Resolving dependencies... Configuring fixed-width- Building fixed-width- Failed to install fixed-width- Build log ( /home/builder/.cabal/logs/fixed-width- ): cabal: Entering directory '/tmp/cabal-tmp-1234/fixed-width-' Configuring fixed-width- Building fixed-width- Preprocessing library fixed-width- [1 of 4] Compiling Data.FixedWidth.Shared ( src/Data/FixedWidth/Shared.hs, dist/build/Data/FixedWidth/Shared.o ) [2 of 4] Compiling Data.FixedWidth.Word ( src/Data/FixedWidth/Word.hs, dist/build/Data/FixedWidth/Word.o ) src/Data/FixedWidth/Word.hs:33:21: error: • Couldn't match expected type ‘Word64’ with actual type ‘Int’ • In the first argument of ‘FixedWord’, namely ‘v’ In the first argument of ‘(>=)’, namely ‘FixedWord v’ In the first argument of ‘(&&)’, namely ‘FixedWord v >= (minBound :: FixedWord n)’ src/Data/FixedWidth/Word.hs:33:65: error: • Couldn't match expected type ‘Word64’ with actual type ‘Int’ • In the first argument of ‘FixedWord’, namely ‘v’ In the first argument of ‘(<=)’, namely ‘FixedWord v’ In the second argument of ‘(&&)’, namely ‘FixedWord v <= (maxBound :: FixedWord n)’ src/Data/FixedWidth/Word.hs:33:108: error: • Couldn't match expected type ‘Word64’ with actual type ‘Int’ • In the first argument of ‘FixedWord’, namely ‘v’ In the expression: FixedWord v In an equation for ‘toEnum’: toEnum v | FixedWord v >= (minBound :: FixedWord n) && FixedWord v <= (maxBound :: FixedWord n) = FixedWord v | otherwise = error $ concat ["\"", show v, "\" is too large to fit in an ", ....] src/Data/FixedWidth/Word.hs:35:30: error: • Couldn't match expected type ‘Int’ with actual type ‘Word64’ • In the expression: v In an equation for ‘fromEnum’: fromEnum (FixedWord v) = v In the instance declaration for ‘Enum (FixedWord n)’ cabal: Leaving directory '/tmp/cabal-tmp-1234/fixed-width-' cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: fixed-width- failed during the building phase. The exception was: ExitFailure 1