Fn (eff-enn) - a functional web framework.
Or, how to do away with the monad transformers, and just use plain
See the example application in the repository for a full usage, but a minimal application is the following:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Lens
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Network.HTTP.Types
import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp
import qualified Network.Wai.Util as W
import Web.Fn
data Ctxt = Ctxt { _req :: Request
makeLenses ''Ctxt
instance RequestContext Ctxt where
requestLens = req
initializer :: IO Ctxt
initializer = return (Ctxt defaultRequest)
main :: IO ()
main = do context <- initializer
run 8000 $ toWAI context app
app :: Ctxt -> IO Response
app ctxt =
route ctxt [ end ==> index
, path "foo" // segment // path "baz" /? param "id" ==> handler]
`fallthrough` notFoundText "Page not found."
index :: IO (Maybe Response)
index = okText "This is the index page! Try /foo/bar/baz?id=10"
handler :: Ctxt -> Text -> Int -> IO (Maybe Response)
handler _ fragment i = okText (fragment <> " - " <> T.pack (show i))
Recommended Pairings
Part of the design of Fn
is that you won't need a suite of fn-foo
libraries that generally serve to adapt the functions from foo
the monad transformer stack of the web framework of choice (we may add
an fn-extra
package with a few helpers in it in the future, but it'll
be small). Still, it's helpful to know what are common tools that are
well designed and tested, so here are a list (those marked with [*]
are used in the example application included in the repository):
- warp
: perhaps obvious,
but you will need to choose an HTTP server to use with your Fn
application, and warp
is the defacto standard for applications that
use the WAI
interface that Fn
- heist
: a wonderful
templating system that is both really simple (the templates are just
html) and powerful (any html tag can be bound to run haskell
code). This may be the one place where we may add some adaptors, as
it would be wonderful to have splices (those haskell-bound html
tags) that were normal functions, rather than monadic.
- postgresql-simple
a well designed interface to PostgreSQL; ofter the lower level way
to interact with the database (setting up connections, etc), if you
use a higher level, safer abstraction like opaleye
(below) for actual
queries. Use it with
to have it manage many connections.
- opaleye: a type-safe
composable way to write database queries against PostgreSQL.
- hedis
: a full-featured
client for the key-value store Redis.
- logging
: a simple
library for writing log messages, which allow you to change the
logging level and suppress some subset of messages.
- hspec
: a
full-featured testing framework. Use with
though the latter could use some work to make it do everything it
needs to!
- wai-session
Combine with something like
to store session data in encrypted cookies (like, who a user is
logged in as).