{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
module Data.FixedLength (
   C, Position, List, switch,
   Wrap(Wrap, unwrap),
   WrapPos(WrapPos, unwrapPos),
   Zero, Succ(Stop, Succ),
   toList, equal, showsPrec,
   map, zipWith, sequenceA, repeat,
   index, update, indices, indicesInt, numFromPos,
   N0, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8,
   GE1, GE2, GE3, GE4, GE5, GE6, GE7, GE8,
   i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7,
   (NonEmpty.!:), end,
   ) where

import qualified Data.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Data.Empty as Empty

import qualified Control.Applicative as App
import qualified Data.Traversable as Trav
import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold
import qualified Data.List as List
import Control.Applicative (Applicative, liftA2)
import Data.Traversable (Traversable, foldMapDefault)
import Data.Foldable (Foldable, foldMap)
import Data.List ((++))
import Data.Word (Word)

import Data.Function (($), (.))
import Data.Bool (Bool(False, True))
import Data.Ord (Ord, Ordering(LT,EQ,GT), compare, (>))
import Data.Eq (Eq, (==))

import Text.Show.HT (concatS)

import qualified Prelude as P
import Prelude (Functor, fmap, Show, ShowS, Int, (+), error)

type family List position :: * -> *

class (list ~ List (Position list)) => C list where
   type Position list :: *
   switch ::
      f Empty.T ->
      (forall list0. C list0 => f (NonEmpty.T list0)) ->
      f list

type instance List Zero = Empty.T

instance C Empty.T where
   type Position Empty.T = Zero
   switch x _ = x

type instance List (Succ position) = NonEmpty.T (List position)

instance C list => C (NonEmpty.T list) where
   type Position (NonEmpty.T list) = Succ (Position list)
   switch _ x = x

   SwitchPos f list =
      SwitchPos {runSwitchPos :: f list (Position list)}

switchPos ::
   (C list, Position list ~ pos) =>
   f Empty.T Zero ->
   (forall list0 pos0. (C list0, Position list0 ~ pos0) =>
    f (NonEmpty.T list0) (Succ pos0)) ->
   f list pos
switchPos empty nonEmpty =
   runSwitchPos $ switch (SwitchPos empty) (SwitchPos nonEmpty)

end :: Empty.T a
end = Empty.Cons

equal :: (C list, Eq a) => list a -> list a -> Bool
equal xs ys = Fold.and $ Wrap $ zipWith (==) xs ys

showsPrec :: (C list, Show a) => Int -> list a -> ShowS
showsPrec p =
   P.showParen (p>5) . concatS .
   List.intersperse (P.showString "!:") .
   (++ [P.showString "end"]) .
   List.map (P.showsPrec 6) . toList

toList :: (C list) => list a -> [a]
toList = Fold.toList . Wrap

newtype Wrap list a = Wrap {unwrap :: list a}

newtype Map a b list = Map {runMap :: list a -> list b}

map :: C list => (a -> b) -> list a -> list b
map f =
   runMap $
      (Map $ \Empty.Cons -> Empty.Cons)
      (Map $ \(NonEmpty.Cons x xs) -> NonEmpty.Cons (f x) $ map f xs)

newtype Sequence f a list = Sequence {runSequence :: list (f a) -> f (list a)}

sequenceA :: (Applicative f, C list) => list (f a) -> f (list a)
sequenceA =
   runSequence $
      (Sequence $ \Empty.Cons -> App.pure Empty.Cons)
      (Sequence $ \(NonEmpty.Cons x xs) -> liftA2 NonEmpty.Cons x $ sequenceA xs)

newtype Repeat a list = Repeat {runRepeat :: list a}

repeat :: C list => a -> list a
repeat a =
   runRepeat $
      (Repeat $ Empty.Cons)
      (Repeat $ NonEmpty.Cons a $ repeat a)

newtype Zip a b c list = Zip {runZip :: list a -> list b -> list c}

zipWith :: C list => (a -> b -> c) -> list a -> list b -> list c
zipWith f =
   runZip $
      (Zip $ \Empty.Cons Empty.Cons -> Empty.Cons)
      (Zip $ \(NonEmpty.Cons a as) (NonEmpty.Cons b bs) ->
         NonEmpty.Cons (f a b) $ zipWith f as bs)

instance C list => Functor (Wrap list) where
   fmap f = Wrap . map f . unwrap

instance C list => Foldable (Wrap list) where
   foldMap = foldMapDefault

instance C list => Traversable (Wrap list) where
   sequenceA = fmap Wrap . sequenceA . unwrap

instance C list => Applicative (Wrap list) where
   pure = Wrap . repeat
   Wrap f <*> Wrap x = Wrap $ zipWith ($) f x

data Zero
data Succ pos = Stop | Succ pos deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instance Eq Zero where _==_ = True
instance Ord Zero where compare _ _ = EQ

newtype Update a list pos = Update {runUpdate :: pos -> list a -> list a}

updatePos :: C list => (a -> a) -> Position list -> list a -> list a
updatePos f =
   runUpdate $
      (Update $ \ _ Empty.Cons -> Empty.Cons)
      (Update $ \pos0 (NonEmpty.Cons x xs) ->
          case pos0 of
             Stop -> NonEmpty.Cons (f x) xs
             Succ pos1 -> NonEmpty.Cons x $ updatePos f pos1 xs)

update :: C list => (a -> a) -> WrapPos list -> list a -> list a
update f (WrapPos k) = updatePos f k

newtype Index a list pos = Index {runIndex :: pos -> list a -> a}

indexPos :: C list => Position list -> list a -> a
indexPos =
   runIndex $
      (Index $ \ _ {- Zero -} Empty.Cons -> error "impossible index")
      (Index $ \pos0 (NonEmpty.Cons x xs) ->
          case pos0 of
             Stop -> x
             Succ pos1 -> indexPos pos1 xs)

index :: C list => WrapPos list -> list a -> a
index (WrapPos k) = indexPos k

newtype Indices list pos = Indices {runIndices :: list pos}

indicesPos :: C list => list (Position list)
indicesPos =
   runIndices $
      (Indices $ Empty.Cons)
      (Indices $ NonEmpty.Cons Stop $ map Succ indicesPos)

indices :: C list => list (WrapPos list)
indices = map WrapPos indicesPos

indicesInt :: C list => list Int
indicesInt =
   unwrap $ NonEmpty.init $ NonEmpty.scanl (+) 0 $ App.pure 1

newtype WrapPos list = WrapPos {unwrapPos :: Position list}

swapWrapPosSucc :: WrapPos (NonEmpty.T list) -> Succ (WrapPos list)
swapWrapPosSucc (WrapPos n) =
   case n of
      Stop -> Stop
      Succ m -> Succ (WrapPos m)

newtype NumFromPos list = NumFromPos {runNumFromPos :: WrapPos list -> Word}

numFromPos :: C list => WrapPos list -> Word
numFromPos =
   runNumFromPos $
      (NumFromPos $ \_ -> error "numFromPos")
      (NumFromPos $ \n ->
         case swapWrapPosSucc n of
            Stop -> 0
            Succ m -> 1 + numFromPos m)

newtype Compare a list =
           Compare {runCompare :: WrapPos list -> WrapPos list -> a}

instance (C list) => Eq (WrapPos list) where
   (==) =
      runCompare $
         (Compare $ \_ _ -> error "equalPos")
         (Compare $ \i j ->
             case (swapWrapPosSucc i, swapWrapPosSucc j) of
                (Succ k, Succ l) -> k == l
                (Stop, Stop) -> True
                _ -> False)

instance (C list) => Ord (WrapPos list) where
   compare =
      runCompare $
         (Compare $ \_ _ -> error "equalPos")
         (Compare $ \i j ->
             case (swapWrapPosSucc i, swapWrapPosSucc j) of
                (Succ k, Succ l) -> compare k l
                (Stop, Stop) -> EQ
                (Stop, Succ _) -> LT
                (Succ _, Stop) -> GT)

type N0 = Empty.T
type N1 = GE1 Empty.T; type GE1 list = NonEmpty.T list
type N2 = GE2 Empty.T; type GE2 list = NonEmpty.T (GE1 list)
type N3 = GE3 Empty.T; type GE3 list = NonEmpty.T (GE2 list)
type N4 = GE4 Empty.T; type GE4 list = NonEmpty.T (GE3 list)
type N5 = GE5 Empty.T; type GE5 list = NonEmpty.T (GE4 list)
type N6 = GE6 Empty.T; type GE6 list = NonEmpty.T (GE5 list)
type N7 = GE7 Empty.T; type GE7 list = NonEmpty.T (GE6 list)
type N8 = GE8 Empty.T; type GE8 list = NonEmpty.T (GE7 list)

succ :: WrapPos list -> WrapPos (NonEmpty.T list)
succ (WrapPos n) = WrapPos (Succ n)

i0 :: WrapPos (GE1 list); i0 = WrapPos Stop
i1 :: WrapPos (GE2 list); i1 = succ i0
i2 :: WrapPos (GE3 list); i2 = succ i1
i3 :: WrapPos (GE4 list); i3 = succ i2
i4 :: WrapPos (GE5 list); i4 = succ i3
i5 :: WrapPos (GE6 list); i5 = succ i4
i6 :: WrapPos (GE7 list); i6 = succ i5
i7 :: WrapPos (GE8 list); i7 = succ i6