module Language.Fortran.Parser.Fortran77.ParserSpec where import Test.Hspec import TestUtil import Prelude hiding (exp) import Language.Fortran.Parser.Fortran77 import Language.Fortran.Lexer.FixedForm (initParseState) import Language.Fortran.ParserMonad (FortranVersion(..), evalParse, fromParseResultUnsafe) import Language.Fortran.AST import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B {-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" #-} eParser :: String -> Expression () eParser sourceCode = case evalParse statementParser parseState of (StExpressionAssign _ _ _ e) -> e _ -> error "unhandled evalParse" where paddedSourceCode = B.pack $ " a = " ++ sourceCode parseState = initParseState paddedSourceCode Fortran77 "" sParser :: String -> Statement () sParser sourceCode = evalParse statementParser $ initParseState (B.pack sourceCode) Fortran77 "" slParser :: String -> Statement () slParser sourceCode = evalParse statementParser $ initParseState (B.pack sourceCode) Fortran77Legacy "" iParser :: String -> [Block ()] iParser sourceCode = fromParseResultUnsafe $ includeParser Fortran77Legacy (B.pack sourceCode) "" pParser :: String -> ProgramFile () pParser source = fromParseResultUnsafe $ fortran77Parser (B.pack source) "" spec :: Spec spec = describe "Fortran 77 Parser" $ do describe "IO" $ do it "parses 'print *, 9000" $ do let expectedSt = StPrint () u starVal $ Just (AList () u [ intGen 9000 ]) sParser " print *, 9000" `shouldBe'` expectedSt it "parses 'write (UNIT=6, FORMAT=*)" $ do let cp1 = ControlPair () u (Just "unit") (intGen 6) cp2 = ControlPair () u (Just "format") starVal expectedSt = StWrite () u (AList () u [cp1, cp2]) Nothing sParser " write (UNIT=6, FORMAT=*)" `shouldBe'` expectedSt it "parses 'endfile i" $ sParser " endfile i" `shouldBe'` StEndfile2 () u (varGen "i") it "parses 'read *, (x, y(i), i = 1, 10, 2)'" $ do let stAssign = StExpressionAssign () u (varGen "i") (intGen 1) doSpec = DoSpecification () u stAssign (intGen 10) (Just $ intGen 2) impliedDoVars = AList () u [ varGen "x", ExpSubscript () u (varGen "y") (AList () u [ IxSingle () u Nothing $ varGen "i" ])] impliedDo = ExpImpliedDo () u impliedDoVars doSpec iolist = AList () u [ impliedDo ] expectedSt = StRead2 () u starVal (Just iolist) sParser " read *, (x, y(i), i = 1, 10, 2)" `shouldBe'` expectedSt it "parses '(x, y(i), i = 1, 10, 2)'" $ do let stAssign = StExpressionAssign () u (varGen "i") (intGen 1) doSpec = DoSpecification () u stAssign (intGen 10) (Just $ intGen 2) impliedDoVars = AList () u [ varGen "x", ExpSubscript () u (varGen "y") (AList () u [ IxSingle () u Nothing $ varGen "i" ])] impliedDo = ExpImpliedDo () u impliedDoVars doSpec eParser "(x, y(i), i = 1, 10, 2)" `shouldBe'` impliedDo it "parses main program unit" $ do let decl = DeclVariable () u (varGen "x") Nothing Nothing st = StDeclaration () u (TypeSpec () u TypeInteger Nothing) Nothing (AList () u [ decl ]) bl = BlStatement () u Nothing st pu = ProgramFile mi77 [ PUMain () u (Just "hello") [ bl ] Nothing ] pParser exampleProgram1 `shouldBe'` pu it "parses block data unit" $ do let decl = DeclVariable () u (varGen "x") Nothing Nothing st = StDeclaration () u (TypeSpec () u TypeInteger Nothing) Nothing (AList () u [ decl ]) bl = BlStatement () u Nothing st pu = ProgramFile mi77 [ PUBlockData () u (Just "hello") [ bl ] ] pParser exampleProgram2 `shouldBe'` pu it "parses 'intrinsic cosh, sin'" $ do let fun1 = ExpValue () u (ValVariable "cosh") fun2 = ExpValue () u (ValVariable "sin") st = StIntrinsic () u (AList () u [ fun1, fun2 ]) sParser " intrinsic cosh, sin" `shouldBe'` st it "parses 'intrinsic real" $ do let fun = ExpValue () u (ValVariable "real") st = StIntrinsic () u (AList () u [ fun ]) sParser " intrinsic real" `shouldBe'` st describe "CHARACTER" $ do it "parses character literal assignment" $ do let rhs = ExpValue () u (ValString "hello 'baby") st = StExpressionAssign () u (varGen "xyz") rhs sParser " xyz = 'hello ''baby'" `shouldBe'` st it "string concatenation" $ do let str1 = ExpValue () u (ValString "hello ") str2 = ExpValue () u (ValString "world") exp = ExpBinary () u Concatenation str1 str2 eParser "'hello ' // 'world'" `shouldBe'` exp describe "Subscript like" $ do it "parses vanilla subscript" $ do let exp = ExpSubscript () u (varGen "a") (AList () u [ IxSingle () u Nothing $ varGen "x", IxSingle () u Nothing $ intGen 2, IxSingle () u Nothing $ intGen 3 ]) eParser "a(x, 2, 3)" `shouldBe'` exp it "parses array declarator" $ do let dimDecls = [ DimensionDeclarator () u (Just $ intGen 1) (Just $ intGen 2) , DimensionDeclarator () u Nothing (Just $ intGen 15) , DimensionDeclarator () u (Just $ varGen "x") (Just starVal) ] decl = DeclArray () u (varGen "a") (AList () u dimDecls) Nothing Nothing st = StDeclaration () u (TypeSpec () u TypeInteger Nothing) Nothing (AList () u [ decl ]) sParser " integer a(1:2, 15, x:*)" `shouldBe'` st it "parses character substring" $ do let indicies = [ ixSinGen 1, ixSinGen 2, ixSinGen 3 ] subExp = ExpSubscript () u (varGen "a") (AList () u indicies) range = IxRange () u Nothing (Just $ intGen 10) Nothing exp = ExpSubscript () u subExp (AList () u [ range ]) eParser "a(1, 2, 3)(:10)" `shouldBe'` exp it "parses simpler substring" $ do let exp = ExpSubscript () u (varGen "a") (AList () u [ ixRanGen 5 10 ]) eParser "a(5:10)" `shouldBe'` exp it "parses simpler substring" $ do let range = IxRange () u (Just $ intGen 5) Nothing Nothing exp = ExpSubscript () u (varGen "a") (AList () u [ range ]) eParser "a(5:)" `shouldBe'` exp it "parses literal string subscript" $ do let range = IxRange () u (Just $ intGen 1) (Just $ intGen 2) Nothing exp = ExpSubscript () u (strGen "abc") (AList () u [ range ]) eParser "'abc'(1:2)" `shouldBe'` exp describe "GOTO" $ do it "parses computed GOTO with integer expression" $ do let exp = ExpBinary () u Multiplication (intGen 42) (intGen 24) st = StGotoComputed () u (AList () u [labelGen 10, labelGen 20, labelGen 30]) exp sParser " GOTO (10, 20, 30), 42 * 24" `shouldBe'` st let gotoSt = StGotoAssigned () u (varGen "v") (Just (AList () u [labelGen 10, labelGen 20, labelGen 30])) it "parses assigned GOTO with comma" $ sParser " GOTO v, (10, 20, 30)" `shouldBe'` gotoSt it "parses assigned GOTO without comma" $ sParser " GOTO v (10, 20, 30)" `shouldBe'` gotoSt describe "IMPLICIT" $ do it "parses 'implicit none'" $ do let st = resetSrcSpan $ StImplicit () u Nothing sParser " implicit none" `shouldBe'` st it "parses 'implicit character*30 (a, b, c), integer (a-z, l)" $ do let impEls = [ImpCharacter () u "a", ImpCharacter () u "b", ImpCharacter () u "c"] sel = Selector () u (Just (intGen 30)) Nothing imp1 = ImpList () u (TypeSpec () u (TypeCharacter (Just $ CharLenInt 30) Nothing) (Just sel)) $ AList () u impEls imp2 = ImpList () u (TypeSpec () u TypeInteger Nothing) $ AList () u [ImpRange () u "a" "z", ImpCharacter () u "l"] st = StImplicit () u $ Just $ AList () u [imp1, imp2] sParser " implicit character*30 (a, b, c), integer (a-z, l)" `shouldBe'` st it "parses 'parameter (pi = 3.14, b = 'X' // 'O', d = k) '" $ do let sts = [ DeclVariable () u (varGen "pi") Nothing (Just $ realGen (3.14::Double)) , let e = ExpBinary () u Concatenation (strGen "X") (strGen "O") in DeclVariable () u (varGen "b") Nothing (Just e) , DeclVariable () u (varGen "d") Nothing (Just $ varGen "k") ] st = StParameter () u (AList () u sts) sParser " parameter (pi = 3.14, b = 'X' // 'O', d = k)" `shouldBe'` st it "parses 'pause 'hello world''" $ do let st = StPause () u $ Just $ strGen "hello world" sParser " pause 'hello world'" `shouldBe'` st describe "SAVE" $ do it "parses 'save /cb/, var, /key/'" $ do let saveArgs = [ varGen "cb", varGen "var", varGen "key" ] st = StSave () u (Just $ AList () u saveArgs) sParser " save /cb/, var, /key/" `shouldBe'` st it "parses 'save'" $ sParser " save" `shouldBe'` StSave () u Nothing it "parses '.true. .eqv. f(42) .neqv. x'" $ do let arg2 = ExpSubscript () u (varGen "f") $ AList () u [ ixSinGen 42 ] arg3 = varGen "x" subexp = ExpBinary () u Equivalent valTrue arg2 exp = ExpBinary () u NotEquivalent subexp arg3 eParser ".true. .eqv. f(42) .neqv. x" `shouldBe'` exp it "parses 'entry me (a,b,*)'" $ do let func = ExpValue () u (ValVariable "me") args = [ varGen "a", varGen "b", starVal ] st = StEntry () u func (Just $ AList () u args) Nothing sParser " entry me (a,b,*)" `shouldBe'` st it "parses 'character a*8'" $ do let decl = DeclVariable () u (varGen "a") (Just $ intGen 8) Nothing typeSpec = TypeSpec () u (TypeCharacter Nothing Nothing) Nothing st = StDeclaration () u typeSpec Nothing (AList () u [ decl ]) sParser " character a*8" `shouldBe'` st it "parses included files" $ do let decl = DeclVariable () u (varGen "a") Nothing Nothing typeSpec = TypeSpec () u TypeInteger Nothing st = StDeclaration () u typeSpec Nothing (AList () u [ decl ]) bl = BlStatement () u Nothing st iParser " integer a" `shouldBe'` [bl] describe "Legacy Extensions" $ do it "parses structure/union/map blocks" $ do let src = init $ unlines [ " structure /foo/" , " union" , " map" , " integer i" , " end map" , " map" , " real r" , " end map" , " end union" , " end structure"] ds = [ UnionMap () u $ AList () u [StructFields () u (TypeSpec () u TypeInteger Nothing) Nothing $ AList () u [DeclVariable () u (varGen "i") Nothing Nothing]] , UnionMap () u $ AList () u [StructFields () u (TypeSpec () u TypeReal Nothing) Nothing $ AList () u [DeclVariable () u (varGen "r") Nothing Nothing]] ] st = StStructure () u (Just "foo") $ AList () u [StructUnion () u $ AList () u ds] resetSrcSpan (slParser src) `shouldBe` st it "parses nested structure blocks" $ do let src = init $ unlines [ " structure /foo/" , " structure /bar/ baz" , " integer qux" , " end structure" , " end structure"] var = DeclVariable () u (varGen "qux") Nothing Nothing innerst = StructStructure () u (Just "bar") ("baz") $ AList () u [StructFields () u (TypeSpec () u TypeInteger Nothing) Nothing $ AList () u [var]] st = StStructure () u (Just "foo") $ AList () u [innerst] resetSrcSpan (slParser src) `shouldBe` st it "parses character declarations with unspecfied lengths" $ do let src = " character s*(*)" st = StDeclaration () u (TypeSpec () u (TypeCharacter Nothing Nothing) Nothing) Nothing $ AList () u [DeclVariable () u (ExpValue () u (ValVariable "s")) (Just (ExpValue () u ValStar)) Nothing] resetSrcSpan (slParser src) `shouldBe` st it "parses array initializers" $ do let src = " integer xs(3) / 1, 2, 3 /" inits = [ExpValue () u (ValInteger "1"), ExpValue () u (ValInteger "2"), ExpValue () u (ValInteger "3")] st = StDeclaration () u (TypeSpec () u TypeInteger Nothing) Nothing $ AList () u [DeclArray () u (ExpValue () u (ValVariable "xs")) (AList () u [DimensionDeclarator () u Nothing (Just (ExpValue () u (ValInteger "3")))]) Nothing (Just (ExpInitialisation () u $ AList () u inits))] resetSrcSpan (slParser src) `shouldBe` st let src1 = " character xs(2)*5 / 'hello', 'world' /" inits1 = [ExpValue () u (ValString "hello"), ExpValue () u (ValString "world")] st1 = StDeclaration () u (TypeSpec () u (TypeCharacter Nothing Nothing) Nothing) Nothing $ AList () u [DeclArray () u (ExpValue () u (ValVariable "xs")) (AList () u [DimensionDeclarator () u Nothing (Just (ExpValue () u (ValInteger "2")))]) (Just (ExpValue () u (ValInteger "5"))) (Just (ExpInitialisation () u $ AList () u inits1))] resetSrcSpan (slParser src1) `shouldBe` st1 let src2 = " character xs*5(2) / 'hello', 'world' /" inits2 = [ExpValue () u (ValString "hello"), ExpValue () u (ValString "world")] st2 = StDeclaration () u (TypeSpec () u (TypeCharacter Nothing Nothing) Nothing) Nothing $ AList () u [DeclArray () u (ExpValue () u (ValVariable "xs")) (AList () u [DimensionDeclarator () u Nothing (Just (ExpValue () u (ValInteger "2")))]) (Just (ExpValue () u (ValInteger "5"))) (Just (ExpInitialisation () u $ AList () u inits2))] resetSrcSpan (slParser src2) `shouldBe` st2 it "parses subscripts in assignments" $ do let mkIdx i = IxSingle () u Nothing (ExpValue () u (ValInteger i)) src = " x(0,1) = 0" tgt = ExpSubscript () u (ExpValue () u (ValVariable "x")) (AList () u [mkIdx "0", mkIdx "1"]) st = StExpressionAssign () u tgt (ExpValue () u (ValInteger "0")) resetSrcSpan (slParser src) `shouldBe` st let src1 = " x(0).foo = 0" tgt1 = ExpDataRef () u (ExpSubscript () u (ExpValue () u (ValVariable "x")) (AList () u [mkIdx "0"])) (ExpValue () u (ValVariable "foo")) st1 = StExpressionAssign () u tgt1 (ExpValue () u (ValInteger "0")) resetSrcSpan (slParser src1) `shouldBe` st1 let src2 = " = 0" tgt2 = ExpDataRef () u (ExpValue () u (ValVariable "x")) (ExpValue () u (ValVariable "foo")) st2 = StExpressionAssign () u tgt2 (ExpValue () u (ValInteger "0")) resetSrcSpan (slParser src2) `shouldBe` st2 let src3 = " = 0" tgt3 = ExpSubscript () u (ExpDataRef () u (ExpValue () u (ValVariable "x")) (ExpValue () u (ValVariable "foo"))) (AList () u [mkIdx "0"]) st3 = StExpressionAssign () u tgt3 (ExpValue () u (ValInteger "0")) resetSrcSpan (slParser src3) `shouldBe` st3 exampleProgram1 :: String exampleProgram1 = unlines [ " program hello" , " integer x" , " end" ] exampleProgram2 :: String exampleProgram2 = unlines [ " block data hello" , " integer x" , " end" ] -- Local variables: -- mode: haskell -- haskell-program-name: "cabal repl test-suite:spec" -- End: