# fortytwo _Interactive terminal prompt_ [![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url] [![MIT License][license-image]][license-url] ## Installation ```sh cabal install fortytwo ``` ## Demo ## API ### Prompts #### Input Ask a simple question requiring the user to type any string. It returns always a `String` ```hs import FortyTwo (input) main :: IO String main = input "What's your name?" ``` `inputWithDefault` will let you define a fallback answer if no answer will be provided ```hs import FortyTwo (inputWithDefault) main :: IO String main = inputWithDefault "What's your name?" "Undefined" ``` #### Confirm Confirm prompt returning a boolean either `True` or `False`. If no answer will be provided it will return `False` ```hs import FortyTwo (confirm) main :: IO Bool main = confirm "Are you old enough to see this?" ``` `confirmWithDefault` will let you define a fallback answer if no answer will be provided ```hs import FortyTwo (confirmWithDefault) main :: IO Bool main = confirmWithDefault "What's your name?" "Undefined" ``` #### Password Password prompt hiding the values typed by the user. It will always return a `String` ```hs import FortyTwo (password) main :: IO String main = password "What's your secret password?" ``` #### Select Select prompt letting users decide between one of many possible answers. It will always return a `String` ```hs import FortyTwo (select) main :: IO Bool main = select "What's your favourite color?" ["Red", "Yellow", "Blue"] ``` `selectWithDefault` will let you define a fallback answer if no answer will be provided ```hs import FortyTwo (selectWithDefault) main :: IO Bool main = selectWithDefault "What's your favourite color?" ["Red", "Yellow", "Blue"] "Red" ``` #### Multiselect Multiselect prompt letting users decide between multiple possible choices. It will always return a collection `[String]` ```hs import FortyTwo (multiselect) main :: IO Bool main = multiselect "What are your favourite films?" ["Titanic", "Matrix", "The Gladiator"] ``` `multiselectWithDefault` will let you define a fallback answer if no answer will be provided ```hs import FortyTwo (multiselectWithDefault) main :: IO Bool main = multiselectWithDefault "What are your favourite films?" ["Titanic", "Matrix", "The Gladiator"] ["The Gladiator"] ``` # Inspiration This script is heavily inspired by [survey (golang)](https://github.com/AlecAivazis/survey) [travis-image]:https://img.shields.io/travis/GianlucaGuarini/fortytwo.svg?style=flat-square [travis-url]:https://travis-ci.org/GianlucaGuarini/fortytwo [license-image]:http://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-000000.svg?style=flat-square [license-url]:LICENSE