{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveDataTypeable, StandaloneDeriving, DeriveGeneric, TupleSections #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} -- | -- Common data structures and functions supporting analysis of the AST. module Language.Fortran.Analysis ( initAnalysis, stripAnalysis, Analysis(..), Constant(..) , varName, srcName, lvVarName, lvSrcName, isNamedExpression , genVar, puName, puSrcName, blockRhsExprs, rhsExprs , ModEnv, NameType(..), IDType(..), ConstructType(..) , lhsExprs, isLExpr, allVars, analyseAllLhsVars, analyseAllLhsVars1, allLhsVars , blockVarUses, blockVarDefs , BB, BBNode, BBGr(..), bbgrMap, bbgrMapM, bbgrEmpty , TransFunc, TransFuncM ) where import Prelude hiding (exp) import Language.Fortran.Util.Position (SrcSpan) import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data import Data.Data import Language.Fortran.AST import Language.Fortran.LValue import Data.Graph.Inductive (Node, empty) import Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree (Gr) import Text.PrettyPrint.GenericPretty import Text.PrettyPrint hiding (empty, isEmpty) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import Data.Maybe import Data.Binary import Language.Fortran.Intrinsics (getIntrinsicDefsUses, allIntrinsics) import Data.Bifunctor (first) import Language.Fortran.Analysis.SemanticTypes (SemType(..)) -------------------------------------------------- -- | Basic block type BB a = [Block a] -- | Basic block graph. data BBGr a = BBGr { bbgrGr :: Gr (BB a) () -- ^ the underlying graph , bbgrEntries :: [Node] -- ^ the entry node(s) , bbgrExits :: [Node] -- ^ the exit node(s) } deriving (Data, Show, Eq, Generic) type BBNode = Int -- | Empty basic block graph bbgrEmpty :: BBGr a bbgrEmpty = BBGr empty [] [] -- | Call function on the underlying graph bbgrMap :: (Gr (BB a) () -> Gr (BB b) ()) -> BBGr a -> BBGr b bbgrMap f bb = bb { bbgrGr = f (bbgrGr bb) } -- | Monadically call function on the underlying graph bbgrMapM :: Monad m => (Gr (BB a1) () -> m (Gr (BB a2) ())) -> BBGr a1 -> m (BBGr a2) bbgrMapM f bb = do x <- f (bbgrGr bb) return $ bb { bbgrGr = x } -- Allow graphs to reside inside of annotations deriving instance (Typeable a, Typeable b) => Typeable (Gr a b) instance (Typeable a, Typeable b) => Data (Gr a b) where gfoldl _k z = z -- make graphs opaque to Uniplate toConstr _ = error "toConstr" gunfold _ _ = error "gunfold" dataTypeOf _ = mkNoRepType "Gr" -------------------------------------------------- -- | The type of "transformBi"-family functions type TransFunc f g a = (f (Analysis a) -> f (Analysis a)) -> g (Analysis a) -> g (Analysis a) -- | The type of "transformBiM"-family functions type TransFuncM m f g a = (f (Analysis a) -> m (f (Analysis a))) -> g (Analysis a) -> m (g (Analysis a)) -- Describe a Fortran name as either a program unit or a variable. data NameType = NTSubprogram | NTVariable | NTIntrinsic deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable, Generic) instance Binary NameType instance Out NameType -- Module environments are associations between source name and -- (unique name, name type) in a specific module. type ModEnv = M.Map String (String, NameType) -- Fortran data types are broken down into 'construct type' and 'base type'. data ConstructType = CTFunction | CTSubroutine | CTExternal | CTVariable | CTArray [(Maybe Int, Maybe Int)] | CTParameter | CTIntrinsic deriving (Ord, Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) instance Out ConstructType instance Binary ConstructType data IDType = IDType { idVType :: Maybe SemType , idCType :: Maybe ConstructType } deriving (Ord, Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) instance Out IDType instance Binary IDType -- | Information about potential / actual constant expressions. data Constant = ConstInt Integer -- ^ interpreted integer | ConstUninterpInt String -- ^ uninterpreted integer | ConstUninterpReal String -- ^ uninterpreted real | ConstBinary BinaryOp Constant Constant -- ^ binary operation on potential constants | ConstUnary UnaryOp Constant -- ^ unary operation on potential constants deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Typeable, Generic, Data) instance Out Constant instance Binary Constant data Analysis a = Analysis { prevAnnotation :: a -- ^ original annotation , uniqueName :: Maybe String -- ^ unique name for function/variable, after variable renaming phase , sourceName :: Maybe String -- ^ original name for function/variable found in source text , bBlocks :: Maybe (BBGr (Analysis a)) -- ^ basic block graph , insLabel :: Maybe Int -- ^ unique number for each block during dataflow analysis , moduleEnv :: Maybe ModEnv , idType :: Maybe IDType , allLhsVarsAnn :: [Name] , constExp :: Maybe Constant } deriving (Data, Show, Eq, Generic) instance Functor Analysis where fmap f analysis = Analysis { prevAnnotation = f (prevAnnotation analysis) , uniqueName = uniqueName analysis , sourceName = sourceName analysis , bBlocks = fmap (bbgrMap (first . fmap . fmap . fmap $ f)) . bBlocks $ analysis , insLabel = insLabel analysis , moduleEnv = moduleEnv analysis , idType = idType analysis , allLhsVarsAnn = allLhsVarsAnn analysis , constExp = constExp analysis } instance Out (Analysis a) where doc a = parens . text . unwords . map (uncurry (++) . fmap fromJust) . filter (isJust . snd) $ [ ("uniqueName: ", uniqueName a) , ("sourceName: ", sourceName a) , ("insLabel: ", fmap show (insLabel a)) , ("idType: ", fmap show (idType a)) ] docPrec _ = doc analysis0 :: a -> Analysis a analysis0 a = Analysis { prevAnnotation = a , uniqueName = Nothing , sourceName = Nothing , bBlocks = Nothing , insLabel = Nothing , moduleEnv = Nothing , idType = Nothing , allLhsVarsAnn = [] , constExp = Nothing } -- | True iff the expression can be used with varName or srcName isNamedExpression :: Expression a -> Bool isNamedExpression (ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable _)) = True isNamedExpression (ExpValue _ _ (ValIntrinsic _)) = True isNamedExpression _ = False -- | Obtain either uniqueName or source name from an ExpValue variable. varName :: Expression (Analysis a) -> Name varName (ExpValue Analysis { uniqueName = Just n } _ ValVariable{}) = n varName (ExpValue Analysis { sourceName = Just n } _ ValVariable{}) = n varName (ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable n)) = n varName (ExpValue Analysis { uniqueName = Just n } _ ValIntrinsic{}) = n varName (ExpValue Analysis { sourceName = Just n } _ ValIntrinsic{}) = n varName (ExpValue _ _ (ValIntrinsic n)) = n varName _ = error "Use of varName on non-variable." -- | Obtain the source name from an ExpValue variable. srcName :: Expression (Analysis a) -> Name srcName (ExpValue Analysis { sourceName = Just n } _ ValVariable{}) = n srcName (ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable n)) = n srcName (ExpValue Analysis { sourceName = Just n } _ ValIntrinsic{}) = n srcName (ExpValue _ _ (ValIntrinsic n)) = n srcName _ = error "Use of srcName on non-variable." -- | Obtain either uniqueName or source name from an LvSimpleVar variable. lvVarName :: LValue (Analysis a) -> Name lvVarName (LvSimpleVar Analysis { uniqueName = Just n } _ _) = n lvVarName (LvSimpleVar Analysis { sourceName = Just n } _ _) = n lvVarName (LvSimpleVar _ _ n) = n lvVarName _ = error "Use of lvVarName on non-variable." -- | Obtain the source name from an LvSimpleVar variable. lvSrcName :: LValue (Analysis a) -> Name lvSrcName (LvSimpleVar Analysis { sourceName = Just n } _ _) = n lvSrcName (LvSimpleVar _ _ n) = n lvSrcName _ = error "Use of lvSrcName on a non-variable" -- | Generate an ExpValue variable with its source name == to its uniqueName. genVar :: Analysis a -> SrcSpan -> Name -> Expression (Analysis a) genVar a s n = ExpValue (a { uniqueName = Just n, sourceName = Just n }) s v where v | Just CTIntrinsic <- idCType =<< idType a = ValIntrinsic n | otherwise = ValVariable n -- | Obtain either ProgramUnit uniqueName or whatever is in the AST. puName :: ProgramUnit (Analysis a) -> ProgramUnitName puName pu | Just n <- uniqueName (getAnnotation pu) = Named n | otherwise = getName pu -- | Obtain either ProgramUnit sourceName or whatever is in the AST. puSrcName :: ProgramUnit (Analysis a) -> ProgramUnitName puSrcName pu | Just n <- sourceName (getAnnotation pu) = Named n | otherwise = getName pu -- | Create analysis annotations for the program, saving the original -- annotations. initAnalysis :: Functor b => b a -> b (Analysis a) initAnalysis = fmap analysis0 -- | Remove analysis annotations from the program, restoring the -- original annotations. stripAnalysis :: Functor b => b (Analysis a) -> b a stripAnalysis = fmap prevAnnotation -------------------------------------------------- -- | Return list of expressions used as the left-hand-side of -- assignment statements (including for-loops and function-calls by reference). lhsExprs :: forall a b . (Data a, Data (b a)) => b a -> [Expression a] lhsExprs x = concatMap lhsOfStmt (universeBi x) where lhsOfStmt :: Statement a -> [Expression a] lhsOfStmt (StExpressionAssign _ _ e e') = e : onExprs e' lhsOfStmt (StCall _ _ _ (Just aexps)) = filter isLExpr argExps ++ concatMap onExprs argExps where argExps = map extractExp . aStrip $ aexps lhsOfStmt s = onExprs s onExprs :: (Data a, Data (c a)) => c a -> [Expression a] onExprs = concatMap lhsOfExp . universeBi lhsOfExp :: Expression a -> [Expression a] lhsOfExp (ExpFunctionCall _ _ _ (Just aexps)) = fstLvl aexps lhsOfExp _ = [] fstLvl = filter isLExpr . map extractExp . aStrip extractExp (Argument _ _ _ exp) = exp -- | Return list of expressions that are not "left-hand-side" of -- assignment statements. rhsExprs :: (Data a, Data (b a)) => b a -> [Expression a] rhsExprs x = concat [ blockRhsExprs b | b <- universeBi x ] -- | Is this an expression capable of assignment? isLExpr :: Expression a -> Bool isLExpr (ExpValue _ _ ValVariable {}) = True isLExpr ExpSubscript{} = True isLExpr _ = False -- | Set of names found in an AST node. allVars :: forall a b. (Data a, Data (b (Analysis a))) => b (Analysis a) -> [Name] allVars b = [ varName v | v@(ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable _)) <- uniBi b ] where uniBi x = universeBi x :: [Expression (Analysis a)] -- | Initiate (lazy) computation of all LHS variables for each node of -- the AST so that it may be accessed later. analyseAllLhsVars :: forall a . Data a => ProgramFile (Analysis a) -> ProgramFile (Analysis a) analyseAllLhsVars = (transformBi :: TransFunc Block ProgramFile a) analyseAllLhsVars1 . (transformBi :: TransFunc Statement ProgramFile a) analyseAllLhsVars1 . (transformBi :: TransFunc DoSpecification ProgramFile a) analyseAllLhsVars1 analyseAllLhsVars1 :: (Annotated f, Data (f (Analysis a)), Data a) => f (Analysis a) -> f (Analysis a) analyseAllLhsVars1 x = modifyAnnotation (\ a -> a { allLhsVarsAnn = computeAllLhsVars x }) x -- | Set of names found in the parts of an AST that are the target of -- an assignment statement. -- allLhsVars :: (Annotated b, Data a, Data (b (Analysis a))) => b (Analysis a) -> [Name] allLhsVars :: Data a => Block (Analysis a) -> [Name] allLhsVars = allLhsVarsAnn . getAnnotation allLhsVarsDoSpec :: Data a => DoSpecification (Analysis a) -> [Name] allLhsVarsDoSpec = computeAllLhsVars -- | Set of names found in the parts of an AST that are the target of -- an assignment statement. computeAllLhsVars :: forall a b . (Data a, Data (b (Analysis a))) => b (Analysis a) -> [Name] computeAllLhsVars = concatMap lhsOfStmt . universeBi where lhsOfStmt :: Statement (Analysis a) -> [Name] lhsOfStmt (StExpressionAssign _ _ e e') = match' e : onExprs e' lhsOfStmt (StDeclaration _ _ _ _ decls) = concat [ lhsOfDecls decl | decl <- universeBi decls ] lhsOfStmt (StCall _ _ f@(ExpValue _ _ (ValIntrinsic _)) _) | Just defs <- intrinsicDefs f = defs lhsOfStmt (StCall _ _ _ (Just aexps)) = concatMap (match'' . extractExp) (aStrip aexps) lhsOfStmt s = onExprs s lhsOfDecls (Declarator _ _ e _ _ (Just e')) = match' e : onExprs e' lhsOfDecls _ = [] onExprs :: (Data (c (Analysis a))) => c (Analysis a) -> [Name] onExprs = concatMap lhsOfExp . universeBi lhsOfExp :: Expression (Analysis a) -> [Name] lhsOfExp (ExpFunctionCall _ _ _ (Just aexps)) = concatMap (match . extractExp) (aStrip aexps) lhsOfExp _ = [] extractExp (Argument _ _ _ exp) = exp -- Match and give the varname for LHS of statement match' v@(ExpValue _ _ ValVariable{}) = varName v match' (ExpSubscript _ _ e _) = match' e match' (ExpDataRef _ _ v _) = match' v match' e = error $ "An unexpected LHS to an expression assign: " ++ show (fmap (const ()) e) -- Match and give the varname of LHSes which occur in subroutine calls match'' v@(ExpValue _ _ ValVariable{}) = [varName v] match'' (ExpSubscript _ _ e _) = match'' e match'' (ExpDataRef _ _ v _) = match'' v match'' e = onExprs e -- Match and give the varname of LHSes which occur in function calls match v@(ExpValue _ _ ValVariable{}) = [varName v] match (ExpSubscript _ _ e _) = match e match (ExpDataRef _ _ e _) = match e match e = onExprs e -- | Set of expressions used -- not defined -- by an AST-block. blockRhsExprs :: Data a => Block a -> [Expression a] blockRhsExprs (BlStatement _ _ _ s) = statementRhsExprs s blockRhsExprs (BlDo _ _ _ _ _ (Just (DoSpecification _ _ (StExpressionAssign _ _ lhs rhs) e1 e2)) _ _) | ExpSubscript _ _ _ subs <- lhs = universeBi (rhs, e1, e2) ++ universeBi subs | otherwise = universeBi (rhs, e1, e2) blockRhsExprs (BlDoWhile _ _ e1 _ _ e2 _ _) = universeBi (e1, e2) blockRhsExprs (BlIf _ _ e1 _ e2 _ _) = universeBi (e1, e2) blockRhsExprs b = universeBi b -- | Set of expression used -- not defined -- by a statement statementRhsExprs :: Data a => Statement a -> [Expression a] statementRhsExprs (StExpressionAssign _ _ lhs rhs) | ExpSubscript _ _ _ subs <- lhs = universeBi rhs ++ universeBi subs | otherwise = universeBi rhs statementRhsExprs StDeclaration{} = [] statementRhsExprs (StIfLogical _ _ _ s) = statementRhsExprs s statementRhsExprs (StDo _ _ _ l s') = universeBi l ++ doSpecRhsExprs s' where doSpecRhsExprs (Just (DoSpecification _ _ s e1 e2)) = (e1 : universeBi e2) ++ statementRhsExprs s doSpecRhsExprs Nothing = [] statementRhsExprs s = universeBi s -- | Set of names used -- not defined -- by an AST-block. blockVarUses :: forall a. Data a => Block (Analysis a) -> [Name] blockVarUses (BlStatement _ _ _ (StExpressionAssign _ _ lhs rhs)) | ExpSubscript _ _ _ subs <- lhs = allVars rhs ++ concatMap allVars (aStrip subs) | otherwise = allVars rhs blockVarUses (BlDo _ _ _ _ _ (Just (DoSpecification _ _ (StExpressionAssign _ _ lhs rhs) e1 e2)) _ _) | ExpSubscript _ _ _ subs <- lhs = allVars rhs ++ allVars e1 ++ maybe [] allVars e2 ++ concatMap allVars (aStrip subs) | otherwise = allVars rhs ++ allVars e1 ++ maybe [] allVars e2 blockVarUses (BlStatement _ _ _ st@StDeclaration{}) = concat [ rhsOfDecls d | d <- universeBi st ] where rhsOfDecls :: Data a => Declarator (Analysis a) -> [Name] rhsOfDecls (Declarator _ _ _ _ _ (Just e)) = allVars e rhsOfDecls _ = [] blockVarUses (BlStatement _ _ _ (StCall _ _ f@(ExpValue _ _ (ValIntrinsic _)) _)) | Just uses <- intrinsicUses f = uses blockVarUses (BlStatement _ _ _ (StCall _ _ _ (Just aexps))) = allVars aexps blockVarUses (BlDoWhile _ _ e1 _ _ e2 _ _) = maybe [] allVars e1 ++ allVars e2 blockVarUses (BlIf _ _ e1 _ e2 _ _) = maybe [] allVars e1 ++ concatMap (maybe [] allVars) e2 blockVarUses b = allVars b -- | Set of names defined by an AST-block. blockVarDefs :: Data a => Block (Analysis a) -> [Name] blockVarDefs b@BlStatement{} = allLhsVars b blockVarDefs (BlDo _ _ _ _ _ (Just doSpec) _ _) = allLhsVarsDoSpec doSpec blockVarDefs _ = [] -- form name: n[i] dummyArg :: Name -> Int -> Name dummyArg n i = n ++ "[" ++ show i ++ "]" -- return dummy arg names defined by intrinsic intrinsicDefs :: Expression (Analysis a) -> Maybe [Name] intrinsicDefs = fmap fst . intrinsicDefsUses -- return dummy arg names used by intrinsic intrinsicUses :: Expression (Analysis a) -> Maybe [Name] intrinsicUses = fmap snd . intrinsicDefsUses -- return dummy arg names (defined, used) by intrinsic intrinsicDefsUses :: Expression (Analysis a) -> Maybe ([Name], [Name]) intrinsicDefsUses f = both (map (dummyArg (varName f))) <$> getIntrinsicDefsUses (srcName f) allIntrinsics where both f' (x, y) = (f' x, f' y) -- Local variables: -- mode: haskell -- haskell-program-name: "cabal repl" -- End: