{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- | functions that help you with debugging.
-- Most would make sense in the Debug.Trace module
-- There are Template Haskell versions that show you file locaiton information
module Debug.FileLocation
  (debug, debugM, debugMsg, dbg, dbgMsg, trc, ltrace, ltraceM, strace, traceId, __LOC__)

import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure)
import Language.Haskell.TH (recConE, litE, stringL, integerL)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Instances
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Debug.Util
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import FileLocation.LocationString (locationToString)

-- | TH  version of Debug.Trace.trace that just prints a value.
dbg :: Q Exp
dbg = do
  loc <- qLocation
  let pre = "DEBUG: " ++ (locationToString loc)
  [|(\_x -> ltrace pre _x)|]

-- | TH version  of Debug.Trace.trace that prints a value and a message
-- prefix.
dbgMsg :: String -> Q Exp
dbgMsg msg = do
  loc <- qLocation
  let pre = "DEBUG: " ++ (locationToString loc) ++ ' ' : msg
  [|(\_x -> ltrace pre _x)|]

-- | A TH version of Debug.Trace.trace that prints location information
trc :: String -> Q Exp
trc str = do
  loc <- qLocation
  let prefix = "TRACE: " ++ (locationToString loc) ++ " "
  [|trace (prefix ++ str)|]

-- | A TH monadic version of debug - print a value with location information as a stand alone expression in a monad
dbgM :: Q Exp
dbgM = do
  loc <- qLocation
  let prefix = "DEBUG: " ++ (locationToString loc) ++ " "
  [|(\_x -> ltraceM (prefix ++ show _x) _x)|]

-- | Embed an expression of type Loc containing the location
-- information for the place where it appears.  Could be used in
-- custom Exception types and similar:
-- > throw $ MyException $__LOC__
__LOC__ :: Q Exp
__LOC__ = lift =<< location