{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Language.Fortran.Analysis.DataFlowSpec where import Test.Hspec import TestUtil import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck (Positive(..)) import Language.Fortran.Parser.Fortran77 import qualified Language.Fortran.Parser.Fortran90 as F90 import Language.Fortran.ParserMonad (fromParseResultUnsafe) import Language.Fortran.AST import Language.Fortran.Analysis import Language.Fortran.Analysis.Renaming import Language.Fortran.Analysis.BBlocks import Language.Fortran.Analysis.DataFlow import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.IntMap as IM import qualified Data.IntSet as IS import Data.Graph.Inductive hiding (version, lab') import Data.Maybe import Data.List import Data.Data import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Operations import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import Control.Arrow ((&&&)) {-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" #-} data F77 = F77 data F90 = F90 class Parser t where parser :: t -> String -> String -> ProgramFile A0 instance Parser F77 where parser F77 src file = fromParseResultUnsafe $ extended77Parser (B.pack src) file instance Parser F90 where parser F90 src file = fromParseResultUnsafe $ F90.fortran90Parser (B.pack src) file pParser :: Parser t => t -> String -> ProgramFile (Analysis ()) pParser version source = rename . analyseBBlocks . analyseRenames . initAnalysis . resetSrcSpan $ parser version source "" withParse :: Data a => Parser t => t -> String -> (ProgramFile (Analysis A0) -> a) -> a withParse version source f = underRenaming (f . analyseBBlocks) (parser version source "") testGraph :: Parser t => t -> String -> String -> BBGr (Analysis A0) testGraph version f p = fromJust . M.lookup (Named f) . withParse version p $ genBBlockMap testPfAndGraph :: Parser t => t -> String -> String -> (ProgramFile (Analysis A0), BBGr (Analysis A0)) testPfAndGraph version f p = fmap (fromJust . M.lookup (Named f)) . withParse version p $ \ pf -> (pf, genBBlockMap pf) testGenDefMap :: Parser t => t -> String -> DefMap testGenDefMap version = flip (withParse version) (genDefMap . genBlockMap . analyseBBlocks . initAnalysis) testBackEdges :: Parser t => t -> String -> String -> BackEdgeMap testBackEdges version f p = bedges where gr = testGraph version f p domMap = dominators gr bedges = genBackEdgeMap domMap $ bbgrGr gr spec :: Spec spec = describe "Dataflow" $ do describe "loop4" $ do let pf = pParser F77 programLoop4 bm = genBlockMap pf dm = genDefMap bm it "genBackEdgeMap" $ do let gr = testGraph F77 "loop4" programLoop4 testBackEdges F77 "loop4" programLoop4 `shouldBe` IM.fromList [(findLabelBB gr 8, findLabelBB gr 10), (findLabelBB gr 7, findLabelBB gr 20)] let gr = fromJust . M.lookup (Named "loop4") $ genBBlockMap pf it "loopNodes" $ do let domMap = dominators gr bedges = genBackEdgeMap domMap $ bbgrGr gr S.fromList (loopNodes bedges $ bbgrGr gr) `shouldBe` S.fromList [findLabelsBB gr [5,6,7,20], IS.unions [findLabelsBB gr [4,5,6,7,8,10,20,30], findSuccsBB gr [20]]] it "genDefMap" $ testGenDefMap F77 programLoop4 `shouldBe` M.fromList [("i",findLabelsBl pf [3,30]),("j",findLabelsBl pf [4,6]),("r",findLabelsBl pf [2,5])] it "reachingDefinitions" $ IM.lookup (findLabelBB gr 5) (reachingDefinitions dm gr) `shouldBe` Just (findLabelsBl pf [2,3,4,5,6,30], findLabelsBl pf [3,4,5,6,30]) it "flowsTo" $ (S.fromList . edges . genFlowsToGraph bm dm gr $ reachingDefinitions dm gr) `shouldBe` -- Find the flows of the assignment statements in the program. findLabelsBlEdges pf [(2,5),(2,40) -- r = 0 ,(3,5),(3,10),(3,30) -- i = 1 ,(4,5),(4,6),(4,20) -- j = 1 ,(5,5),(5,40) -- r = r + i * j ,(6,5),(6,6),(6,20) -- j = j + 1 ,(30,5),(30,10),(30,30) -- i = i + 1 ] ---------------------------------------------- describe "loop4 alt (module)" $ do let pf = pParser F90 programLoop4Alt sgr = genSuperBBGr (genBBlockMap pf) bm = genBlockMap pf dm = genDefMap bm gr = superBBGrGraph sgr domMap = dominators gr bedges = genBackEdgeMap domMap $ bbgrGr gr it "genBackEdgeMap" $ do let gr' = testGraph F90 "loop4" programLoop4Alt testBackEdges F90 "loop4" programLoop4Alt `shouldBe` IM.fromList [(findLabelBB gr' 22, findLabelBB gr' 20), (findLabelBB gr' 31, findLabelBB gr' 10)] it "loopNodes" $ S.fromList (loopNodes bedges $ bbgrGr gr) `shouldBe` S.fromList [findLabelsBB gr [20,21,22], findLabelsBB gr [10,11,20,21,22,31,40]] it "genDefMap" $ testGenDefMap F90 programLoop4Alt `shouldBe` M.fromList [("i",findLabelsBl pf [2,31]),("j",findLabelsBl pf [11,22]),("r",findLabelsBl pf [1,21])] it "reachingDefinitions" $ IM.lookup (findLabelBB gr 21) (reachingDefinitions dm gr) `shouldBe` Just (findLabelsBl pf [1,2,11,21,22,31], findLabelsBl pf [2,11,21,22,31]) it "flowsTo" $ (S.fromList . edges . genFlowsToGraph bm dm gr $ reachingDefinitions dm gr) `shouldBe` -- Find the flows of the assignment statements in the program. findLabelsBlEdges pf [(1,21),(1,41) -- r = 0 ,(2,10),(2,21),(2,31) -- i = 1 ,(11,20),(11,21),(11,22) -- j = 1 ,(21,21),(21,41) -- r = r + i * j ,(22,20),(22,21),(22,22) -- j = j + 1 ,(31,10),(31,21),(31,31) -- i = i + 1 ] ----------------------------------------------- describe "rd3" $ do let (pf, gr) = testPfAndGraph F77 "f" programRd3 bm = genBlockMap pf dm = genDefMap bm it "genBackEdgeMap" $ do let gr' = testGraph F77 "f" programRd3 testBackEdges F77 "f" programRd3 `shouldBe` IM.singleton (findLabelBB gr 4) (findLabelBB gr' 1) it "loopNodes" $ do let domMap = dominators gr bedges = genBackEdgeMap domMap $ bbgrGr gr S.fromList (loopNodes bedges $ bbgrGr gr) `shouldBe` S.fromList [findLabelsBB gr [1,2,3,4]] it "reachingDefinitions" $ IM.lookup (findLabelBB gr 5) (reachingDefinitions dm gr) `shouldBe` Just (IS.unions [findBBlockBl gr 0, findLabelsBl pf [1,2,3]] ,IS.unions [findBBlockBl gr 0, findLabelsBl pf [1,2,3,5]]) it "flowsTo" $ (S.fromList . edges . genFlowsToGraph bm dm gr $ reachingDefinitions dm gr) `shouldSatisfy` -- Find the flows of the assignment statements in the program. S.isSubsetOf (findLabelsBlEdges pf [(1,2),(1,3) -- do 4 i = 2, 10 ,(2,3) -- b(i) = a(i-1) + x ,(3,2),(3,5) -- a(i) = b(i) ]) describe "rd4" $ it "ivMapByASTBlock" $ do let (_, gr) = testPfAndGraph F77 "f" programRd4 domMap = dominators gr bedges = genBackEdgeMap domMap $ bbgrGr gr ivMap = genInductionVarMapByASTBlock bedges gr (sort . map (head &&& length) . group . sort . map S.size $ IM.elems ivMap) `shouldBe` [(1,3),(2,3)] describe "bug36" $ do let pf = pParser F90 programBug36 sgr = genSuperBBGr (genBBlockMap pf) gr = superBBGrGraph sgr domMap = dominators gr bedges = genBackEdgeMap domMap $ bbgrGr gr it "loopNodes" $ length (loopNodes bedges $ bbgrGr gr) `shouldBe` 2 describe "funcflow1" $ do let pf = pParser F90 programFuncFlow1 sgr = genSuperBBGr (genBBlockMap pf) gr = superBBGrGraph sgr bm = genBlockMap pf dm = genDefMap bm rDefs = reachingDefinitions dm gr flTo = genFlowsToGraph bm dm gr rDefs it "flowsTo" $ (S.fromList . edges . trc $ flTo) `shouldSatisfy` -- Find the flows of the assignment statements in the program. S.isSubsetOf (findLabelsBlEdges pf [(1,2),(1,3),(3,2)]) describe "funcflow2" $ do let pf = pParser F90 programFuncFlow2 sgr = genSuperBBGr (genBBlockMap pf) gr = superBBGrGraph sgr bm = genBlockMap pf dm = genDefMap bm rDefs = reachingDefinitions dm gr flTo = genFlowsToGraph bm dm gr rDefs domMap = dominators gr bedges = genBackEdgeMap domMap $ bbgrGr gr diMap = genDerivedInductionMap bedges gr (iLabel, iName):_ = [ (fromJust (insLabel a), varName e) | e@(ExpValue a _ (ValVariable _)) <- rhsExprs pf, srcName e == "i" ] (jLabel, _):_ = [ (fromJust (insLabel a), varName e) | e@(ExpValue a _ (ValVariable _)) <- lhsExprs pf, srcName e == "j" ] it "flowsTo" $ (S.fromList . edges . trc $ flTo) `shouldSatisfy` -- Find the flows of the assignment statements in the program. S.isSubsetOf (findLabelsBlEdges pf [(1,2),(1,3),(3,2)]) it "derivedInduction" $ do IM.lookup iLabel diMap `shouldBe` Just (IELinear iName 1 0) IM.lookup jLabel diMap `shouldBe` Just (IELinear iName 6 2) describe "defUse1" $ do let pf = pParser F90 programDefUse1 sgr = genSuperBBGr (genBBlockMap pf) gr = superBBGrGraph sgr bm = genBlockMap pf dm = genDefMap bm rDefs = reachingDefinitions dm gr flTo = genFlowsToGraph bm dm gr rDefs domMap = dominators gr bedges = genBackEdgeMap domMap $ bbgrGr gr it "backEdges" $ bedges `shouldBe` IM.fromList [(findLabelBB gr 5, findLabelBB gr 4)] it "flowsTo" $ (S.fromList . edges $ flTo) `shouldBe` -- Find the flows of the assignment statements in the program. findLabelsBlEdges pf [(1,2),(1,3),(1,5),(2,3),(3,4),(4,5),(5,5)] describe "defUse2" $ do let pf = pParser F90 programDefUse2 sgr = genSuperBBGr (genBBlockMap pf) gr = superBBGrGraph sgr bm = genBlockMap pf dm = genDefMap bm rDefs = reachingDefinitions dm gr flTo = genFlowsToGraph bm dm gr rDefs domMap = dominators gr bedges = genBackEdgeMap domMap $ bbgrGr gr it "backEdges" $ bedges `shouldBe` IM.fromList [(findLabelBB gr 12, findLabelBB gr 11)] it "flowsTo" $ do (S.fromList . edges . tc $ flTo) `shouldSatisfy` -- Find the flows of the assignment statements in the program. S.isSubsetOf (findLabelsBlEdges pf [(1,2),(1,3),(1,12),(2,3),(3,11),(11,12),(12,12)]) describe "other" $ it "dominators on disconnected graph" $ dominators (BBGr (nmap (const []) (mkUGraph [0,1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] [(0,3) ,(3,1) ,(5,6) ,(6,7) ,(7,4) ,(7,8) ,(8,7) ,(8,9) ,(9,8)])) [0,5] [3,9]) `shouldBe` IM.fromList [(0,IS.fromList [0]),(1,IS.fromList [0,1,3]),(3,IS.fromList [0,3]),(4,IS.fromList [4,5,6,7]),(5,IS.fromList [5]),(6,IS.fromList [5,6]),(7,IS.fromList [5,6,7]),(8,IS.fromList [5,6,7,8]),(9,IS.fromList [5,6,7,8,9])] describe "Constants" $ do prop "constant folding evaluates exponentation (positive exponent)" $ let constExpoExpr b e = ConstBinary Exponentiation (ConstInt b) (ConstInt e) in \(base, Positive expo) -> constantFolding (constExpoExpr base expo) `shouldBe` ConstInt (base ^ expo) -------------------------------------------------- -- Label-finding helper functions to help write tests that are -- insensitive to minor changes to the AST. -- For each Fortran label in the list, find the corresponding basic -- block, return as an IntSet. findLabelsBB :: BBGr a -> [Int] -> IS.IntSet findLabelsBB gr = IS.fromList . mapMaybe (flip findLabeledBBlock gr . show) findLabelBB :: BBGr a -> Int -> Node findLabelBB gr = (error "findLabelBB" `fromMaybe`) . flip findLabeledBBlock gr . show -- For each Fortran label in the list, find the successors of the -- corresponding basic block, return as an IntSet. findSuccsBB :: BBGr a -> [Int] -> IS.IntSet findSuccsBB gr = IS.fromList . concatMap (suc $ bbgrGr gr) . mapMaybe (flip findLabeledBBlock gr . show) -- For each Fortran label in the list, find the AST-block label numbers ('insLabel') associated findLabelsBl :: forall a. Data a => ProgramFile (Analysis a) -> [Int] -> IS.IntSet findLabelsBl pf labs = IS.fromList [ i | b <- universeBi pf :: [Block (Analysis a)] , ExpValue _ _ (ValInteger lab' _) <- maybeToList (getLabel b) , lab' `elem` labsS , let a = getAnnotation b , i <- maybeToList (insLabel a) ] where labsS = map show labs -- Translate a list of edges given as Fortran labels into a set of -- edges given as AST-block label numbers. findLabelsBlEdges :: Data a => ProgramFile (Analysis a) -> [(Int, Int)] -> S.Set (Int, Int) findLabelsBlEdges pf = S.fromList . map convEdge where convEdge (a, b) | a':_ <- IS.toList (findLabelsBl pf [a]) -- FIXME: inefficient , b':_ <- IS.toList (findLabelsBl pf [b]) = (a', b') | otherwise = error $ "findLabelsBlEdges (" ++ show a ++ "," ++ show b ++ ")" -- Get the set of AST-block labels found in a given basic block findBBlockBl :: BBGr (Analysis a) -> Int -> IS.IntSet findBBlockBl gr = IS.fromList . mapMaybe (insLabel . getAnnotation) . concat . maybeToList . lab (bbgrGr gr) -------------------------------------------------- -- Test programs programLoop4 :: String programLoop4 = unlines [ " program loop4" , " 1 integer r, i, j" , "" , " 2 r = 0" , "" , " 3 i = 1" , " 10 if (i .gt. 10) goto 40" , "" , " 4 j = 1" , " 20 if (j .gt. 5) goto 30" , " 5 r = r + i * j" , " 6 j = j + 1" , " 7 goto 20" , "" , " 30 i = i + 1" , " 8 goto 10" , "" , " 40 write (*,*) r" , " end" ] programLoop4Alt :: String programLoop4Alt = unlines [ " module loopMod" , " implicit none" , " contains" , " subroutine loop4()" , " integer r, i, j" , "" , " 1 r = 0" , "" -- , "! outer loop" , " 2 i = 1" , " 10 do while (i .gt. 10)" , "" -- , "! inner loop" , " 11 j = 1" , " 20 do while (j .gt. 5)" , " 21 r = r + i * j" , " 22 j = j + 1" , " end do" -- , "! inner loop end" , "" , " 31 i = i + 1" , " end do" -- , "! outer loop end" , "" , " 41 write (*,*) r" , " end subroutine" , " end module" ] programRd3 :: String programRd3 = unlines [ " function f(x)" , " integer i, a, b, x, f" , " dimension a(10), b(10)" , "" , " 1 do 4 i = 2, 10" , " 2 b(i) = a(i-1) + x" , " 3 a(i) = b(i)" , " 4 i=i" -- alt. to 'continue' since the latter gets eliminated now , " 5 f = a(10)" , " end" , " program rd3" , " implicit none" , " integer f" , "" , " write (*,*) f(1)" , " end" , "" ] programRd4 :: String programRd4 = unlines [ " function f(x)" , " integer i, j, a, b, x, f" , " dimension a(10), b(10)" , "" , " do 10 i = 2, 10" , " do 20 j = 2, 10" , " b(i) = a(i-1) + x" , " 20 j=j" -- alt. to 'continue' since the latter gets eliminated now , " a(i) = b(i)" , " 10 i=i" -- alt. to 'continue' since the latter gets eliminated now , " f = a(10)" , " end" , " program rd3" , " implicit none" , " integer f" , "" , " write (*,*) f(1)" , " end" , "" ] -- do not use line numbers programBug36 :: String programBug36 = unlines [ "program foo" , " implicit none" , " integer :: i, j" , " real, dimension(100) :: a, b" , " do i=1,100" , " do j=1,100" , " a(i) = b(i) + b(1)" , " end do" , " end do" , "end program" ] programFuncFlow1 :: String programFuncFlow1 = unlines [ " program main" , " integer :: i, j" , " 1 i = 1" , " 2 j = f(i)" , " contains" , " integer function f(k)" , " integer :: k" , " 3 f = k + 1" , " end function f" , " end program main" ] programFuncFlow2 :: String programFuncFlow2 = unlines [ " program main" , " integer :: i, j" , " 1 do i = 1, 10" , " 2 j = 2*f(3*i)" , " end do" , " contains" , " integer function f(k)" , " integer :: k" , " 3 f = k + 1" , " end function f" , " end program main" ] programDefUse1 :: String programDefUse1 = unlines [ "program defUse1" , "1 integer :: x = 1" , "2 integer :: y = x + 1" , "3 integer :: z = x * y" , "4 do y=1,z" , "5 x = x + y" , "6 end do" , "end program defUse1" ] programDefUse2 :: String programDefUse2 = unlines [ "program defUse2" , "1 integer :: x = 1" , "2 integer :: y = x + 1" , "3 integer :: z = x * y" , "4 call s(x)" , "contains" , " subroutine s(a)" , "10 integer :: a" , "11 do y=1,z" , "12 a = a + y" , "13 end do" , "end subroutine s" , "end program defUse2" ] -- Local variables: -- mode: haskell -- haskell-program-name: "cabal repl test-suite:spec" -- End: