Name: fingertree Version: Cabal-Version: >= 1.18 Copyright: (c) 2006 Ross Paterson, Ralf Hinze License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Maintainer: Ross Paterson bug-reports: Category: Data Structures Synopsis: Generic finger-tree structure, with example instances Description: A general sequence representation with arbitrary annotations, for use as a base for implementations of various collection types, with examples, as described in section 4 of . * Ralf Hinze and Ross Paterson, \"Finger trees: a simple general-purpose data structure\", /Journal of Functional Programming/ 16:2 (2006) pp 197-217. . For a tuned sequence type, see @Data.Sequence@ in the @containers@ package, which is a specialization of this structure. Build-Type: Simple Extra-Source-Files: changelog Extra-Doc-Files: images/search.svg Source-Repository head Type: darcs Location: Library Build-Depends: base < 6 Default-Language: Haskell2010 Other-Extensions: MultiParamTypeClasses FunctionalDependencies FlexibleInstances UndecidableInstances Exposed-Modules: Data.FingerTree Data.IntervalMap.FingerTree Data.PriorityQueue.FingerTree Test-suite ft-properties type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: tests/ft-properties.hs cpp-options: -DTESTING default-language: Haskell2010 build-depends: base >= 4.2 && < 6, HUnit, QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2