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filestore- Interface for versioning file stores.

CopyrightCopyright (C) 2009 John MacFarlane Gwern Branwen
LicenseBSD 3
MaintainerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
Safe HaskellSafe



Utility functions for running external processes.



runShellCommand Source #


:: FilePath

Working directory

-> Maybe [(String, String)]


-> String


-> [String]


-> IO (ExitCode, ByteString, ByteString) 

Run shell command and return error status, standard output, and error output. Assumes UTF-8 locale. Note that this does not actually go through /bin/sh!

mergeContents Source #


:: (String, ByteString)

(label, contents) of edited version

-> (String, ByteString)

(label, contents) of original revision

-> (String, ByteString)

(label, contents) of latest version

-> IO (Bool, String)

(were there conflicts?, merged contents)

Do a three way merge, using either git merge-file or RCS merge. Assumes that either git or merge is in the system path. Assumes UTF-8 locale.

hashsMatch :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool Source #

A number of VCS systems uniquely identify a particular revision or change via a cryptographic hash of some sort. These hashs can be very long, and so systems like Git and Darcs don't require the entire hash - a *unique prefix*. Thus a definition of hash equality is ==, certainly, but also simply whether either is a prefix of the other. If both are reasonably long, then the likelihood the shorter one is not a unique prefix of the longer (that is, clashes with another hash) is small. The burden of proof is on the caller to not pass a uselessly short short-hash like '1', however.

parseMatchLine :: String -> SearchMatch Source #

A parser function. This is intended for use on strings which are output by grep programs or programs which mimic the standard grep output - which uses colons as delimiters and has 3 fields: the filename, the line number, and then the matching line itself. Note that this is for use on only strings meeting that format - if it goes "file:match", this will throw a pattern-match exception.

parseMatchLine "foo:10:bar baz quux" ~> 
SearchMatch {matchResourceName = "foo", matchLineNumber = 10, matchLine = "bar baz quux"}

splitEmailAuthor :: String -> (Maybe String, String) Source #

Our policy is: if the input is clearly a "name <e@mail.com>" input, then we return "(Just Address, Name)" If there is no < in the input, then it clearly can't be of that format, and so we just return "(Nothing, Name)"

splitEmailAuthor "foo bar baz@gmail.com" ~> (Nothing,"foo bar baz@gmail.com")
splitEmailAuthor "foo bar <baz@gmail.com>" ~> (Just "baz@gmail.com","foo bar")

ensureFileExists :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () Source #

If name doesn't exist in repo or is not a file, throw NotFound exception.

regSearchFiles :: FilePath -> [String] -> String -> IO [String] Source #

Search multiple files with a single regexp. This calls out to grep, and so supports the regular expressions grep does.

regsSearchFile :: [String] -> FilePath -> [String] -> String -> IO [String] Source #

Search a single file with multiple regexps.

withSanityCheck :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO b -> IO b Source #

Check that the filename/location is within the given repo, and not inside any of the (relative) paths in excludes. Create the directory if needed. If everything checks out, then perform the specified action.

grepSearchRepo :: (FilePath -> IO [String]) -> FilePath -> SearchQuery -> IO [SearchMatch] Source #

Uses grep to search a file-based repository. Note that this calls out to grep; and so is generic over repos like git or darcs-based repos. (The git FileStore instance doesn't use this because git has builtin grep functionality.) Expected usage is to specialize this function with a particular backend's index.

withVerifyDir :: FilePath -> IO a -> IO a Source #

we don't actually need the contents, just want to check that the directory exists and we have enough permissions

encodeArg :: String -> String Source #

Encode argument for raw command.