{- | Module : Data.FileStore.Git Copyright : Copyright (C) 2009 John MacFarlane License : BSD 3 Maintainer : John MacFarlane Stability : alpha Portability : GHC 6.10 required A versioned filestore implemented using git. Normally this module should not be imported: import "Data.FileStore" instead. -} module Data.FileStore.Git ( gitFileStore ) where import Data.FileStore.Types import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import Data.List.Split (endByOneOf) import System.Exit import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime) import Data.FileStore.Utils (withSanityCheck, hashsMatch, runShellCommand, escapeRegexSpecialChars, withVerifyDir, encodeArg) import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 (toString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as P import Control.Monad (when) import System.FilePath (()) import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, doesDirectoryExist, executable, getPermissions, setPermissions) import Control.Exception (throwIO) import Paths_filestore -- | Return a filestore implemented using the git distributed revision control system -- (). gitFileStore :: FilePath -> FileStore gitFileStore repo = FileStore { initialize = gitInit repo , save = gitSave repo , retrieve = gitRetrieve repo , delete = gitDelete repo , rename = gitMove repo , history = gitLog repo , latest = gitLatestRevId repo , revision = gitGetRevision repo , index = gitIndex repo , directory = gitDirectory repo , search = gitSearch repo , idsMatch = const hashsMatch repo } -- | Run a git command and return error status, error output, standard output. The repository -- is used as working directory. runGitCommand :: FilePath -> String -> [String] -> IO (ExitCode, String, B.ByteString) runGitCommand repo command args = do let env = Just [("GIT_DIFF_OPTS","-u100000")] (status, err, out) <- runShellCommand repo env "git" (command : args) return (status, toString err, out) -- | Initialize a repository, creating the directory if needed. gitInit :: FilePath -> IO () gitInit repo = do exists <- doesDirectoryExist repo when exists $ withVerifyDir repo $ throwIO RepositoryExists createDirectoryIfMissing True repo (status, err, _) <- runGitCommand repo "init" [] if status == ExitSuccess then do -- Add the post-update hook, so that changes made remotely via git -- will be reflected in the working directory. postupdatepath <- getDataFileName $ "extra" "post-update" postupdatecontents <- B.readFile postupdatepath let postupdate = repo ".git" "hooks" "post-update" B.writeFile postupdate postupdatecontents perms <- getPermissions postupdate setPermissions postupdate (perms {executable = True}) -- Set up repo to allow push to current branch (status', err', _) <- runGitCommand repo "config" ["receive.denyCurrentBranch","ignore"] if status' == ExitSuccess then return () else throwIO $ UnknownError $ "git config failed:\n" ++ err' else throwIO $ UnknownError $ "git-init failed:\n" ++ err -- | Commit changes to a resource. Raise 'Unchanged' exception if there were -- no changes. gitCommit :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> Author -> String -> IO () gitCommit repo names author logMsg = do (statusCommit, errCommit, _) <- runGitCommand repo "commit" $ ["--author", authorName author ++ " <" ++ authorEmail author ++ ">", "-m", logMsg] ++ names if statusCommit == ExitSuccess then return () else throwIO $ if null errCommit then Unchanged else UnknownError $ "Could not git commit " ++ unwords names ++ "\n" ++ errCommit -- | Save changes (creating file and directory if needed), add, and commit. gitSave :: Contents a => FilePath -> FilePath -> Author -> Description -> a -> IO () gitSave repo name author logMsg contents = do withSanityCheck repo [".git"] name $ B.writeFile (repo encodeArg name) $ toByteString contents (statusAdd, errAdd, _) <- runGitCommand repo "add" [name] if statusAdd == ExitSuccess then gitCommit repo [name] author logMsg else throwIO $ UnknownError $ "Could not git add '" ++ name ++ "'\n" ++ errAdd -- | Retrieve contents from resource. gitRetrieve :: Contents a => FilePath -> FilePath -> Maybe RevisionId -- ^ @Just@ revision ID, or @Nothing@ for latest -> IO a gitRetrieve repo name revid = do let objectName = case revid of Nothing -> "HEAD:" ++ name Just rev -> rev ++ ":" ++ name -- Check that the object is a file (blob), not a directory (tree) (_, _, output) <- runGitCommand repo "cat-file" ["-t", objectName] when (take 4 (toString output) /= "blob") $ throwIO NotFound (status', err', output') <- runGitCommand repo "cat-file" ["-p", objectName] if status' == ExitSuccess then return $ fromByteString output' else throwIO $ UnknownError $ "Error in git cat-file:\n" ++ err' -- | Delete a resource from the repository. gitDelete :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Author -> Description -> IO () gitDelete repo name author logMsg = withSanityCheck repo [".git"] name $ do (statusAdd, errRm, _) <- runGitCommand repo "rm" [name] if statusAdd == ExitSuccess then gitCommit repo [name] author logMsg else throwIO $ UnknownError $ "Could not git rm '" ++ name ++ "'\n" ++ errRm -- | Change the name of a resource. gitMove :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Author -> Description -> IO () gitMove repo oldName newName author logMsg = do _ <- gitLatestRevId repo oldName -- will throw a NotFound error if oldName doesn't exist (statusAdd, err, _) <- withSanityCheck repo [".git"] newName $ runGitCommand repo "mv" [oldName, newName] if statusAdd == ExitSuccess then gitCommit repo [oldName, newName] author logMsg else throwIO $ UnknownError $ "Could not git mv " ++ oldName ++ " " ++ newName ++ "\n" ++ err -- | Return revision ID for latest commit for a resource. gitLatestRevId :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO RevisionId gitLatestRevId repo name = do (revListStatus, _, output) <- runGitCommand repo "rev-list" ["--max-count=1", "HEAD", "--", name] -- we need to check separately to make sure the resource hasn't been removed -- from the repository: (catStatus,_, _) <- runGitCommand repo "cat-file" ["-e", "HEAD:" ++ name] if revListStatus == ExitSuccess && catStatus == ExitSuccess then do let result = takeWhile (`notElem` "\n\r \t") $ toString output if null result then throwIO NotFound else return result else throwIO NotFound -- | Get revision information for a particular revision ID, or latest revision. gitGetRevision :: FilePath -> RevisionId -> IO Revision gitGetRevision repo revid = do (status, _, output) <- runGitCommand repo "whatchanged" ["-z","--pretty=format:" ++ gitLogFormat, "--max-count=1", revid] if status == ExitSuccess then case P.parse parseGitLog "" (toString output) of Left err' -> throwIO $ UnknownError $ "error parsing git log: " ++ show err' Right [r] -> return r Right [] -> throwIO NotFound Right xs -> throwIO $ UnknownError $ "git rev-list returned more than one result: " ++ show xs else throwIO NotFound -- | Get a list of all known files inside and managed by a repository. gitIndex :: FilePath ->IO [FilePath] gitIndex repo = withVerifyDir repo $ do (status, _err, output) <- runGitCommand repo "ls-tree" ["-r","-t","-z","HEAD"] if status == ExitSuccess then return $ mapMaybe (lineToFilename . words) . endByOneOf ['\0'] . toString $ output else return [] -- if error, will return empty list -- note: on a newly initialized repo, 'git ls-tree HEAD' returns an error where lineToFilename (_:"blob":_:rest) = Just $ unwords rest lineToFilename _ = Nothing -- | Get list of resources in one directory of the repository. gitDirectory :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO [Resource] gitDirectory repo dir = withVerifyDir (repo dir) $ do (status, _err, output) <- runGitCommand repo "ls-tree" ["-z","HEAD:" ++ dir] if status == ExitSuccess then return $ map (lineToResource . words) $ endByOneOf ['\0'] $ toString output else return [] -- if error, this will return empty list -- note: on a newly initialized repo, 'git ls-tree HEAD:' returns an error where lineToResource (_:"blob":_:rest) = FSFile $ unwords rest lineToResource (_:"tree":_:rest) = FSDirectory $ unwords rest lineToResource _ = error "Encountered an item that is neither blob nor tree in git ls-tree" -- | Uses git-grep to search repository. Escape regex special characters, so the pattern -- is interpreted as an ordinary string. gitSearch :: FilePath -> SearchQuery -> IO [SearchMatch] gitSearch repo query = do let opts = ["-I","-n","--null"] ++ ["--ignore-case" | queryIgnoreCase query] ++ ["--all-match" | queryMatchAll query] ++ ["--word-regexp" | queryWholeWords query] (status, errOutput, output) <- runGitCommand repo "grep" (opts ++ concatMap (\term -> ["-e", escapeRegexSpecialChars term]) (queryPatterns query)) case status of ExitSuccess -> return $ map parseMatchLine $ lines $ toString output ExitFailure 1 -> return [] -- status of 1 means no matches in recent versions of git ExitFailure _ -> throwIO $ UnknownError $ "git grep returned error status.\n" ++ errOutput -- Auxiliary function for searchResults parseMatchLine :: String -> SearchMatch parseMatchLine str = SearchMatch{ matchResourceName = fname , matchLineNumber = if not (null ln) then read ln else error $ "parseMatchLine: " ++ str , matchLine = cont} where (fname,xs) = break (== '\NUL') str rest = drop 1 xs -- for some reason, NUL is used after line number instead of -- : when --match-all is passed to git-grep. (ln,ys) = span (`elem` ['0'..'9']) rest cont = drop 1 ys -- drop : or NUL after line number {- -- | Uses git-diff to get a dif between two revisions. gitDiff :: FilePath -> FilePath -> RevisionId -> RevisionId -> IO String gitDiff repo name from to = do (status, _, output) <- runGitCommand repo "diff" [from, to, name] if status == ExitSuccess then return $ toString output else do -- try it without the path, since the error might be "not in working tree" for a deleted file (status', err', output') <- runGitCommand repo "diff" [from, to] if status' == ExitSuccess then return $ toString output' else throwIO $ UnknownError $ "git diff returned error:\n" ++ err' -} gitLogFormat :: String gitLogFormat = "%H%n%ct%n%an%n%ae%n%B%n%x00" -- | Return list of log entries for the given time frame and list of resources. -- If list of resources is empty, log entries for all resources are returned. gitLog :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> TimeRange -> IO [Revision] gitLog repo names (TimeRange mbSince mbUntil) = do (status, err, output) <- runGitCommand repo "whatchanged" $ ["-z","--pretty=format:" ++ gitLogFormat] ++ (case mbSince of Just since -> ["--since='" ++ show since ++ "'"] Nothing -> []) ++ (case mbUntil of Just til -> ["--until='" ++ show til ++ "'"] Nothing -> []) ++ ["--"] ++ names if status == ExitSuccess then case P.parse parseGitLog "" (toString output) of Left err' -> throwIO $ UnknownError $ "Error parsing git log.\n" ++ show err' Right parsed -> return parsed else throwIO $ UnknownError $ "git whatchanged returned error status.\n" ++ err -- -- Parsers to parse git log into Revisions. -- parseGitLog :: P.Parser [Revision] parseGitLog = P.manyTill gitLogEntry P.eof wholeLine :: P.GenParser Char st String wholeLine = P.manyTill P.anyChar P.newline nonblankLine :: P.GenParser Char st String nonblankLine = P.notFollowedBy P.newline >> wholeLine nullChar :: P.GenParser Char st () nullChar = P.satisfy (=='\0') >> return () gitLogEntry :: P.Parser Revision gitLogEntry = do rev <- nonblankLine date <- nonblankLine author <- wholeLine email <- wholeLine subject <- P.manyTill P.anyChar nullChar P.spaces changes <- P.manyTill gitLogChange (P.eof P.<|> nullChar) let stripTrailingNewlines = reverse . dropWhile (=='\n') . reverse return Revision { revId = rev , revDateTime = posixSecondsToUTCTime $ realToFrac (read date :: Integer) , revAuthor = Author { authorName = author, authorEmail = email } , revDescription = stripTrailingNewlines subject , revChanges = changes } gitLogChange :: P.Parser Change gitLogChange = do line <- P.manyTill P.anyChar nullChar let changeType = take 1 $ reverse line file' <- P.manyTill P.anyChar nullChar case changeType of "A" -> return $ Added file' "M" -> return $ Modified file' "D" -> return $ Deleted file' _ -> return $ Modified file'