Formal is an opinionative programming language for the discriminating modern programmer. More importantly, formal is my vanity project, an attempt to learn ML by writing one.

What opinions, you may ask? Several:


This document is a both the compiler's README, and the Formal language's standard library as literate code, which serves as a simple language feature spec/tutorial


Mac OSX (tested on Snow Leopard & Lion)

Install the Haskell Platform, then

--$ cabal install formal

To compile some formal files:

--$ formal -o app test.formal test2.formal

will create an app.js, app.spec.js and app.html file with the compiled code, test suite and annotated documentation respectively. To compile literate formal (eg, Formal code embedded in Markdown, ala this file):

--$ formal test.lformal

To see the inferred types:

--$ formal -t test.formal

To turn off optimizing (eg, Closure) or testing:

--$ formal -no-test -no-opt test.formal

Formal is a literate language embedded in Markdown, so any line not indented at least 4 spaces is considered a comment. The primary unit of code organization is the module, a named collection of functions and values.

module prelude


Some simple reflection by lifting from Javascript. The definitions of object? and array? must use Javascript's === operator directly here, as the "==" operator defined in Numbers is defined in terms of them.

    JS a = {} -> a

    inline object? x = do! `typeof x === "object"`
    inline array?    = do! `is_array`
    inline string? x = do! `typeof x === "string"`
    inline type? x   = do! `typeof x`

    not: Bool -> Bool 
    not x = do! `!x`
    not false

    object? {}
    array? []
    not (array? {})
    not (object? 0)

Side effects can only happen in Javascript, so we use a monadic container to compose these bits.

    (>>=): JS a -> (a -> JS b) -> JS b
    (>>=)     x              y  = y (run x)

    (>>): JS a -> JS b -> JS b
    (>>)     x       y  = `run x; return (run y)`

    inline return:

             a -> JS a
      return x  = `x`

    do! x   <- `1 + 4`
        y   <- `2 + 3`
        ans <- `x + y`
        return (10 == ans)

    5  == do! return 5
    10 == do! `5 + 5`

    inline log: a -> JS {} 
              | x  = `console.log(x)`

Testing to verify that escaping Javascript & utilizing escaped Javascript with do sugar and composition in general works as expected.

    var x = 0
        y = do z <- `x = 1`
               return z
    x == 0


Some basic aliases to native javascript infix functions. These are type annotated to constrain inferrence - otherwise, these functions would all be inferred as a -> b -> c.

    inline (&&): Bool -> Bool -> Bool | x y = do! `x && y`
    inline (||): Bool -> Bool -> Bool | x y = do! `x || y`
    inline (*):  Num -> Num -> Num    | x y = do! `x * y`
    inline (/):  Num -> Num -> Num    | x y = do! `x / y`
    inline (%):  Num -> Num -> Num    | x y = do! `x % y`
    inline (+):  Num -> Num -> Num    | x y = do! `x + y`
    inline (-):  Num -> Num -> Num    | x y = do! `x - y`
    inline (<=): Num -> Num -> Bool   | x y = do! `x <= y`
    inline (>=): Num -> Num -> Bool   | x y = do! `x >= y`
    inline (<):  Num -> Num -> Bool   | x y = do! `x < y`
    inline (>):  Num -> Num -> Bool   | x y = do! `x > y`

Equality is overloaded to match records and arrays. By constraining the type of this operator, we need only dispatch on the type of the first element, constraining

    inline x != y = not (x is y)

    inline x /= y = not (x == y)

    (==): a -> a -> Bool
        | x y when do! `x === y` = true

        | x y when object? x =
            do! `var result = true;
                 for (key in x) {
                    result = result && y.hasOwnProperty(key) && _eq_eq(x[key])(y[key]);

                 var z = Object.keys(x).length 
                             === Object.keys(y).length;

                 result && z`

        | x y when array? x =
            do! `var result = true;
                 for (z in x) {
                     result = result && _eq_eq(x[z])(y[z]);

                 result && x.length == y.length`

        | x y = false

And a few simple tests to verify the correctness of these implementations. This is not meant to be exhaustive, only a smoke test against regressions.

    (3 * 4) + 5 * 4 == 64 / 2
    4 - 1 != 5 - 10
    (10 >= 5 + 5) != (4 + 5 <= 10 - 2)
    ({test: 1} == {test: 1}) == true
    ({test: 1} != {test: 1}) == false

Fibonacci function

    fib 0 = 0 | 1 = 1 | n = fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)


Due to the nested recursion, fib is an excellent function for testing the runtime speed versus raw javascript. fast_fib is a trivial javascript implementation of the same function, recursed itself to remove any potential overhead from formal's dispatch mechanism.

    module speedtest

        private inline get_time = `new Date().getTime()`

        time js =

            do start <- get_time
               stop  <- get_time
               return (stop - start)

        private inline
        fast_fib =

            do! `var f = function(n) {
                     return 0 === n ? 0 : 1 === n ? 1 : f(n - 1) + f(n - 2)
                 }; f`

        fast_fib 7 == fib 7

With this, we can set up a simple canary to let us know if the prelude is suddenly dramatically slower than it previously was; in this case, we fail a test if the formal version isn't at least 90% as fast as the native javascript version.

        floor: Num -> Num = do! `Math.floor`

        do! fast_time <- time yield fast_fib 30
            slow_time <- time yield fib 30
            return (floor (fast_time / slow_time * 100) >= 80)

Function Combinators

Simple left & right pipes, ala F#.

    inline x <| y = x y
    inline x |> y = y x

    3 |> (λy = y + 1) |> λy = y + 1 == 5
    (λy x z = x + y + z + 1) 1 <| 3 <| 4 == 9

Alternatively, there is a right associative version of <|, ala haskell. All operators which end with a : are right associative.

    inline x <: y = x y

    (λx = x - 3) <: (λx = x - 3) <: 5 + 5 == 4

Function composition

    inline x .: y = λz = x y(z)
    inline id x = x
    inline flip(f) x y = f(y, x)

    inline x ' y = y x

    ((λx = x + 1) .: (λx = x * 2) .: λx = x - 3) 4 == 3
    id [1, 2, 3] == [1, 2, 3]
    flip (λx y = x - y) 3 5 == 2


    module string

        lstrip: String -> String
        lstrip x = do! `x.replace(/^\s+/, '')` 

        inline rstrip: String -> String | x = do! `x.replace(/\s+$/, '')` 
        inline strip:  String -> String | = lstrip .: rstrip

        (+++): a -> b -> String
        x +++ y = do! `"" + x + y`

        strip "    test    " is "test"

interpolated strings

        let x = "test"
        in "hello `x`" is "hello test"

    open string


By invoking javascript, we can listen for exceptions.

    err x = do! `try {
                     return false;
                 } catch (e) {
                     return e;


    module option

        Option a = {some: a} | {none}

        option b {none} = b
             | _ {some: x} = x

        option 3 {some: 2} == 2

    module html

        HTML = { element:   a
                 inner:     JS String
                 on_click:  JS {} -> JS {}
                 set:       b -> JS {}
                 add_class: String -> JS {}
                 add_style: String -> String -> JS {} }

              String -> JS HTML
            | x = do el <- `$(x).get(0)`

                     return { element    = el
                              inner      = `el.innerHTML`
                              on_click y = `el.onclick = y`
                              set y      = `el.innerHTML = y`

                              add_class y =
                                  `el.setAttribute("class", el.getAttribute("class") + " " + y)`

                              add_style y z = `[y] = z` }

        inline ($=):

           String -> a -> JS {}
           x      $= y  =

             `if (typeof $ != "undefined") {
                  var xx = $(x).get(0);
                  if (typeof xx != "undefined") {
                      xx.innerHTML = y;

        inline ($|): 

             String   -> String -> String -> JS {}
             selector $| rule      value   = `$(selector).css(rule, value)`

        ($.): String -> String -> JS {}
        ($.) x y = `$(x).addClass(y)`

        inline ($+): String -> String -> JS {}
            | x y = `$(x).append(y)`

        div: String -> JS String
            | x = yield "<div id='`x`'/>"

        move: HTML -> HTML -> JS a
            | x y = `$(y.element).append($(x.element).detach())`

        on_load: JS {} -> JS {}
            | x = `window.addEventListener("load", x, false)`

        inline stringify: a -> String | x = do! `JSON.stringify(x)`

        inline (!!): Array a -> Num -> a | x y = do! `x[y]`

        with_page: JS a -> JS a
            | x = do old <- `$("body").clone()`
                     xx <- x
                     return xx

do! with_page do "body" $= "Test" text <- get "body" text <- text.inner return (text == "Test")

        do! d <- div "test1"

            "body"   $+ d
            "#test1" $= "I am a test!"

            text <- get "#test1"
            text <- text.inner

            "#test1" $= ""

            return (text == "I am a test!")

        inline split: String -> String -> Array String | y x = do! `x.split(y)`

This is the initializer for prelude's console test suite.

        console_runner: JS {} =

            var is_error = 0

            var report spec = 

                    do! results <- `spec.results()`
                        passed  <- `results.passed()`

                        if   passed 
                        then return {}

                        else let items = spec.results_.items_
                                 desc  = spec.description.split "__::__" !! 1
                                 exp   = stringify (items !! 0).expected
                                 act   = stringify (items !! 0).actual

                             let line  = spec.description
                                         |> split "__::__"
                                         |> \x = x !! 0
                                         |> split "_" 
                                         |> \x = x !! 0
                                         |> \x = do! `parseInt x`
                                         |> \x = x + 1
                                         |> stringify

                             do  if is_error == 0
                                     then log "\r                        " 
                                     else return {}

                                 `is_error = 1`

                                 log "Test failed at line `line`


                                          Expected `exp`
                                          Actual   `act`"

                                 log ""

            var reporter = { reportSpecResults:   report 
                             reportRunnerResults: `phantom.exit(is_error)` }

            do env <- `jasmine.getEnv()`


        push : a -> Array a -> JS (Array a)
        push xs x = `xs.push(x)` 

        private console_reporter = {

            total    = 0
            failed   = 0

            messages = []

            reportSpecResults spec =

                do! results <- `spec.results()`
                    passed  <- `results.passed()`

                    if not passed then do
                        push console_reporter.messages spec.description
                        return {}
                    else return {}

            reportRunnerResults =

                do if console_reporter.failed > 0
                       log console_reporter.messages
                       return {}

                   log "` - console_reporter.failed`/`` tests passed"

This is the initializer for prelude's HTML test suite.

        table_of_contents =

            on_load do "code"  $. "prettyprint"
                       "code"  $. "lang-hs"

                       ".test" $| "position" <| "relative"
                       ".test" $| "left"     <| "50px"


                       trivial <- `new jasmine.TrivialReporter()`
                       formal  <- `new jasmine.FormalReporter()`
                       env     <- `jasmine.getEnv()`

                       `env.addReporter trivial`
                       `env.addReporter formal`
                       `env.addReporter console_reporter`


                       reporter <- get ".jasmine_reporter"
                       body     <- get "#test_suite"

                       move reporter body


A simple implementation of a library for manipulating linked lists.

    module list

        List a = { head: a, tail: List a } 
               | { nil }

This complex type can be hidden behind a constructor function which works more like a traditional cons.

        x :: y = { head = x, tail = y }

The compiler itself also supports the list sugar [: 1, 2, 3 ] (or [: 1, 2, 3 :], if you prefer symmetry). All of these lists are synonyms.

        var xs = [:




            { head = 1
              tail = { head = 2
                       tail = { head = 3
                                tail = {nil} }}}

        all? (λy = [:1,2,3] == y) xs 

Simple implementations of list accessors, which illustrate incomplete definition.

        empty? { nil } = true | _ = false

        head { head: x, tail: _ } = x
           | { nil } = error "Head called on empty list"

        tail { head: _, tail: x } = x 
           | { nil } = error "Tail called on empty list"

        last { head: x, tail: { nil } } = x
        last { head: _, tail: x } = last x
        last { nil } = error "Last called on empty list"

        take 0 x = { nil } | n x = head x :: take (n - 1) (tail x)
        drop 0 x = x | n x = drop (n - 1) (tail x)

        x .. y = 
            let f xx z when xx >= x = f (xx - 1) (xx :: z)
                f _ z = z 

            f y {nil}

        1 .. 5 == [:1,2,3,4,5]

Project Euler problem 1, modified to protect the innocent:

        288045 == 1 .. 1111 |> filter (λx = x % 3 == 0 || x % 5 == 0) |> sum

        take_while f { nil } = { nil }
                 | f x when f (head x) = head x :: filter f (tail x)
                 | _ _ = { nil }

        drop_while f { nil } = { nil }
                 | f x when f (head x) = drop_while f (tail x)
                 | _ x = x

        not (empty? (1 :: {nil}))
        empty? [:]

        head [: 1, 2 ] is 1
        tail [: 1, 2 ] is [:2]
        last [: 1, 2 ] is 2

        err (lazy head {nil}) is "Head called on empty list"
        err (lazy tail {nil}) is "Tail called on empty list"
        err (lazy last {nil}) is "Last called on empty list"

        take(2, [: 1, 2, 3 ]) == [: 1, 2 ]
        drop(2, [: 1, 2, 3 ]) == [: 3 ]

        take_while (λx = x < 0) [:] == [:]
        take_while (λx = x > 0) [: 2, 1, 0 ] == [: 2, 1 ]

        drop_while (λx = x < 0) {nil} == {nil}
        drop_while (λx = x > 0) [: 2, 1, 0 ] == [: 0 ]



             | {nil}              = 0
             | {head: _, tail: x} = 1 + length x

        length [: 1, 2, 3, 4 ] == 4


        init 0 _ = {nil}
           | n x = x :: init (n - 1) x

        length (init 30 0) == 30
        tail (init 3 0)    == init 2 0

List concatenation


           | {nil} y                = y
           | {head: y, tail: ys} xs = y :: (ys ++ xs)

        {nil} ++ (1 :: 2 :: {nil}) == 1 :: 2 :: {nil}
        [: 1, 2 ] ++ [: 3, 4 ] == [: 1, 2, 3, 4 ]


        filter: (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
              | f {nil} = {nil}
              | f x when f (head x) = head x :: filter f (tail x)
              | f x = filter f <| tail x

        [: 1, 2, 3, 4 ] 'filter (λx = x > 2) == [: 3, 4 ]


        map(f, {nil}) = {nil}
        map(f, x)     = f(head(x)) :: map(f, tail(x))

        [: 2, 3, 4 ] == [: 1, 2, 3 ] |> map λx = x + 1


        reverse y = 
            let r rest [:] = rest
                r rest { head: x, tail: xs } = 
                    r (x :: rest) xs

            in  r {nil} y

        reverse [: 1, 2, 3, 4 ] == [: 4, 3, 2, 1 ]

        var test_x = [: 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
        test_x == reverse <| reverse test_x

        take' x y =
            let t(0, _, acc) = acc
                t(n, x, acc) = t(n - 1, tail x, head x :: acc)

            in  reverse t(x, y, {nil})

        var x = [: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]
        take 5 x == take' 5 x


        foldl f x xs =
            var g y {nil} = y
                | y { head: z, tail: zs } = g (f y z) zs
            g x xs

        foldl1 _ {nil} = error "Foldl1 called on empty list"
             | f x = foldl f (head x) (tail x)

        foldr f x =
            var g {nil} = x
                g { head: y, tail: ys } = f y (g ys)

        foldr1 _ {nil} = error "Foldr1 called on empty list"
             | f x = foldr f (head x) (tail x)

        all? f = foldl1 (λx y = x && y) .: map f
        any? f = foldl1 (λx y = x || y) .: map f

        sum     = foldl1 λ(x, y) = x + y
        product = foldl1 λ(x, y) = x * y

        concat = foldl1 λx y = x ++ y
        concat_map f xs = concat (map f xs)

        maximum = foldl1 λ(x, y) when x > y = x
                         |(_, y) = y

        minimum = foldl1 λx y = if x > y then y else x

        foldl (λx y = x + y) 0 [: 1, 2, 3, 4 ] == 10
        foldr (λx y = x + y) 0 [: 1, 2, 3, 4 ] == 10
        all? id [:true,true]
        not (all? id [:true,false])
        any? id [:true,false]
        not (any? id [:false,false])
        sum [:1,2,3] == 6
        product [:1,2,4] == 8

        let x = [:1,2], y = [:3,4]
        concat [:x,y] == [:1,2,3,4]

        concat_map (λx = [:x,x+1]) [:1,2] == [:1,2,2,3]

        minimum [: 1, 2, 3 ] == 1
        maximum [: 1, 2, 3 ] == 3


Sequences are an abstract data type which resembles a list, except that elements Sequences may be infinite, as long as you never try to read every element. However, the current implementation is stack-consuming and thus limited by the underlying javascript runtime [TODO].

    module seq

        open list
        open speedtest
        open html

        Seq a = { seq: JS { elem: a, next: Seq a}}
              | { end }

        inline seq x = {seq: x}

        iterate f x = seq yield { elem: x, next: iterate f (f x) }

        from_list {nil} = {end}
                | { head: x, tail: xs } =
                    { seq: yield { elem: x, next: from_list xs }}

        to_list { end }    = {nil}
              | { seq: x } = do! { elem: y, next: ys } <- x
                                 return (y :: to_list ys)

        take _ {end} = {end}
           | 0 _ = {end}
           | x { seq: y } = seq do { elem: z, next: zs } <- y
                                   return { elem: z, next: take (x - 1) zs }

        to_list (from_list [:1,2]) == [:1,2]
        iterate (λx = x + 1) 0 |> take 100 |> to_list |> length == 100


              (a -> b -> c) -> Seq a -> Seq b -> Seq c
            | _ {end}    _____    = {end}
            | _ _____    {end}    = {end}
            | f {seq: a} {seq: b} = seq do

                { elem: xx, next: xs } <- a
                { elem: yy, next: ys } <- b

                return { elem: f xx yy, next: zip_with f xs ys }

        inline x ::: y = seq yield { elem: x, next: do! y }

              Seq a   -> Seq a
            | {end}    = error "tail called on empty seq"
            | {seq: t} = do! t >>= λx = return

              | {end} = {end}
              | {seq: y} = seq lazy do!
                    {elem: x, next: xs} <- y
                    return {elem: x, next: to_lazy xs}

Infinite sequence example

        fibs = to_lazy <: 1 ::: return <: 1 ::: yield zip_with (λx y = x + y) fibs <: tail fibs

Since the lazy keyword memoizes it's argument, this fibonacci implementation is ridiculously faster than the recursive version. For example, the runtime speed of this fib implementation compared to the native recursive one is __________%.

        do! fast_time <- time yield fast_fib 30
            slow_time <- time yield fibs |> take 30 |> to_list |> last
            let ratio = floor (fast_time / slow_time * 100)
            "#speedtest" $= ratio
            return (ratio >= 2)

        fibs |> take 5 |> to_list == [:1,1,2,3,5]

        fast_fib 15 == fibs |> take 15
                            |> to_list
                            |> last


Demonstration of some classic FP data structures. This form of polymorphism can be simulated in Formal the same way they are implemented in Haskell - as a function dictionary, the only difference being that you must explicitly bind the dictionary instance to a symbol (as opposed to it being referenced by the type variable's instantiation).

    module "Formal Z"

        open list

        Functor f =

            { map: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b }

        Monad m =

            { (>>=): m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
              ret: a -> m a }

        map z x f = f x

        bind { ret: f, _ } x = f x

        list_functor =

            { map _ {nil} = {nil} 
                | f { head: x, tail: xs } =
                      { head: f x
                        tail: f xs }}

        list_monad =

            { (>>=) x g = concat_map g x
              return x = [:x] }

        js_monad =

            { (>>=) x f = x >>= f
              return x = return x }

        let (>>>=) x g = concat_map g x
            z = 1..3 >>>= λx = [:x,x+1,x+2]

        z == [:1,2,3,2,3,4,3,4,5]
module parsec

    open prelude
    open prelude.option
    open prelude.string
    open prelude.html

    Parser a = {parser: String -> {rest: String, parsed: Option a}}

    inline run_parser:

Runs a parser over a text argument and throws away the leftover text.

          Parser p  -> String -> Option p	                    
        | {parser = p} x = p x |> λ {parsed = {some = y}, _} = {some = y} 
                                  | _  = {none}

    inline (<$>):

Applies a function to the parse result, only if the parse was successful.

        (a -> b) -> Parser a    -> Parser b
        f       <$> {parser = z} =

            { parser s =
                  z s |>  λ {parsed = {some: x}, rest = ss} =
                               {parsed = {some = f x}, rest = ss}
                          | {parsed = {none}, rest = x} =
                               {parsed = {none}, rest = x} }

    inline (<*>):

Allows functions that take multiple arguments to be applied sequentially to a sequence of parsed values.

        Parser (a -> b) -> Parser a    -> Parser b
        {parser = fp}  <*> {parser = p} =

            { parser s = 
                  fp s |> λ {parsed = {some: f}, rest = rr} =
                                p rr |> λ {parsed = {some = x}, rest = z} =
                                              {parsed = {some = f x}, rest = z}
                                        | {parsed = {none}, rest = x} =
                                              {parsed = {none}, rest = x}
                          | {parsed: {none}, rest: x} =
                               {parsed: {none}, rest: x} }

    private inline lift(g, {parser: f}) =
        { parser text =
             let f' = f text
             in  g { text: text
                     f: f
                     parsed: f'.parsed
                     rest: f'.rest
                     f': f' }}

    inline (*>):

Applies two parsers in sequence, throwing out the result of the first.

        Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser b
        {parser = f} *> {parser = g} =

            { parser s =
                  f s |> λ {parsed = {some = x}, rest = zz} = g zz
                         | {parsed = {none}, rest = x} =
                               {parsed = {none}, rest = x} }

    inline (<|>):

Alternative will try the first parser, and applies the second only if the first fails and consumes no input from the text.

        Parser a      -> Parser a    -> Parser a
        {parser = f} <|> {parser = g} =

            let h text {parsed = {none}, rest = textt} when text == textt =
                    g text
                | _ x = x

            in {parser text = h text (f text)}

    inline try':

Tries to apply a parser, but restores the parser state in the case of a failure. This is useful with combinators that check the state of the consumed text, like <|>

          Parser a    -> Parser a
        = lift λ (x & {_, parsed: {none}}) =
                     {parsed: {none}, rest: x.text}
               | x = x.f'

    inline string:

A parser that matches a string. Unlike Haskell's Parsec library, parsec.formal will not consume any input if the entire string doesn't match. This is for efficiency reasons currently, but may change in the future.

	  String -> Parser String              
        | x = { parser y = 
                    let sub = do! `y.substring(0, x.length)`
                    if (sub == x)    
                        { rest   = do! `y.substring(x.length)`
                          parsed = {some = x} }
                    else {rest = y, parsed = {none}} }

    inline push! : x -> Array x -> Array x
         | x xs = do! `xs.unshift(x); xs`


Applies a parser repeatedly, until parsing fails.

          Parser a -> Parser (Array a)
        = lift λ (x & {_, parsed: {none}}) =
                     {parsed: {some: []}, rest =}
               | (y & {_, parsed: {some: x}}) =
                     (push! x <$> many {parser: y.f}).parser

    module "Testing"

        {some = "ten"} == run_parser (string "ten") "tens"
        {some = "tenten"} == run_parser ((λx = x +++ x) <$> string "ten") "tenfingers"

        {parsed = {some = "tenten"}, rest = "fingers"} 
            == ((λx = x +++ x) <$> string "ten").parser "tenfingers"

        var result = run_parser ((λx y = y +++ x) <$> string "ten" <*> string "fingers") "tenfingers"
        result == {some: "fingersten"}

        var result = run_parser (string "ten" <|> string "eleven") "eleven"
        result == {some: "eleven"}

        var result = run_parser (string "ten" *> string "fingers") "tenfingers"
        result == {some: "fingers"}

        var parser = (string "ten" *> string "fingers") <|> string "tentoes"
            result = run_parser parser "tentoes"
        result == {none}

        var parser = try' (string "ten" *> string "fingers") <|> string "tentoes"
            result = run_parser parser "tentoes"
        result == {some: "tentoes"}

        var parser = many (string "ten")
            result = run_parser parser "tententententen"
        result == {some: ["ten", "ten", "ten", "ten", "ten"]}


A collection of tests for compiler bugs, benchmarking, etc.


A collection of simple benchmarks. You can view the results by opening your browser's terminal.

module "Benchmarks for the prelude"

    title x = 
        do log "\r                                  "
           log x
           return true

    open prelude
    open prelude.speedtest
    open prelude.list
    open prelude.string

Here we have 5 implementations of (Project Euler problem #1)[]. The first is simply a native JS implementation.

    euler_1 x = `var sum = 0;
                 for (var i = 1; i < x; i++) {
                     if (i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0) sum += i;
                 return sum;`

The second is a tail recursive. The formal compiler will optimize simple functions which are tail recursive into javascript for loops automatically, making them much faster.

    euler_2 x y when x < 3 = y
          | x y when x % 3 == 0 || x % 5 == 0 =
                euler_2 (x - 1) (y + 1)
          | x y = euler_2 (x - 1) y

    euler_3 x when x < 3 = 0
    euler_3 x = if x % 3 == 0 || x % 5 == 0
                then 1 + euler_3 (x - 1)
                else euler_3 (x - 1)

    euler_4 z = yield 1 .. z 
                      |> filter (λx = x % 3 == 0 || x % 5 == 0)
                      |> sum

    euler_5 x y when x < 3 = y
          | x y when do! `x % 3 == 0 || x % 5 == 0` =
                euler_5 (x - 1) (y + 1)
          | x y = euler_5 (x - 1) y

    do! title "Relative Speeds (10k)"

        w <- time (euler_1 10000)
        x <- time yield euler_2 10000 0
        y <- time yield euler_3 10000
        z <- time (euler_4 10000)
        q <- time yield euler_5 10000 0

        log "  Native JS:          `w / 1000`s"
        log "  Formal TCO Unboxed: `q / 1000`s"
        log "  Formal TCO:         `x / 1000`s"
        log "  Formal Recursive:   `y / 1000`s"
        log "  Formal list:        `z / 1000`s"

        return <| (x <= y && y < z)

    string? (err yield euler_3(250000)).message

    do! title "Relative Speeds (2.5M)"

        w <- time (euler_1 2500000)
        x <- time yield euler_2 2500000 0
        y <- time yield euler_5 2500000 0

        log "  Native JS:          `w / 1000`s"
        log "  Formal TCO Unboxed: `y / 1000`s"
        log "  Formal TCO:         `x / 1000`s"
        log "  Formal Recursive:   `err yield euler_3(250000)`"
        log "  Formal list:        `err (euler_4 250000)`"

        log ""

        return <| (w < x)

module "Tests for partial records"

    open prelude

    var f {a: x, b: y, _ } = x + y
    f { a: 5, b: 5, c: 5 } == f { a: 5, b: 5, d: 5 }

    var f {a: 1, b: 1, _ } = 2
        f {b: 2, c: 2, _ } = 2
    f {a:1,b:1,c:3,d:5} + f {a:1,b:2,c:2,e:5} == 4

    var f { a = 1, b = 2, _ } = 1
        g { b = 2, c = 3, _ } = 2
        x = { a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 4 }
    f x + 1 == g x

module "Tests for TCO bugs"

    open prelude
    open prelude.list

    rev_1 y = 
        var r rest [:] = rest
            | rest { head: x, tail: xs } = 
                r (x :: rest) xs

        r {nil} y

    rev_2 = 
        var rrr rest [:] = rest
            rrr rest { head: x, tail: xs } = 
                rrr (x :: rest) xs

        rrr {nil}

    rev_2 [: 1, 2, 3, 4 ] == [: 4, 3, 2, 1 ]

    test_x = [: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]

    rev_2 test_x == rev_1 test_x
    rev_1 test_x == reverse test_x
    length (rev_2 test_x) == length (rev_1 test_x)
    length (rev_2 test_x) == length test_x
    length (rev_1 test_x) == length (reverse test_x)

module "Tests for parser bugs"

    open prelude
    open prelude.string
    open prelude.html

    var x = do! `[ { x: 1}, {x: 2}, {x: 3} ]`
    stringify (x !! 0).x == "1"