-- | This module provides an interface for rewriting textual, unparsed Fortran -- using a diff-like algorithm. -- -- Original code from Bloomberg, used with permission. -- -- Original authors: -- * Daniel Beer -- * Anthony Burzillo -- * Raoul Hidalgo Charman -- * Aiden Jeffrey -- * Jason Xu -- * Beleth Apophis -- * Lukasz Kolodziejczyk module Language.Fortran.Rewriter ( RI.SourceLocation(..) , RI.SourceRange(..) , RI.Replacement(..) , RI.ReplacementError(..) , RI.ReplacementMap , partitionOverlapping , processReplacements , spanToSourceRange , spanToSourceRange2 , sourceRangeBetweenTwoSpans ) where import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BC import qualified Language.Fortran.Rewriter.Internal as RI import Data.List ( partition ) import qualified Data.Map as M import Language.Fortran.Util.Position ( lineCol , SrcSpan(..) ) import System.Directory ( renameFile ) import System.FilePath ( () , takeFileName , takeDirectory ) import System.IO.Temp ( withTempDirectory ) -- | Remove overlapping items from a list of replacements and return a pair of -- lists containing disjoint items and overlapping items, respectively. -- -- __Important notes:__ -- -- Replacements that come first in the list will be given precedence over later -- items. partitionOverlapping :: [RI.Replacement] -> ([RI.Replacement], [RI.Replacement]) partitionOverlapping [] = ([], []) partitionOverlapping (r:rs) = -- partition current list using front element, recurse on the disjoints -- (r is always treated as disjoint, which gives the precedence) let (disjoint, overlapping) = partition (RI.areDisjoint r) rs (disjointRest, overlappingRest) = partitionOverlapping disjoint in (r : disjointRest, overlapping <> overlappingRest) -- | Apply a list of 'Replacement's to the orginal source file. -- -- __Important notes:__ -- -- Source locations specified in replacements are 0-indexed. -- -- Rewriting applies continuation lines when lines are longer than 72 characters. -- -- __Example replacements:__ -- -- Delete the first character in a file -- -- @ Replacement (SourceRange (SourceLocation 0 0) (SourceLocation 0 1)) "" @ -- -- Prepend "a" to 1 line, 2 column character -- -- @ Replacement (SourceRange (SourceLocation 0 1) (SourceLocation 0 1)) "a" @ -- -- Replace a character located in 2 line, 4 column with "a" -- -- @ Replacement (SourceRange (SourceLocation 1 3) (SourceLocation 1 4)) "a" @ -- -- Replace string starting in 2 line, 4 column and ending in 2 line, 6 column (inclusive) with "a" -- -- @ Replacement (SourceRange (SourceLocation 1 3) (SourceLocation 1 6)) "a" @ -- -- @since processReplacements :: RI.ReplacementMap -> IO () processReplacements rm = processReplacements_ $ M.toList rm processReplacements_ :: [(String, [RI.Replacement])] -> IO () processReplacements_ = mapM_ go where go :: (String, [RI.Replacement]) -> IO () go (filePath, repls) = do contents <- BC.readFile filePath let newContents = RI.applyReplacements contents repls withTempDirectory (takeDirectory filePath) ('.' : takeFileName filePath) $ \tmpDir -> let tmpFile = tmpDir "tmp.f" in do putStrLn tmpFile BC.writeFile tmpFile newContents renameFile tmpFile filePath -- | Utility function to convert 'SrcSpan' to 'SourceRange' -- -- @since spanToSourceRange :: SrcSpan -> RI.SourceRange spanToSourceRange (SrcSpan start end) = let (l1, c1) = lineCol start (l2, c2) = lineCol end in RI.SourceRange (RI.SourceLocation (l1 - 1) (c1 - 1)) (RI.SourceLocation (l2 - 1) c2) -- | Given two 'Span's, returns a 'SourceRange' that starts at the starting -- location of the first span, and ends at the starting location of the second -- span -- -- @since spanToSourceRange2 :: SrcSpan -> SrcSpan -> RI.SourceRange spanToSourceRange2 (SrcSpan start1 _) (SrcSpan start2 _) = let (l1, c1) = lineCol start1 (l2, c2) = lineCol start2 in RI.SourceRange (RI.SourceLocation (l1 - 1) (c1 - 1)) (RI.SourceLocation (l2 - 1) (c2 - 1)) -- | Given two 'Span's, returns a 'SourceRange' that starts at the ending -- location of the first span, and ends at the starting location of the second -- span -- -- @since sourceRangeBetweenTwoSpans :: SrcSpan -> SrcSpan -> RI.SourceRange sourceRangeBetweenTwoSpans (SrcSpan _ end1) (SrcSpan start2 _) = let (l1, c1) = lineCol end1 (l2, c2) = lineCol start2 in RI.SourceRange (RI.SourceLocation (l1 - 1) c1) (RI.SourceLocation (l2 - 1) (c2 - 1))