{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}

-- | The module exposing the functionality of this package
module Filediff
( -- * lists
, applyListDiff

  -- * files
, diffFiles
, applyToFile

  -- * directories
, diffDirectories
, diffDirectoriesWithIgnoredSubdirs
, applyToDirectory
) where

import Debug.Trace
import qualified Data.HashMap as HMap

import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Concurrent.Thread as Thread (Result(..))
import Control.Concurrent.Thread.Group as ThreadGroup (new, forkIO, wait)

import qualified System.IO as IO
import qualified System.Directory as D

import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO

import Data.MemoCombinators.Class (MemoTable, table)
import qualified Data.MemoCombinators as Memo

-- function imports

import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust, catMaybes)

import Data.List ((\\), intersect)

import Data.Monoid
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)

-- Filediff imports

import Filediff.Types
import Filediff.Utils
    ( (</>)
    , (<.>)
    , getFileDirectory
    , removeDotDirs
    , createFileWithContents
    , dropUntil
    , removeFirstPathComponent
    , removePathComponents
    , getDirectoryContentsRecursiveSafe
    , isPrefix
    , dropPrefix
    , dropInitialSlash
    , dropTrailingSlash )

-- * basic operations

-- | /O(mn)/. Compute the difference between the two files (more
--   specifically, the minimal number of changes to make to transform the
--   file residing at the location specified by the first
--   parameter into the second). Throws an exception if either or both of
--   the parameters point to a directory, not a file.
--   Files are allowed to not exist at either or both of the parameters.
diffFiles :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Filediff
diffFiles a b = do
    aIsDir <- D.doesDirectoryExist a
    bIsDir <- D.doesDirectoryExist b
    when (aIsDir || bIsDir) $ error $ "One or both of " ++ a ++ " and " ++ b ++ "is not a file, but a directory."

    aExists <- D.doesFileExist a
    bExists <- D.doesFileExist b
    case (aExists, bExists) of
        (False, False) -> return $ Filediff a b mempty
        (False, True ) -> addCase
        (True , False) -> delCase
        (True , True ) -> modCase
        addCase :: IO Filediff
        addCase = do
            let aLines = []
            bLines <- T.lines <$> TIO.readFile b
            return Filediff
                { base = a
                , comp = b
                , change = Add $ diffLists aLines bLines }

        delCase :: IO Filediff
        delCase = do
            aLines <- T.lines <$> TIO.readFile a
            let bLines = []
            return Filediff
                { base = a
                , comp = b
                , change = Del $ diffLists aLines bLines }

        modCase :: IO Filediff
        modCase = do
            aLines <- T.lines <$> TIO.readFile a
            bLines <- T.lines <$> TIO.readFile b
            return Filediff
                { base = a
                , comp = b
                , change = Mod $ diffLists aLines bLines }

-- | Compute the difference between the two directories (more
--   specifically, the minimal number of changes to make to transform the
--   directory residing at the location specified by the first
--   parameter into the second). Throws an exception if either or both of
--   the parameters point to a file, not a directory.
diffDirectories :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Diff
diffDirectories a b = diffDirectoriesWithIgnoredSubdirs a b [] []

-- | Diff two directories, ignoring some subdirectories. The first
-- `[FilePath]` parameter refers to the first `FilePath` parameter,
-- and same for the second, respectively.
diffDirectoriesWithIgnoredSubdirs :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> IO Diff
diffDirectoriesWithIgnoredSubdirs a' b' aToIgnore bToIgnore = do
    aIsFile <- D.doesFileExist a
    bIsFile <- D.doesFileExist b
    when (aIsFile || bIsFile) $ error $ "One or both of " ++ a ++ " and " ++ b ++ "is not a directory, but a file."

    aContents' <- getDirectoryContentsRecursiveSafe a
    bContents' <- getDirectoryContentsRecursiveSafe b
    let aContents = filter (not . shouldIgnore aToIgnore) aContents'
    let bContents = filter (not . shouldIgnore bToIgnore) bContents'

    intersectionDiffs <- getDiffs $ intersect aContents bContents

    aOnlyDiffs <- getDiffs $ aContents \\ bContents

    bOnlyDiffs <- getDiffs $ bContents \\ aContents

    let allDiffs = map makeRelative $ intersectionDiffs ++ aOnlyDiffs ++ bOnlyDiffs

    return $ Diff allDiffs
        a :: FilePath
        a = dropTrailingSlash a'

        b :: FilePath
        b = dropTrailingSlash b'

        -- | `x` is the prefix of the "base" of the diff; `y` is the
        -- | "compare".
        getDiffs :: [FilePath] -> IO [Filediff]
        getDiffs filepaths
            = filter (not . isIdentityFileDiff)
            <$> mapM (\fp -> diffFiles (a </> fp) (b </> fp)) filepaths

        isIdentityFileDiff :: Filediff -> Bool
        isIdentityFileDiff = (==) mempty . change

        makeRelative :: Filediff -> Filediff
        makeRelative (Filediff base comp change) =
                (dropInitialSlash $ dropPrefix a base)
                (dropInitialSlash $ dropPrefix b comp)

        shouldIgnore :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> Bool
        shouldIgnore toIgnore filepath = any (flip isPrefix $ filepath) toIgnore

-- | /O(n)/. Apply a diff to a file. Throws an exception if the
--   application fails.
applyToFile :: Filediff -> FilePath -> IO [Line]--EitherT Error IO ()
applyToFile (Filediff _ _ change) filepath = do
    case change of
        Del _       -> delCase
        Mod listdiff -> modCase listdiff
        Add listdiff -> addCase listdiff
        delCase :: IO [Line]
        delCase = D.removeFile filepath >> return []

        addCase :: ListDiff Line -> IO [Line]
        addCase listDiff = createFileWithContents filepath "" >> modCase listDiff

        modCase :: ListDiff Line -> IO [Line]
        modCase listDiff = do
            -- Data.Text.IO.readFile is strict, which is what we
            -- need, here (because of the write right after)
            file <- TIO.readFile filepath 
            let result = applyListDiff listDiff . T.lines $ file
            TIO.writeFile filepath (safeInit . T.unlines $ result) -- `init` for trailing \n
            return result

        safeInit :: T.Text -> T.Text
        safeInit x = if T.null x then x else T.init x

-- | Applies a `Diff` to a directory. Throws an exception if the
--   application fails.
applyToDirectory :: Diff -> FilePath -> IO ()
applyToDirectory (Diff filediffs) filepath
    = void $ mapMParallelWaitForAll (void . apply) filediffs
        apply :: Filediff -> IO [Line]
        apply diff@(Filediff base compare _)
            = applyToFile diff (filepath </> base)

mapMParallelWaitForAll :: (a -> IO b) -> [a] -> IO [Thread.Result b]
mapMParallelWaitForAll f list = do
    group <- ThreadGroup.new
    ioResults <- mapM (fmap snd . ThreadGroup.forkIO group . f) list
    ThreadGroup.wait group
    sequence ioResults

-- | Computes the minimal number of additions and deletions needed to
--   transform the first parameter into the second.
--       > λ diffLists "abcdefg" "wabxyze"
--       > ListDiff {dels = [(2,'c'),(3,'d'),(5,'f'),(6,'g')], adds = [(0,'w'),(3,'x'),(4,'y'),(5,'z')]}
diffLists :: forall a. (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> ListDiff a
diffLists a b = ListDiff
    (map (\i -> (i, a !! i)) $ nonSubsequenceIndices common a)
    (getProgressiveIndicesToAdd common b)
        common :: [a]
        common = longestCommonSubsequenceWrapper a b

        -- | > λ add
        --   > [(0,"w"),(3,"x"),(4,"y")]
        --   > λ common
        --   > ["a","b","e"]
        getProgressiveIndicesToAdd :: [a] -> [a] -> [(Int, a)]
        getProgressiveIndicesToAdd sub super =
            map (\i -> (i, super !! i)) $ nonSubsequenceIndices sub super

-- |     > λ diffLists "abcdefg" "wabxyze"
--       > ListDiff {dels = [(2,'c'),(3,'d'),(5,'f'),(6,'g')], adds = [(0,'w'),(3,'x'),(4,'y'),(5,'z')]}
--       > λ applyListDiff it "abcdefg"
--       > "wabxyze"
-- Throws an exception if the diff can't be applied.
applyListDiff :: forall a. (Eq a) => ListDiff a -> [a] -> [a]
applyListDiff (ListDiff dels adds)
    = insertAtProgressiveIndices adds . removeAtIndices dels
        -- | Best explained by example:
        -- |
        -- |     > λ insertAtProgressiveIndices [(1,'a'),(3,'b')] "def"
        -- |     > "daebf"
        insertAtProgressiveIndices :: [(Int, a)] -> [a] -> [a]
        insertAtProgressiveIndices = insertAtProgressiveIndices' 0

        insertAtProgressiveIndices' :: Int -> [(Int, a)] -> [a] -> [a]
        insertAtProgressiveIndices' _ [] dest = dest
        insertAtProgressiveIndices' curr src@((i,s):src') [] =
            s : insertAtProgressiveIndices' (succ curr) src' []
        insertAtProgressiveIndices' curr src@((i,s):src') dest@(d:dest') =
            if i == curr
                then s : insertAtProgressiveIndices' (succ curr) src' dest
                else d : insertAtProgressiveIndices' (succ curr) src dest'

-- all functions below are not exposed

-- don't hit the memotable if not necessary
longestCommonSubsequenceWrapper :: forall a. (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
longestCommonSubsequenceWrapper xs ys =
    if xs == ys
        then xs -- (WLOG) don't want to return xs ++ xs
        else commonPrefix
            ++ longestCommonSubsequence (getMiddle xs) (getMiddle ys)
            ++ commonSuffix
        commonPrefix :: [a]
        commonPrefix = getCommonPrefix xs ys

        -- drop (length commonPrefix) to prevent the "abc" vs. "abc*abc" case
        commonSuffix :: [a]
        commonSuffix = reverse
                (reverse (drop (length commonPrefix) xs))
                (reverse (drop (length commonPrefix) ys)))

        getCommonPrefix :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
        getCommonPrefix as bs = map fst . takeWhile (uncurry (==)) $ zip as bs

        -- xs = abcd***efg
        -- ys = abcd???????efg
        -- getMiddle xs == ****
        -- getMiddle ys = ??????
        getMiddle :: [a] -> [a]
        getMiddle elems = take (length elems - length commonPrefix - length commonSuffix) . drop (length commonPrefix) $ elems

-- | Compute the longest common (potentially noncontiguous) subsequence
--   between two sequences. Element type is fixed because memoization
--   requires a static type.
longestCommonSubsequence :: forall a. (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
longestCommonSubsequence xs ys = longestCommonSubsequence' 0 0
        -- TODO: UArray?
        xs' :: HMap.Map Int a
        xs' = foldl update HMap.empty (zip [0..] xs)

        ys' :: HMap.Map Int a
        ys' = foldl update HMap.empty (zip [0..] ys)

        update :: HMap.Map Int a -> (Int, a) -> HMap.Map Int a
        update hmap (i, a) = HMap.insert i a hmap

        xsLength :: Int
        xsLength = length xs

        ysLength :: Int
        ysLength = length ys

        longestCommonSubsequence' :: Int -> Int -> [a]
        longestCommonSubsequence' = Memo.memo2 Memo.integral Memo.integral longestCommonSubsequence''

        longestCommonSubsequence'' :: Int -> Int -> [a]
        longestCommonSubsequence'' i j
            | i == xsLength = []
            | j == ysLength = []
            | x == y = x : longestCommonSubsequence' (i + 1) (j + 1) -- WLOG
            | length caseX > length caseY = caseX
            | otherwise = caseY
                x :: a
                x = xs' HMap.! i

                y :: a
                y = ys' HMap.! j

                caseX :: [a]
                caseX = longestCommonSubsequence' (i + 1) j

                caseY :: [a]
                caseY = longestCommonSubsequence' i (j + 1)

-- | When `sub` is a (not necessarily contiguous) subsequence of `super`,
--   get the index at which each element of `sub` appears. E.g.
--       > λ subsequenceIndices "abe" "abcdefg"
--       > [0,1,4]
subsequenceIndices :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [Int]
subsequenceIndices [] _ = []
subsequenceIndices _ [] = error "`sub` was not a subsequence of `super`"
subsequenceIndices sub@(a:sub') super@(b:super') =
    if a == b
        then 0 : map succ (subsequenceIndices sub' super')
        else     map succ (subsequenceIndices sub super')

-- | When `sub` is a (not necessarily contiguous) subsequence of `super`,
--   get the indices at which elements of `sub` do *not* appear. E.g.
--       > λ nonSubsequenceIndices "abe" "abcdefg"
--       > [2,3,5,6]
nonSubsequenceIndices :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [Int]
nonSubsequenceIndices sub super =
    [0..(length super - 1)] \\ (subsequenceIndices sub super)

-- | /O(n)/. `indices` parameter *must* be sorted in increasing order,
--   and indices must all exist. Throws an exception if the provided
--   list doesn't have those elements at those indices.
removeAtIndices :: forall a. (Eq a) => [(Int, a)] -> [a] -> [a]
removeAtIndices dels list = if not matches
    then error $ "Fatal: can't apply this diff to this list."
    else removeAtIndices' 0 (map fst dels) list
        matches :: Bool
        matches = all (\(i, ch) -> (list !! i) == ch) dels

        removeAtIndices' :: Int -> [Int] -> [a] -> [a]
        removeAtIndices' _ [] xs = xs
        removeAtIndices' curr (i:is) (x:xs) =
            if curr == i
                then     removeAtIndices' (succ curr) is xs
                else x : removeAtIndices' (succ curr) (i:is) xs