
Functions and operators for more understandable Haskell

Flow provides functions and operators for writing more understandable Haskell. - [Install](#install) - [Use](#use) - [Develop](#develop) ## Install To use Flow in a Cabal package, add it to your Cabal file. ``` build-depends: flow ==1.* ``` For other use cases, install it with Cabal. ``` sh $ cabal update $ cabal install 'flow ==1.*' ``` Flow uses [Semantic Versioning][]. Check out [the change log][] for a detailed list of changes. ## Use Flow is designed to be imported unqualified. It does not export anything that conflicts with the Prelude. To get started, simply import it. ``` hs import Flow ``` Check out [the Haddock documentation][] for more information about the functions Flow provides. ## Develop If you want to help develop Flow, you'll need Git, GHC, and Cabal. To get started, clone the repository and install the dependencies. ``` sh $ git clone https://github.com/tfausak/flow $ cd flow $ cabal sandbox init $ cabal install --enable-benchmarks --enable-tests --only-dependencies ``` Once you've done that, you should be able to use the normal Cabal tools (`repl`, `test`, `haddock`, and `bench` in particular). If you've made changes that you want merged into this repository, create a fork and open a pull request. GitHub's [Fork A Repo][] article can help with that. [semantic versioning]: http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html [the change log]: CHANGELOG.md [the haddock documentation]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/flow [fork a repo]: https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/