-- (c) 2000-2005 by Martin Erwig [see file COPYRIGHT]
-- | Inward directed trees as lists of paths.
module Data.Graph.Inductive.Internal.RootPath (
    -- * Types
    -- * Operations
) where

import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph

instance Eq a => Eq (LPath a) where
  (LP [])        == (LP [])        = True
  (LP ((_,x):_)) == (LP ((_,y):_)) = x==y
  (LP _)         == (LP _)         = False

instance Ord a => Ord (LPath a) where
  compare (LP [])        (LP [])        = EQ
  compare (LP ((_,x):_)) (LP ((_,y):_)) = compare x y
  compare _ _ = error "LPath: cannot compare to empty paths"

type LRTree a = [LPath a]
type RTree = [Path]

first :: ([a] -> Bool) -> [[a]] -> [a]
first p xss  = case filter p xss of
                 []   -> []
                 x:_  -> x

-- | Find the first path in a tree that starts with the given node
findP :: Node -> LRTree a -> [LNode a]
findP _ []                                  = []
findP v ((LP []):ps)                        = findP v ps
findP v ((LP (p@((w,_):_))):ps) | v==w      = p
                                | otherwise = findP v ps

getPath :: Node -> RTree -> Path
getPath v = reverse . first (\(w:_)->w==v)

getLPath :: Node -> LRTree a -> LPath a
getLPath v = LP . reverse . findP v

getDistance :: Node -> LRTree a -> a
getDistance v = snd . head . findP v

getLPathNodes :: Node -> LRTree a -> Path
getLPathNodes v = (\(LP p)->map fst p) . getLPath v