{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Data.Fixpoint.Base (
#ifdef __HADDOCK__

  cata, fold,
  ana, unfold,
  hylo, para
) where

#ifdef __HADDOCK__
-- | @Pre t :: * -> *@ is an associated data type of @t@ such that @t@ is the
-- fixpoint of @Pre t@.
data Pre t a

-- | The class of data types representable by fixpoints.
class Functor (Pre t) => Fixpoint t where
#ifndef __HADDOCK__
  data Pre t :: * -> *

  -- | Projection from the data type to its underlying functor.
  project :: t -> Pre t t

  -- | Injection from the underlying functor into the data type.
  inject  :: Pre t t -> t

-- | Catamorphism (same as 'fold')
cata :: Fixpoint t => (Pre t s -> s) -> t -> s
cata f = f . fmap (cata f) . project

-- | Catamorphism (same as 'cata')
fold :: Fixpoint t => (Pre t s -> s) -> t -> s
fold = cata

-- | Anamorphism (same as 'unfold')
ana :: Fixpoint t => (s -> Pre t s) -> s -> t
ana f = inject . fmap (ana f) . f

-- | Anamorphism (same as 'ana')
unfold :: Fixpoint t => (s -> Pre t s) -> s -> t
unfold = ana

-- | Hylomorphism
hylo :: Fixpoint t => (Pre t s -> s) -> (p -> Pre t p) -> p -> s
hylo f g = f . fmap (hylo f g) . g

-- | Paramorphism
para :: Fixpoint t => (Pre t (t, s) -> s) -> t -> s
para f = f . fmap (\x -> (x, para f x)) . project

class Difunctor (Dipre t) => Difixpoint t where
  data Dipre t :: * -> * -> *

  diproject :: t -> Dipre t t t
  diinject  :: Dipre t t t -> t

dicata :: Difixpoint t => (Dipre t r s -> s) -> (r -> Dipre t s r) -> t -> s
dicata f g = f . dimap (diana f g) (dicata f g) . diproject

diana :: Difixpoint t => (Dipre t r s -> s) -> (r -> Dipre t s r) -> r -> t
diana f g = diinject . dimap (dicata f g) (diana f g) . g