{ mkDerivation, stdenv , autoconf, c2hs , fltk, libjpeg, mesa , base, bytestring, Cabal, directory, filepath, mtl, OpenGLRaw, parsec, text , cabalFlags ? {} }: /* This file is written manually, not generated automatically, because cabal2nix doesn't provision correctly for this package's complex custom setup. */ let # "import" utilities inherit (stdenv.lib) mapAttrs attrValues concatStringsSep optionals; flags = { bundled = false; demos = true; opengl = false; } # same names/defaults as the cabal flags // cabalFlags; # override defaults with any extra flags # NOTE `bundled` is currently ignored. nixSet2cabalInstallOptions = inputFlags: let outputFlags = (attrValues # e.g. [ "-f-bundled" "-fdemos" "-f-opengl" ] (mapAttrs (k: v: (if v then "-f" else "-f-") + k) # e.g. { bundled = "-f-bundled"; demos = "-fdemos"; opengl = "-f-opengl"; } inputFlags)); # e.g. { bundled = false; demos = true; opengl = false; } in outputFlags; in mkDerivation { pname = "fltkhs"; version = ""; homepage = "http://github.com/deech/fltkhs"; description = "FLTK bindings"; license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit; src = ./.; isLibrary = true; isExecutable = true; # including .cabal `flag`s configureFlags = nixSet2cabalInstallOptions flags; # `custom-setup` setupHaskellDepends = [ autoconf base c2hs Cabal directory filepath ]; # ^ `setup-depends` # `library` libraryToolDepends = [ autoconf c2hs fltk ]; # ^ `build-tools:` # fltk provides fltk-config libraryHaskellDepends = [ base bytestring text ]; # ^ `build-depends:` librarySystemDepends = [ fltk libjpeg ] ++ optionals flags.opengl [ mesa ]; # ^ `extra-libraries:` # all the `executable`s executableHaskellDepends = [ base directory filepath mtl parsec text ] ++ optionals flags.opengl [ OpenGLRaw ]; # ^ `build-depends:` }