = isArrayLit a

genLiteralExpression ::
    Lang.Type a => a -> Transformer ([Program ()], Expression ())
genLiteralExpression = simpleExpr . flip ConstExpr () . compileDataRep . Lang.dataRep

genVarExpression ::
    Type -> FeldNetwork (Out ()) a -> Transformer ([Program ()], Expression ())
genVarExpression typ a = simpleExpr (varExpr var)
    Just ident = traceVar a
    var        = variable (pathIdent ident $ matchPath a) typ

    :: Type -> String -> FeldNetwork (In ra) a
    -> Transformer ([Program ()], Expression ())
genApplyExpression typ fun a = do
    (progs,exprs) <- liftM unzip $ sequence $ listEdge (const genExpressionIn) a
    return (concat progs, FunctionCall fun typ SimpleFun exprs () ())

-- | Generate an expression that is not a literal, function call or a variable
genComplexExpression ::
    Type -> FeldNetwork (Out ()) a -> Transformer ([Program ()], Expression ())
genComplexExpression typ a = do
    ident <- newName "w"
    let var  = variable ident typ
        decl = Declaration var Nothing ()
    prog <- genNode (M ident) a
    return ([BlockProgram (block [decl] prog) ()], VarExpr var ())

    :: FeldNetwork (In ()) a
    -> Transformer ([Program ()], Expression ())
genExpressionIn a = genExpression typ (undoEdge a)
    typ = compileTypeRep $ edgeType $ edgeInfo a

-- | Generate an expression plus support code
    :: Type
    -> FeldNetwork (Out ()) a
    -> Transformer ([Program ()], Expression ())

genExpression _ a@(Inject (Node (Literal lit)))
    | not (isArrayLit a) = genLiteralExpression lit

genExpression typ (Inject (Node (Function fun _)) :$: a) =
    genApplyExpression typ fun a

genExpression typ a
    | Just _ <- traceVar a = genVarExpression typ a

genExpression typ (Inject m :$: _)
    | isMatch m = localError InvariantViolation "matching on non-variable"
genExpression typ a = genComplexExpression typ a

genDeclarations :: Ident -> MultiVar -> [Declaration ()]
    -- TODO Would be nice to have (Out ra)
genDeclarations ident vars =
    [ Declaration var Nothing ()
        | (path,typ) <- vars
        , let ident' =  pathIdent ident path
        , let var    =  variable ident' $ compileTypeRep typ

genMultiCopy :: MultiVar -> Location ra a -> Location rb a -> [Program ()]
genMultiCopy [(_,typ)] (S (SingleLoc lv _)) (M rIdent) = [copyProg lv rhs]
    rhs = varExpr $ variable rIdent $ compileTypeRep typ
genMultiCopy _ (S (SingleLoc lhs _)) (S (SingleLoc rhs _)) = [copyProg lhs rhs]
genMultiCopy vars (M ident) (M rIdent) =
    [ copyProg (varExpr lVar) (varExpr rVar)
        | (path,typ)  <- vars
        , let ident'  =  pathIdent ident path
        , let rIdent' =  pathIdent rIdent path
        , let typ'    =  compileTypeRep typ
        , let lVar    =  variable ident' typ'
        , let rVar    =  variable rIdent' typ'
  -- TODO Ingoring shift
genMultiCopy [(_,typ)] (M ident) (S (SingleLoc rhs _)) = [copyProg lhs rhs]
    lhs = varExpr $ variable ident $ compileTypeRep typ

-- | Generate code for a 'Let' expression
    :: ([Program ()] -> FeldNetwork ra a -> Transformer b)
         -- ^ Generator for the body
    -> FeldNetwork ra a
    -> Transformer b
genLet gen (Let base :$: a :$: Lambda f) = do
    aIdent      <- newName base
    aProg       <- genNode (M aIdent) a
    let aBlock  =  block (genDeclarations aIdent (resTypes a)) aProg
        letProg =  f (Lang.Variable aIdent)
    gen [BlockProgram aBlock ()] letProg

genNodeExpression ::
    SingleLoc a -> Type -> FeldNetwork (Out ()) a -> Transformer [Program ()]
genNodeExpression loc typ a = do
    (prog,rhs) <- genExpression typ a
    return $ prog ++ case loc of
        SingleLoc l _   -> [copyProg l rhs]
        l@(Shifted _ _) -> [copyProgPos (getSingleLV l) (sumShifts l) rhs]

    :: SingleLoc a
    -> Type
    -> FeldNetwork (Out ()) a
    -> Transformer [Program ()]
genNodeSingle loc _   a | isComplex a = genNode (S loc) a
genNodeSingle loc typ a               = genNodeExpression loc typ a

-- | TODO network must be a 'Node' or a (nested) 'Let' resulting in a 'Node'
genNode :: forall ra a
    .  Location ra a
    -> FeldNetwork ra a  -- TODO Would be nice to have (Out ra)
    -> Transformer [Program ()]

genNode loc a | isLet a = genLet genBody a
    genBody letProg body = liftM (letProg++) $ genNode loc body

genNode loc (Inject (Node Condition) :$: cond :$: t :$: e) = do
    (condProg,condExpr) <- genExpressionIn cond
    thenProg            <- genEdge loc t
    elseProg            <- genEdge loc e
    let branchProg = Branch condExpr (block [] thenProg) (block [] elseProg) () ()
    return (condProg ++ [branchProg])

genNode loc a@(Inject (Node Parallel) :$: len :$: Lambda ixf :$: cont) = do
    (lenProg,lenExpr) <- genExpressionIn len
    ixIdent           <- newName "i"
    let bodyExpr      =  ixf (Lang.Variable ixIdent)
        ixVar         =  variable ixIdent indexType
        ixExpr        =  Lang.Variable ixIdent
        loc'          =  toSingle typ loc
        locBody       =  indexLoc loc' (varExpr ixVar) ixExpr
        locCont       =  Shifted (lenExpr, undoEdge len) loc'
        setLen        =  case loc' of
            SingleLoc _ _   -> setLength (singleLV loc') lenExpr
            Shifted _ l     -> increaseLength (getSingleLV l) lenExpr
    bodyProg          <- genEdge (S locBody) bodyExpr
    contProg          <- genEdge (S locCont) cont
    return (lenProg ++ [setLen,ParLoop ixVar lenExpr 1 (block [] bodyProg) () ()] ++ contProg)
  -- TODO Should use \"default size\" for index type
    [(_, Lang.ArrayType _ t)] = resTypes a
    typ                       = compileTypeRep t

genNode loc a@(Inject (Node Sequential) :$: len :$: init :$: Lambda step :$: Lambda cont) = do
    (lenProg,lenExpr) <- genExpressionIn len
    stepIdent         <- newName "x"
    let stIdent       =  stepIdent ++ "_2"
    tempIdent         <- newName "temp"
    ixIdent           <- newName "i"
    initProg          <- genEdge (M stIdent) init
    let step'         =  step (Lang.Variable ixIdent)
        stepExpr      =  shallowApply step' (Lang.Variable stIdent)
        tempVarElem   =  variable (tempIdent ++ "_1") elemTyp
        ixVar         =  variable ixIdent indexType
        ixExpr        =  Lang.Variable ixIdent
        loc'          =  toSingle arrTyp loc
        locElem       =  indexLoc loc' (varExpr ixVar) ixExpr
        locCont       =  Shifted (lenExpr, undoEdge len) loc'
        tempDeclElem  =  genDeclarations tempIdent [([1],tElem)]
        tempDeclsSt   =  genDeclarations (tempIdent ++ "_2") (multiVarIn init)
        stDecls       =  genDeclarations stIdent (multiVarIn init)
        elemCopy      =  copyProg (singleLV locElem) (varExpr tempVarElem)
        stCopy        =  genMultiCopy (multiVarIn init) (M stIdent) (M $ tempIdent ++ "_2")
        apa           =  cont (Lang.Variable stIdent)
        setLen        =  setLength (singleLV loc') lenExpr
    stepProg          <- genEdge (M tempIdent) stepExpr
    contProg          <- genEdge (S locCont) apa
    return $
      [BlockProgram (block stDecls (initProg ++ lenProg ++ [setLen, ParLoop ixVar lenExpr 1 (block (tempDeclElem++tempDeclsSt) (stepProg ++ stCopy ++ [elemCopy])) () ()] ++ contProg)) ()]
    [(_, tArr@(Lang.ArrayType _ tElem))] = resTypes a
    arrTyp  = compileTypeRep tArr
    elemTyp = compileTypeRep tElem

genNode loc a@(Inject (Node ForLoop) :$: len :$: init :$: Lambda body) = do
    (lenProg,lenExpr) <- genExpressionIn len
    tempIdent         <- newName "temp"
    ixIdent           <- newName "i"
    initProg          <- genEdge loc init
    let body'         =  body (Lang.Variable ixIdent)
        bodyExpr      =  shallowApply body' (locToNode loc)
        ixVar         =  variable ixIdent indexType
        tempDecls     =  genDeclarations tempIdent (resTypes a)
    bodyProg          <- genEdge (M tempIdent) bodyExpr
    let copyProg      =  genMultiCopy (resTypes a) loc (M tempIdent)
    return [BlockProgram (block tempDecls (lenProg ++ initProg ++ [ParLoop ixVar lenExpr 1 (block [] (bodyProg ++ copyProg)) () ()])) ()]

genNode (S (Shifted _ _)) a@(Inject (Node (Literal _))) | isArrayLit a && isEmpty a = return []

genNode loc a@(Inject (Node (Literal b))) | isArrayLit a = return [initialize (getSingleLV l) (sumShifts l) v]
    l = toSingle typ loc
    v = compileDataRep $ Lang.dataRep b
    typ = compileTypeRep $ Lang.typeRep' b

genNode loc a@(Inject (Node (NoInline name)) :$: Lambda body :$: x) = do
    param           <- newName "in"
    result          <- newName "out"
    prolog          <- sequence $ listEdge (const genExpressionIn) x
    let prologProgs =  concatMap fst prolog
        prologArgs  =  map (flip In () . snd) prolog
        argVars     =  genVars param  x
        resVars     =  genVars result (body $ Lang.Variable param)
        outArgs     =  map (flip Out ()) $ genLocExprs loc a

    prog            <- genEdge (M result) (body $ Lang.Variable param)

    tell [procedure name argVars resVars (block [] prog)]
    return $ prologProgs ++ [procedureCall name prologArgs outArgs]
    typ = undefined
    nodeType = compileTypeRep . snd . head . resTypes

genNode (S loc) (Inject (Node SetLength) :$: len :$: (Inject (Edge edge) :$: a))
    | not (isComplex a), Just name <- traceVar a = do
        (lenProg,lenExpr) <- genExpressionIn len
        let typ     = compileTypeRep $ edgeType edge
        let arrProg = [copyProgLen (singleLV loc) (varExpr $ createVariable name typ) lenExpr]
        return $ lenProg ++ arrProg

genNode (S loc) a@(Inject (Node SetLength) :$: len :$: arr) = do
    (lenProg,lenExpr) <- genExpressionIn len
    arrProg           <- genEdge (S loc) arr
    return $ lenProg ++ arrProg ++ [setLength (singleLV loc) lenExpr]

genNode loc a@(Inject (Node SetIx) :$: ix :$: val :$: e) = do
  (ixProg,ixExpr)   <- genExpressionIn ix
  copy              <- genEdge loc e
    updLoc          = indexLoc (toSingle elemType loc) ixExpr $ undoEdge ix
  update            <- genEdge (S updLoc) val
  return $ copy ++ ixProg ++ update
      [(_, (Lang.ArrayType _ tElem))] = resTypes a
      elemType = compileTypeRep tElem

genNode loc a@(Inject (Node Pair) :$: x :$: y) = do
    prog1 <- genEdge (S $ selectFst $ toSingle (nodeType a) loc) x
    prog2 <- genEdge (S $ selectSnd $ toSingle (nodeType a) loc) y
    return $ prog1 ++ prog2
    nodeType = compileTypeRep . snd . head . resTypes

genNode loc a@(Inject (Node (Literal _))) = genNodeSingle (toSingle (nodeType a) loc) (nodeType a) a
    nodeType = compileTypeRep . snd . head . resTypes

genNode loc a@(Inject (Node (Function _ _)) :$: _) = genNodeSingle (toSingle (nodeType a) loc) (nodeType a) a
    nodeType = compileTypeRep . snd . head . resTypes

genLocExprs :: Location ra a -> FeldNetwork ra a -> [Expression ()]
genLocExprs (S loc) _   = [singleLV loc]
genLocExprs (M ident) a =
   [ varExpr $ variable (pathIdent ident path) (compileTypeRep typ)
     | (path,typ) <- resTypes a

viewGroup2 :: FeldNetwork (In (ra,rb)) (a,b) -> (FeldNetwork (In ra) a, FeldNetwork (In rb) b)
viewGroup2 (Inject Group2 :$: a :$: b) = (a,b)
  -- TODO: Move somewhere else

    :: Ident
    -> Path
    -> FeldNetwork (In ()) a
    -> Transformer [Program ()]
genEdgeSingle ident path a =
    genNodeSingle (toSingle typ $ M ident') typ (undoEdge a)
    ident' = pathIdent ident path
    typ    = compileTypeRep $ edgeType $ edgeInfo a

-- | Generate code for a multi-edge
genEdge :: Location (Out ra) a -> FeldNetwork (In ra) a -> Transformer [Program ()]
genEdge loc a | isLet a = genLet genBody a
    genBody letProg body = liftM (letProg++) $ genEdge loc body
genEdge loc (Inject (Edge edge) :$: a) = genNodeSingle (toSingle typ loc) typ a
    typ = compileTypeRep $ edgeType edge
genEdge (M ident) a = liftM concat $ sequence $ listEdge (genEdgeSingle ident) a

-- | Generate a variable of the same type as the given single-edge
genVar :: Ident -> Path -> FeldNetwork (In ()) a -> Variable ()
genVar ident path a = variable (pathIdent ident path) typ
    typ = compileTypeRep $ edgeType $ edgeInfo a

genVars :: Ident -> FeldNetwork (In ra) a -> [Variable ()]
genVars ident (Let _ :$: a :$: Lambda f) =
    genVars ident (f (Lang.Variable "TODO"))
genVars ident a = listEdge (genVar ident) a

class Compilable t where
        :: String         -- ^ Name of procedure
        -> [Variable ()]  -- ^ Free variables
        -> t              -- ^ Program to compile
        -> Transformer ()

    -- | Returns a list containing the number of edges in each curried argument
    buildInParamDescriptor :: t -> [Int]

instance Syntactic a => Compilable a where
    toImperativeM procName freeVars prog = do
        ident       <- newName "out"
        body        <- genEdge (M ident) prog'
        let resVars =  genVars ident prog'
        tell [Procedure procName freeVars resVars (block [] body) () ()]
        prog' = feldSharing (toEdge prog)

    buildInParamDescriptor _ = []

instance (Syntactic a, Compilable t) => Compilable (a -> t) where
    toImperativeM procName freeVars prog = do
        ident <- newName "in"
        let arg  = Lang.variable universal ident
        let vars = genVars ident (toEdge arg)
        toImperativeM procName (freeVars ++ vars) (prog arg)

    buildInParamDescriptor prog =
        countEdges (toEdge arg) : buildInParamDescriptor (prog arg)
        arg = Lang.variable universal "argument"

numArgs :: Compilable a => a -> Int
numArgs = length . buildInParamDescriptor

fromCore :: Compilable t => String -> t -> Module ()
fromCore procName prog = Module (execWriter $ evalStateT (toImperativeM procName [] prog) 0) ()

initialize :: Expression () -> Expression () -> Constant () -> Program ()
initialize loc shift (ArrayConst vs _ _) = createProgramSequence $
    (setLength loc $ shift `add` intConstExpr (toInteger $ length vs)) :
    (map (\(v,i) -> initialize (arrayElem loc $ shift `add` i) (intConstExpr 0) v) $
        zip vs $ map intConstExpr [0..])
initialize loc _ v = copyProg loc $ createConstantExpression v

-- | Compilation of a data representation to an imperative constant
compileDataRep :: Lang.DataRep -> Constant ()
compileDataRep (Lang.BoolData x)      = BoolConst x () ()
compileDataRep (Lang.IntData x)       = IntConst x () ()
compileDataRep (Lang.FloatData x)     = FloatConst (fromRational $ toRational x) () ()
compileDataRep (Lang.ComplexData r i) = ComplexConst (compileDataRep r) (compileDataRep i) () ()
compileDataRep (Lang.ArrayData xs)    = ArrayConst (map compileDataRep xs) () ()
compileDataRep (Lang.StructData sd)   = localError InternalError "Struct constants not supported yet."

-- | Compilation of a type representation to an imperative type
compileTypeRep :: Lang.TypeRep -> Type
compileTypeRep typ = case typ of
    Lang.BoolType  -> BoolType
    Lang.IntType r -> compileNumericType r
    Lang.FloatType -> FloatType
    Lang.ComplexType typ -> ComplexType (compileTypeRep typ)
    Lang.UserType userTypeName -> UserType userTypeName
    Lang.ArrayType dim elemTyp -> ArrayType (getLength dim) $ compileTypeRep elemTyp
    Lang.StructType memberTypes -> StructType $ zip (map ((defaultMemberName++).show) [1..]) $ map compileTypeRep memberTypes

-- | Numeric type based on a range
compileNumericType :: (BoundedInt a, Typeable a) => Range a -> Type
compileNumericType r = NumType (intSign r) (intSize r)

-- | Sign based on a range
intSign :: BoundedInt a => Range a -> Signedness
intSign r
    | isSigned (upperBound r) = Signed
    | otherwise               = Unsigned

-- | Size based on a range
intSize :: (BoundedInt a, Typeable a) => Range a -> Size
intSize r = case bitSize i of
    8  -> S8
    16 -> S16
    32 -> S32
    64 -> S64
    _  -> localError InvariantViolation $ "unknown integer type: " ++ show (typeOf i)
    i = upperBound r

-- | Compilation of a length
getLength :: Range Lang.Length -> Length
getLength l
    | u == maxBound = UndefinedLen
    | otherwise     = LiteralLen (fromIntegral u)
    u = upperBound l

-- | Customized error function
localError = handleError "Backends :: C :: ConstTransformation"