fields-0.1.0: First-class record field combinators with infix record field syntax.



Using records, especially nested records, in Haskell can sometimes be a bit of a chore. Fortunately, there are several libraries in hackage to make working with records easier. This library is my attempt to build on top of these libraries to make working with records even more pleasant!

In most imperative languages, records are accessed using the infix dot operator. Record fields can be read simply by suffixing a record value with '.field' and they can be modified by simply assigning to that location. Although this is not the only way to access records (indeed, Haskell does not use it), many people (including myself) like it. This library attempts to support this style for Haskell records in the following manner:

 record.field.subfield      becomes     record .# field # subfield
 record.field = value       becomes     record .# field =: value

Of course, the infix assignment in Haskell is pure and doesn't actually mutate anything. Rather, a modified version of the record is returned.

Below, a detailed and commented usage example is presented.

 import Data.Record.Field
 import Data.Record.Label hiding ((=:))

Currently, fields is built on top of fclabels, so we import that package as well. We hide the (=:) operator because that operator is also used by fields itself.

First, let's define some example data types and derive lenses for them using fclabels.

 data Person = Person
      { _firstName :: String
      , _lastName  :: String
      , _age       :: Int
      , _superior  :: Maybe Person
      } deriving Show
 data Book = Book
      { _title      :: String
      , _author     :: Person
      , _characters :: [Person]
      } deriving Show
 $(mkLabels [''Person, ''Book])

Now, let's define some example data.

 howard  = Person "Howard"  "Lovecraft" 46 Nothing
 charles = Person "Charles" "Ward"      26 Nothing
 marinus = Person "Marinus" "Willett"   56 Nothing
 william = Person "William" "Dyer"      53 Nothing
 frank   = Person "Frank"   "Pabodie"   49 Nothing
 herbert = Person "Herbert" "West"      32 Nothing
 abdul   = Person "Abdul"   "Alhazred"  71 Nothing

 mountains    = Book "At the Mountains of Madness"     undefined []
 caseOfCDW    = Book "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward" undefined []
 reanimator   = Book "Herbert West -- The Re-animator" undefined []
 necronomicon = Book "Necronomicon"                    undefined []

 persons = [howard, charles, marinus, herbert, william, frank, abdul]
 books   = [mountains, caseOfCDW, reanimator, necronomicon]

Now, to look up a book's title, we can use the (.#) operator, which is the basis of all fields functionality. (.#) takes a value of type a and a Field from a to some other type (in this case, String) and returns the value of that field. Since an fclabels lens is an instance of Field, we can just use the lens directly.

 necronomicon .# title
 -- :: String

The author field, however, was left undefined in the above definition. We can set it using the (=:) operator

 necronomicon .# author =: abdul
 -- :: Book

A notable detail is that the above expression parenthesizes as necronomicon .# (author =: abdul). The (=:) operator takes a Field and a value for that Field and returns a new Field that, when read, returns a modified version of the record.

For the sake of the example, I will assume here that the subsequent references to necronomicon refer to this modified version (and similarly for all other assignment examples below), even though nothing is mutated in reality.

The (=~) operator is similar, except that instead of a value, it takes a function that modifies the previous value. For example

 howard .# age =~ succ
 -- :: Person

To access fields in nested records, Fields can be composed using the (#) combinator.

 necronomicon .# author # lastName
 -- :: String

If we wish to access a field of several records at once, we can use the (<.#>) operator, which can be used to access fields of a record inside a Functor. For example

 persons <.#> age
 -- :: [Int]

This also works for assignment. For example, let's fix the author fields of the rest of our books.

 [mountains, caseOfCDW, reanimator ] <.#> author =: howard
 -- :: [Book]

Because (<.#>) works for any Functor, we could access values of type Maybe Book, a -> Book or IO Book similarly.

We frequently wish to access several fields of a record simultaneously. fields supports this using tuples. A tuple of primitive Fields (currently, "primitive Field" means an fclabels lens) is itself a Field, provided that all the Fields in the tuple have the same source type (ie. you can combine Book :-> String and Book :-> Int but not Book :-> String and Person :-> String). For example, we could do

 howard .# (firstName, lastName, age)
 -- :: (String, String, Int)

fields defines instances for tuples of up to 10 elements. In addition, the 2-tuple instance is recursively defined so that a tuple (a, b) is a Field if a is a primitive Field and b is any valid field. This makes it possible to do

 howard .# (firstName, (lastName, age)) =~ (reverse *** reverse *** negate)
 -- :: Person

We can also compose a Field with a pure function (for example, a regular record field accessor function) using the ('#$') combinator. However, since a function is one-way, the resulting Field cannot be used to set values, and trying to do so will result in an error.

 howard .# lastName #$ length
 -- :: Int

If we wish to set fields of several records at once, but so that we can also specify the value individually for each record, we can use the (*#) and (=*) operators, which can be thought of as "zippy" assignment. They can be used like this

 [ mountains, caseOfCDW, reanimator ] *# characters =*
     [ [ william, frank ]
     , [ charles, marinus ]
     , [ herbert ] ]
 -- :: [Book]

For more complex queries, fields also provides the (<#>) and (<##>) combinators. (<#>) combines a Field of type a :-> f b with a field of type b :-> c, producing a Field of type a :-> f c, where f is any Applicative functor.

 mountains .# characters <#> (lastName, age)
 -- :: [(String, Int)]

(<##>) is similar, except that flattens two monadic Fields together. I.e. the type signature is a :-> m b -> b :-> m c -> a :-> m c. For example

 frank .# superior <##> superior <##> superior
 -- :: Maybe Person

Both (<#>) and (<##>) also support assignment normally, although the exact semantics vary depending on the Applicative or Monad in question.

We might also like to sort or otherwise manipulate collections of records easily. For this, fields provides the onField combinator in the manner of Data.Function.on. For example, to sort a list of books by their authors' last names, we can use

 sortBy (compare `onField` author # lastName) books
 -- :: [Book]

Using tuples, we can also easily define sub-orderings. For example, if we wish to break ties based on the authors' first names and then by ages, we can use

 sortBy (compare `onField` author # (lastName, firstName, age)) books
 -- :: [Book]

Since onField accepts any Field, we can easily specify more complex criteria. To sort a list of books by the sum of their characters' ages (which is a bit silly), we could use

 sortBy (compare `onField` (characters <#> age) #$ sum) books
 -- :: [Book]

fields also attempts to support convenient pattern matching by means of the match function and GHC's ViewPatterns extension. To pattern match on records, you could do something like this

 case charles of
      (match lastName        -> "Dexter")    -> Left False
      (match lastName        -> "Ward")      -> Left True
      (match (age, superior) -> (a, Just s))
         | a > 18                            -> Right a
         | otherwise                         -> Right (s .# age)
 -- :: Either Bool Int

Finally, a pair of combinators is provided to access record fields of collection types. The (#!) combinator has the type a :-> c b -> i -> a :-> Maybe b, where c is an instance of Indexable and i is an index type suitable for c. For example, you can use an Integral value to index a String and a value of type k to index a Map k v. The (#!!) combinator is also provided. It doesn't have Maybe in the return type, so using a bad index will usually result in an error.

Currently, instances are provided for [a], Data.Map, Data.IntMap, Data.Array.IArray, Data.Set and Data.IntSet.
