module Control.Foldl.Transduce.Attoparsec ( stripParse , parses , ParserInput , ParsingError ) where import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Attoparsec.Types import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString import Data.Attoparsec.Text import qualified Data.Monoid.Null as MN import qualified Data.Monoid.Factorial as MF import Control.Monad.Trans.Except import Control.Foldl.Transduce {- $setup >>> import qualified Control.Foldl as L >>> import qualified Data.Text as T >>> import Control.Foldl.Transduce >>> import Control.Foldl.Transduce.Attoparsec >>> import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as A >>> import Control.Applicative >>> import Control.Monad.Trans.Except -} data StripState a b = Parsed b | Continue (a -> IResult a b) {-| Strips from the stream the prefix that matches the parser. The parsed value becomes the return value of the 'TransducerM'. >>> runExcept $ L.foldM (transduceM (stripParse (many (A.char 'a'))) (L.generalize L.mconcat)) (map T.pack ["aa","aa","bb"]) Right "bb" >>> runExcept $ L.foldM (transduceM' (stripParse (many (A.char 'a'))) (L.generalize L.mconcat)) (map T.pack ["aa","aa","bb"]) Right ("aaaa","bb") >>> runExcept $ L.foldM (transduceM' (stripParse (A.char 'z')) (L.generalize L.mconcat)) (map T.pack ["aa","aa","bb"]) Left ("aa",["'z'"],"Failed reading: satisfy") -} stripParse :: (ParserInput a,Monad m) => Data.Attoparsec.Types.Parser a b -> TransducerM (ExceptT (ParsingError a) m) a a b stripParse atto = TransducerM step (initial (_parse atto mempty)) done where initial iresult = case iresult of Fail l es e -> throwE (l,es,e) Done _ r -> return (Parsed r) -- there can't be leftovers here! Partial c -> return (Continue c) step x i | MN.null i = return (x,[],[]) | otherwise = case x of Parsed _ -> return (x,[i],[]) Continue c -> case c i of Fail l es e -> throwE (l,es,e) Done l r -> return (Parsed r,[l],[]) Partial c' -> return (Continue c',[],[]) done x = case x of Parsed r -> return (r,[],[]) Continue c -> case c mempty of Fail l es e -> throwE (l,es,e) Done l r -> return (r,[l],[]) Partial _ -> error "never happens" data ParsesState a b = BetweenParses | DuringParse (a -> IResult a b) {-| Feeds a 'FoldM' with the results of repeatedly applying a parser. >>> runExcept $ L.foldM (transduceM (parses (A.decimal <* A.char ' ')) (L.generalize L.list)) (map T.pack ["1 1","1 3 77 "]) Right [1,11,3,77] -} parses :: (ParserInput a,Monad m) => Data.Attoparsec.Types.Parser a b -> TransducerM (ExceptT (ParsingError a) m) a b () parses atto = TransducerM step (return BetweenParses) done where step x i = do (x',rs) <- step' [] x i return (x',reverse rs,[]) step' acc xx i | MN.null i = return (xx,acc) | otherwise = case xx of BetweenParses -> case _parse atto mempty of Fail l es e -> throwE (l,es,e) Done _ _ -> throwE (mempty,[],"Parser doesn't consume!") Partial c -> step' acc (DuringParse c) i DuringParse c -> case c i of Fail l es e -> throwE (l,es,e) Done l r -> step' (r:acc) BetweenParses l Partial c' -> return (DuringParse c',acc) done x = case x of BetweenParses -> return mempty DuringParse c -> case c mempty of Fail l es e -> throwE (l,es,e) Done _ r -> return ((),[r],[]) -- there shouldn't be leftovers, I think. Partial _ -> error "never happens" -- From the attoparsec docs: -- -- "To indicate that you have no more input, supply the Partial continuation with an empty Text." class (Eq a,MF.StableFactorialMonoid a) => ParserInput a where _parse :: Data.Attoparsec.Types.Parser a b -> a -> IResult a b instance ParserInput B.ByteString where _parse = Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.parse {-# INLINE _parse #-} -- | Strict 'Text'. instance ParserInput T.Text where _parse = Data.Attoparsec.Text.parse {-# INLINE _parse #-} {-| A triplet of (leftovers,error contexts,error message) -} type ParsingError a = (a,[String],String)