Significant and compatibility-breaking changes. Version 0.5.2: - Fixed that could cause an undetected overflow when decoding out of range Int/Word values - Added UTF16Text and Data.ByteString.Short support for ghcjs - Improved speed and accuracy of encoded Text size calculation (for encoding) - [**breaking**] Removed `textBytes` from Flat.Encoder.Size (breaking but insignificant) Version 0.5: - Compatibility with ghc 9.0.2 & 9.2.4 & 9.4.2 - Compatibility with text-2.0 (GHC) - Fixed that could cause an encoding failure for non byte aligned Arrays - Fixed that could cause the decoder to read beyond the end of the decoding buffer (causing a SEGFAULT on ghcjs) - Merged - fails correctly on invalid UTF-8 text - Added a few ways to partially or incrementally decode values, see Flat.Repr and Flat.Decoder.Run.listTDecoder - Moved strictDecoder from Flat.Decoder.Types to Flat.Decoder - Removed Flat instance for Semigroup.Option from Flat.Instances.Base - Moved overlapping/specialised Flat instance for [Char] to Flat.Instances.Extra - Added a few extra functions Version 0.4.4: - Added instances for Identity, Monoid.Dual/All/Any/Sum/Product/Alt, Semigroup.Min/Max/First/Last/Option Version 0.4.2: - Fixed links in - Added multiple stack.yaml files for different LTS Version 0.4: - Compatibility with ghc 8.8.3 - Data.Seq.Seq is serialised as a List (previously was serialised as an Array) - Changed namespace from Data.Flat to Flat - Addtional Flat Instances for some common packages: array, base, bytestring, containers, dlist, text, unordered-containers, vector - Additional doctests, with a static version that can run without ghci and therefore also under ghcjs/eta (run it with stack test :doc-static) - Many minor changes Version 0.3.4: - Redisegned Generics-based instance generation (Data.Flat.Class) to reduce compilation time and improve encoding and decoding performance - Fixed GHCJS Double bug and tested GHCJS with full test suite Version 0.3.2: - Tested with ghc 8.2.1 - Dropped dependencies on the 'cpu', 'derive' and 'tasty' packages to make it compatible with the Eta compiler ( Version 0.3: - Removed 'flatStrict' and 'unflatStrict' (use 'flat' and 'unflat' instead that also encode/decode strictly) - `unflatWith` now takes a decoder for the unpadded value (previously it expected a padded decoder) and decodes the padded value - Added some decoding primitives - Added Data.ByteString.Convert