Changelog for flock-

0.3.1 * Add lockFd and withFdLock, locking with a user-provided file descriptor. Thanks to Eelis for this feature. 0.3 * Protect against exception in withLock using monad-control. Thanks to Takahiro Himura for this feature. * Build with current Cabal. Thanks to Mitsutoshi Aoe for this fix. * Fix warnings in GHC 7.4. 0.2.5 * GHC 7.2 compatibility. 0.2.4: * Allow mtl 2. 0.2.3: * Add Erik Hesselink as maintainer. * Add CHANGELOG. 0.2.2: * Export the Lock type. 0.2.1: * Lock call no longer blocks other Haskell threads. 0.2: * Fixed build failure on GHC 6.12. * Added bounds on dependencies. 0.1: Initial release.