module PromptSpec (spec) where import App (Env (..), PromptResult (Result, Skip)) import Config.AppConfig (AppConfig (..)) import Config.YamlConfig (Filling (Filling, match), LedgerConfig (..), fill) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT (runReaderT)) import Data.IORef (modifyIORef, newIORef, readIORef) import Data.List (isInfixOf) import Data.Map (empty, fromList) import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Text.IO qualified as TIO import Data.Time.Calendar (Day (ModifiedJulianDay)) import Prompt (transactionsToLedger) import Test.Syd (Spec, describe, goldenTextFile, it, shouldBe, shouldContain) import Transactions (Amount (Amount), Transaction (..)) spec :: Spec spec = do describe "transactionsToLedger" do it "shows the transaction" do output <- runToLedger [testTransaction] testEnv output `shouldContain` T.unpack output `shouldContain` "99.99" output `shouldContain` T.unpack testTransaction.currency output `shouldContain` T.unpack testTransaction.posting output `shouldContain` T.unpack testTransaction.purpose it "shows the default values" do let env = testEnv { config = testConfig { ledgerConfig = testConfig.ledgerConfig { defaults = fromList [("debit_account", "assets:bank:checking")] } } } output <- runToLedger [testTransaction] env output `shouldContain` "assets:bank:checking" it "shows the automatically filled in values" do let env = testEnv { config = testConfig { ledgerConfig = testConfig.ledgerConfig { fills = [ Filling { match = fromList [("payee", ".*")] , fill = fromList [("purpose", Just "automatically filled in purpose")] } ] } } } output <- runToLedger [testTransaction] env output `shouldContain` "automatically filled in purpose" it "skips entries that have their md5 already in the journal" do ioRef <- newIORef [] let env = testEnv { readFile = const $ return "; md5sum: 5abd61b9de15c3115519a5f1b4ac7992" , promptForEntry = \_templateMap key -> do liftIO $ modifyIORef ioRef (++ [key]) return $ Result "test input" } runReaderT (transactionsToLedger [testTransaction]) env promptedFor <- readIORef ioRef promptedFor `shouldBe` [] it "doesn't prompt for entries that are autofilled" do ioRef <- newIORef [] let env = testEnv { config = testConfig { ledgerConfig = testConfig.ledgerConfig { fills = [ Filling { match = fromList [("payee", ".*")] , fill = empty } ] } } , promptForEntry = \_templateMap key -> do liftIO $ modifyIORef ioRef (++ [key]) return $ Result "test input" } runReaderT (transactionsToLedger [testTransaction]) env promptedFor <- readIORef ioRef promptedFor `shouldBe` [] it "prompts for entries that are autofilled but have an empty fill key" do ioRef <- newIORef [] let env = testEnv { config = testConfig { ledgerConfig = testConfig.ledgerConfig { fills = [ Filling { match = fromList [("payee", ".*")] , fill = fromList [("purpose", Nothing), ("payee", Nothing)] } ] } } , promptForEntry = \_templateMap key -> do liftIO $ modifyIORef ioRef (++ [key]) return $ Result "test input" } runReaderT (transactionsToLedger [testTransaction]) env promptedFor <- readIORef ioRef promptedFor `shouldBe` ["payee", "purpose"] it "matches the snapshot" do let getSnapshot = do ioRef <- newIORef "" let env = testEnv { promptForEntry = \_templateMap _key -> do return $ Result "expenses:test" , appendFile = \_filePath text -> modifyIORef ioRef (<> text) } runToLedger [testTransaction] env readIORef ioRef goldenTextFile "test/files/snapshot.ledger" getSnapshot testConfig :: AppConfig testConfig = Config { journalFile = "testJournal.ledger" , startDate = ModifiedJulianDay 0 , configDirectory = "testConfigDirectory" , fintsConfig = error "Tests should need a fintsConfig" , ledgerConfig = LedgerConfig { defaults = fromList [("debit_account", "assets:test")] , md5 = ["purpose"] , prompts = ["credit_account"] , fills = [] } , pythonExecutable = "echo \"echo python\"" } testTransaction :: Transaction testTransaction = Transaction { date = "01/01/2023" , amount = Amount 99.99 , currency = "EUR" , posting = "test posting" , payee = "test payee" , purpose = "test purpose" } testEnv :: Env testEnv = Env { config = testConfig , promptForEntry = \_templateMap _key -> return Skip , putStrLn = const $ return () , readFile = \path -> if "template.txt" `isInfixOf` path then TIO.readFile path else return "" , appendFile = \_filePath _text -> return () , sleep = return () } runToLedger :: [Transaction] -> Env -> IO String runToLedger transactions env = do ioRef <- newIORef [] runReaderT (transactionsToLedger transactions) env { putStrLn = \s -> modifyIORef ioRef (++ [s]) } T.unpack . T.concat <$> readIORef ioRef