{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} -- | Video encoding API. Includes FFI declarations for the underlying -- FFmpeg functions, wrappers for these functions that wrap error -- condition checking, and high level Haskellized interfaces. -- -- Note: If you need to import this module, consider qualifying the -- import. module Codec.FFmpeg.Encode where import Codec.FFmpeg.Common import Codec.FFmpeg.Enums import Codec.FFmpeg.Internal.V3 import Codec.FFmpeg.Scaler import Codec.FFmpeg.Types import Codec.Picture import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad (when, void) import Control.Monad.Error.Class import Data.Bits import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Ord (comparing) import Data.Vector.Storable (Vector) import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V import Foreign.C.String import Foreign.C.Types import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc import Foreign.Marshal.Utils import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.Storable -- Based on the FFmpeg muxing example -- http://www.ffmpeg.org/doxygen/2.1/doc_2examples_2muxing_8c-example.html -- * FFI Declarations foreign import ccall "avcodec_find_encoder" avcodec_find_encoder :: AVCodecID -> IO AVCodec foreign import ccall "avcodec_find_encoder_by_name" avcodec_find_encoder_by_name :: CString -> IO AVCodec foreign import ccall "av_opt_set" av_opt_set :: Ptr () -> CString -> CString -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "avcodec_encode_video2" avcodec_encode_video2 :: AVCodecContext -> AVPacket -> AVFrame -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "av_image_alloc" av_image_alloc :: Ptr (Ptr CUChar) -> Ptr CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> AVPixelFormat -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "av_freep" av_freep :: Ptr (Ptr a) -> IO () foreign import ccall "av_guess_format" av_guess_format :: CString -> CString -> CString -> IO AVOutputFormat foreign import ccall "avformat_alloc_output_context2" avformat_alloc_output_context :: Ptr AVFormatContext -> AVOutputFormat -> CString -> CString -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "avformat_new_stream" avformat_new_stream :: AVFormatContext -> AVCodec -> IO AVStream foreign import ccall "av_write_frame" av_write_frame :: AVFormatContext -> AVPacket -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "av_interleaved_write_frame" av_interleaved_write_frame :: AVFormatContext -> AVPacket -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "avformat_write_header" avformat_write_header :: AVFormatContext -> Ptr AVDictionary -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "av_write_trailer" av_write_trailer :: AVFormatContext -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "avio_open" avio_open :: Ptr AVIOContext -> CString -> AVIOFlag -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "avio_close" avio_close :: AVIOContext -> IO CInt foreign import ccall "avformat_free_context" avformat_free_context :: AVFormatContext -> IO () foreign import ccall "av_image_fill_arrays" av_image_fill_arrays :: Ptr (Ptr CUChar) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CUChar -> AVPixelFormat -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt -- * FFmpeg Encoding Interface -- | Minimal parameters describing the desired video output. data EncodingParams = EncodingParams { epWidth :: CInt , epHeight :: CInt , epFps :: Int , epCodec :: Maybe AVCodecID -- ^ If 'Nothing', then the codec -- is inferred from the output -- file name. If 'Just', then -- this codec is manually chosen. , epPreset :: String } -- | Use default parameters for a video of the given width and -- height, forcing the choice of the h264 encoder. defaultH264 :: CInt -> CInt -> EncodingParams defaultH264 w h = EncodingParams w h 30 (Just avCodecIdH264) "medium" -- | Use default parameters for a video of the given width and -- height. The output format is determined by the output file name. defaultParams :: CInt -> CInt -> EncodingParams defaultParams w h = EncodingParams w h 30 Nothing "" -- | Determine if the bitwise intersection of two values is non-zero. checkFlag :: Bits a => a -> a -> Bool checkFlag flg = \x -> (flg .&. x) /= allZeroBits where allZeroBits = clearBit (bit 0) 0 -- | Find and initialize the requested encoder, and add a video stream -- to the output container. initStream :: EncodingParams -> AVFormatContext -> IO (AVStream, AVCodecContext) initStream ep _ | (epWidth ep `rem` 2, epHeight ep `rem` 2) /= (0,0) = throwError $ strMsg "Video dimensions must be multiples of two" initStream ep oc = do -- Use the codec suggested by the output format, or override with -- the user's choice. codec <- maybe (getOutputFormat oc >>= getVideoCodecID) return (epCodec ep) cod <- avcodec_find_encoder codec when (getPtr cod == nullPtr) (errMsg "Couldn't find encoder") st <- avformat_new_stream oc cod getNumStreams oc >>= setId st . subtract 1 ctx <- getCodecContext st setWidth ctx (epWidth ep) setHeight ctx (epHeight ep) let framePeriod = AVRational 1 (fromIntegral $ epFps ep) setTimeBase ctx framePeriod setPixelFormat ctx $ case () of _ | codec == avCodecIdRawvideo -> avPixFmtRgb24 | codec == avCodecIdGif -> avPixFmtRgb8 | otherwise -> avPixFmtYuv420p -- Some formats want stream headers to be separate needsHeader <- checkFlag avfmtGlobalheader <$> (getOutputFormat oc >>= getFormatFlags) when needsHeader $ getCodecFlags ctx >>= setCodecFlags ctx . (.|. codecFlagGlobalHeader) -- _ <- withCString "vprofile" $ \kStr -> -- withCString (preset ep) $ \vStr -> -- av_opt_set ((#ptr AVCodecContext, priv_data) (getPtr ctx)) -- kStr vStr 0 when (not . null $ epPreset ep) . void $ withCString "preset" $ \kStr -> withCString (epPreset ep) $ \vStr -> getPrivData ctx >>= \pd -> av_opt_set pd kStr vStr 0 rOpen <- open_codec ctx cod nullPtr when (rOpen < 0) (throwError $ strMsg "Couldn't open codec") return (st, ctx) -- | Initialize a temporary YUV frame of the same resolution as the -- output video stream. We well convert RGB frames using this frame as -- a destination before encoding the video frame. initTempFrame :: EncodingParams -> AVPixelFormat -> IO AVFrame initTempFrame ep fmt = do yuv <- frame_alloc_check setPixelFormat yuv fmt setWidth yuv (epWidth ep) setHeight yuv (epHeight ep) setPts yuv 0 frame_get_buffer_check yuv 32 return yuv -- | Allocate an output context inferring the codec from the given -- file name. allocOutputContext :: FilePath -> IO AVFormatContext allocOutputContext fname = do oc <- alloca $ \ocTmp -> do r <- withCString fname $ \fname' -> avformat_alloc_output_context ocTmp (AVOutputFormat nullPtr) nullPtr fname' when (r < 0) (errMsg "Couldn't allocate output format context") peek ocTmp when (getPtr oc == nullPtr) (errMsg "Couldn't allocate output AVFormatContext") return oc -- | Open the given file for writing. avio_open_check :: AVFormatContext -> String -> IO () avio_open_check oc fname = do r <- withCString fname $ \cstr -> avio_open (hasIOContext oc) cstr avioFlagWrite when (r < 0) (errMsg "Error opening IO for writing") -- | Close an open IO context. avio_close_check :: AVFormatContext -> IO () avio_close_check oc = do r <- getIOContext oc >>= avio_close when (r /= 0) (errMsg "Error closing IO") -- | Returns 'True' if the 'AVPacket' was updated with new output -- data; 'False' otherwise. encode_video_check :: AVCodecContext -> AVPacket -> Maybe AVFrame -> IO Bool encode_video_check ctx pkt frame = alloca $ \gotOutput -> do r <- avcodec_encode_video2 ctx pkt frame' gotOutput when (r < 0) (errMsg "Error encoding frame") (> 0) <$> peek gotOutput where frame' = fromMaybe (AVFrame nullPtr) frame -- | Allocate the stream private data and write the stream header to -- an output media file. write_header_check :: AVFormatContext -> IO () write_header_check oc = do r <- avformat_write_header oc nullPtr when (r < 0) (errMsg "Error writing header") -- | Write a packet to an output media file. write_frame_check :: AVFormatContext -> AVPacket -> IO () write_frame_check oc pkt = do r <- av_write_frame oc pkt when (r < 0) (errMsg "Error writing frame") -- | Write the stream trailer to an output media file and free the -- private data. May only be called after a successful call to -- 'write_header_check'. write_trailer_check :: AVFormatContext -> IO () write_trailer_check oc = do r <- av_write_trailer oc when (r /= 0) (errMsg "Error writing trailer") -- | Quantize RGB24 pixels to the systematic RGB8 color palette. This -- is slow, but lets us prepare an RGB24 pixel format for output as an -- RGB8 GIF. palettizeRGB8 :: V.Vector (V3 CUChar) -> V.Vector CUChar palettizeRGB8 = V.map (searchPal . fmap fromIntegral) where pal :: V.Vector (V3 CInt) pal = V.generate 256 $ \i' -> let i = fromIntegral i' in V3 ((i `shiftR` 5) * 36) (((i `shiftR` 2) .&. 7) * 36) ((i .&. 3) * 85) searchPal = fromIntegral . flip V.minIndexBy pal . comparing . qd -- | Open a target file for writing a video stream. The function -- returned may be used to write RGB images of the resolution given by -- the provided 'EncodingParams'. The function will convert the -- supplied RGB frame to YUV (specifically, @yuv420p@) before encoding -- the image to the video stream. If this function is applied to -- 'Nothing', then the output stream is closed. Note that 'Nothing' -- /must/ be provided to properly terminate video encoding. frameWriter :: EncodingParams -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe (Vector CUChar) -> IO ()) frameWriter ep fname = do oc <- allocOutputContext fname (st,ctx) <- initStream ep oc dstFmt <- getPixelFormat ctx dstFrame <- initTempFrame ep dstFmt -- Initialize the scaler that we use to convert RGB -> dstFmt -- Note that libswscaler does not support Pal8 as an output format. sws <- if dstFmt /= avPixFmtPal8 && dstFmt /= avPixFmtRgb8 then Just <$> swsInit (ImageInfo (epWidth ep) (epHeight ep) avPixFmtRgb24) (ImageInfo (epWidth ep) (epHeight ep) dstFmt) swsBilinear else return Nothing pkt <- AVPacket <$> mallocBytes packetSize stIndex <- getStreamIndex st avio_open_check oc fname write_header_check oc tb <- getTimeBase st codecTB <- getCodecContext st >>= getTimeBase isRaw <- checkFlag avfmtRawpicture <$> (getOutputFormat oc >>= getFormatFlags) let frameTime = av_rescale_q 1 codecTB tb mkImage :: Vector CUChar -> Image PixelRGB8 mkImage = let [w,h] = map fromIntegral [epWidth ep, epHeight ep] in Image w h . V.unsafeCast resetPacket = do init_packet pkt setData pkt nullPtr setSize pkt 0 writePacket = do setStreamIndex pkt stIndex write_frame_check oc pkt copyDstData | dstFmt == avPixFmtRgb8 = copyDstDataAux . palettizeRGB8 . V.unsafeCast | otherwise = copyDstDataAux copyDstDataAux pixels = void . V.unsafeWith pixels $ \ptr -> av_image_fill_arrays (castPtr $ hasData dstFrame) (hasLineSize dstFrame) (castPtr ptr) dstFmt (epWidth ep) (epHeight ep) 1 scaleToDst sws' pixels = void $ swsScale sws' (mkImage pixels) dstFrame fillDst = maybe copyDstData scaleToDst sws addRaw Nothing = return () addRaw (Just pixels) = do resetPacket getPacketFlags pkt >>= setPacketFlags pkt . (.|. avPktFlagKey) --setSize pkt (fromIntegral $ V.length pixels) setSize pkt (fromIntegral pictureSize) getPts dstFrame >>= setPts dstFrame . (+ frameTime) getPts dstFrame >>= setPts pkt getPts dstFrame >>= setDts pkt V.unsafeWith pixels $ \ptr -> do setData pkt (castPtr ptr) writePacket addEncoded Nothing = do resetPacket encode_video_check ctx pkt Nothing >>= flip when (writePacket >> addEncoded Nothing) addEncoded (Just pixels) = do resetPacket fillDst pixels getPts dstFrame >>= setPts dstFrame . (+ frameTime) encode_video_check ctx pkt (Just dstFrame) >>= flip when writePacket addFrame = if isRaw then addRaw else addEncoded go Nothing = do addFrame Nothing write_trailer_check oc _ <- codec_close ctx with dstFrame av_frame_free avio_close_check oc avformat_free_context oc go (Just pixels) = addFrame (Just pixels) return go