1. The game has been described in WIKIPEDIA under 'Paper Soccer'. Please refer to there in order to learn rules. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper_Soccer Rules of this game can be completed by simply rule. Player who does the move that finishes because there is no further available move left, loses only half a point. Size of the court can be defined almost without limits, but as first option size $8 \times 8$ has been chosen. 2. Install Foo 2.1 Install GHC First install Haskell compiler. I've used GHC only. You can find it here: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/. Follow installing instructions there. The newest installation contains required GLUT and OpenGL Libraries. 2.2 Compile sources Download sources to separate directory and compile there using following command ghc --make -package GLUT PlayFoo.hs -O -fvia-C -cpp -o PlayFoo This works assuming you have direct acess to GHC compiler.