{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Foundation.Check.Arbitrary
    ( Arbitrary(..)
    , frequency
    , oneof
    , elements
    , between
    ) where

import           Foundation.Internal.Base
import           Foundation.Internal.Natural
import           Foundation.Primitive
import           Foundation.Primitive.IntegralConv (wordToChar)
import           Foundation.Primitive.Floating (integerToDouble, naturalToDouble, doubleExponant)
import           Foundation.Check.Gen
import           Foundation.Random
import           Foundation.Bits
import           Foundation.Collection
import           Foundation.Array
import           Foundation.Numerical
import           Foundation.String
import           Control.Monad (replicateM)

-- | How to generate an arbitrary value for 'a'
class Arbitrary a where
    arbitrary :: Gen a

instance Arbitrary Integer where
    arbitrary = arbitraryInteger
instance Arbitrary Natural where
    arbitrary = arbitraryNatural

-- prim types
instance Arbitrary Int where
    arbitrary = arbitraryPrimtype
instance Arbitrary Word where
    arbitrary = arbitraryPrimtype
instance Arbitrary Word64 where
    arbitrary = arbitraryPrimtype
instance Arbitrary Word32 where
    arbitrary = arbitraryPrimtype
instance Arbitrary Word16 where
    arbitrary = arbitraryPrimtype
instance Arbitrary Word8 where
    arbitrary = arbitraryPrimtype
instance Arbitrary Int64 where
    arbitrary = arbitraryPrimtype
instance Arbitrary Int32 where
    arbitrary = arbitraryPrimtype
instance Arbitrary Int16 where
    arbitrary = arbitraryPrimtype
instance Arbitrary Int8 where
    arbitrary = arbitraryPrimtype
instance Arbitrary Char where
    arbitrary = arbitraryChar

instance Arbitrary Bool where
    arbitrary = flip testBit 0 <$> (arbitraryPrimtype :: Gen Word)

instance Arbitrary String where
    arbitrary = genWithParams $ \params ->
        fromList <$> (genMax (genMaxSizeString params) >>= \i -> replicateM (integralCast i) arbitrary)

instance Arbitrary Double where
    arbitrary = toDouble <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
      where toDouble i n Nothing  = integerToDouble i + (naturalToDouble n / 100000)
            toDouble i n (Just e) = (integerToDouble i + (naturalToDouble n / 1000000)) * (integerToDouble e)

instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Maybe a) where
    arbitrary = frequency $ nonEmpty_ [ (1, pure Nothing), (4, Just <$> arbitrary) ]

instance (Arbitrary l, Arbitrary r) => Arbitrary (Either l r) where
    arbitrary = oneof $ nonEmpty_ [ Left <$> arbitrary, Right <$> arbitrary ]

instance (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b)
    => Arbitrary (a,b) where
    arbitrary = (,) <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
instance (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b, Arbitrary c)
    => Arbitrary (a,b,c) where
    arbitrary = (,,) <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
instance (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b, Arbitrary c, Arbitrary d)
    => Arbitrary (a,b,c,d) where
    arbitrary = (,,,) <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
instance (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b, Arbitrary c, Arbitrary d, Arbitrary e)
    => Arbitrary (a,b,c,d,e) where
    arbitrary = (,,,,) <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
instance (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b, Arbitrary c, Arbitrary d, Arbitrary e, Arbitrary f)
    => Arbitrary (a,b,c,d,e,f) where
    arbitrary = (,,,,,) <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary

arbitraryInteger :: Gen Integer
arbitraryInteger =
    -- TODO use the sized parameter
    frequency $ nonEmpty_
        [ (4, integerOfSize True 2)
        , (4, integerOfSize False 2)
        , (4, integerOfSize True 4)
        , (4, integerOfSize False 4)
        , (2, integerOfSize True 8)
        , (2, integerOfSize False 8)
        , (1, integerOfSize True 16)
        , (1, integerOfSize False 16)
    integerOfSize :: Bool -> Word -> Gen Integer
    integerOfSize toSign n = ((if toSign then (\x -> 0 - x) else id) . foldl (\x y -> x + integralUpsize y) 0 . toList)
                         <$> (arbitraryUArrayOf n :: Gen (UArray Word8))

arbitraryNatural :: Gen Natural
arbitraryNatural = integralDownsize . abs <$> arbitraryInteger

arbitraryChar :: Gen Char
arbitraryChar = frequency $ nonEmpty_
    [ (6, wordToChar <$> genMax 128)
    , (1, wordToChar <$> genMax 0x10ffff)

arbitraryPrimtype :: PrimType ty => Gen ty
arbitraryPrimtype = genWithRng getRandomPrimType

arbitraryUArrayOf :: PrimType ty => Word -> Gen (UArray ty)
arbitraryUArrayOf size =
    between (0, size) >>= \sz -> (fromList <$> replicateM (integralCast sz) arbitraryPrimtype)

-- | Call one of the generator weighted
frequency :: NonEmpty [(Word, Gen a)] -> Gen a
frequency (getNonEmpty -> l) = between (0, sum) >>= pickOne l
    sum :: Word
    !sum = foldl' (+) 0 $ fmap fst l

    pickOne ((k,x):xs) n
        | n <= k    = x
        | otherwise = pickOne xs (n-k)
    pickOne _ _ = internalError "frequency"

oneof :: NonEmpty [Gen a] -> Gen a
oneof ne = frequency (nonEmptyFmap (\x -> (1, x)) ne)

elements :: NonEmpty [a] -> Gen a
elements l = frequency (nonEmptyFmap (\x -> (1, pure x)) l)

between :: (Word, Word) -> Gen Word
between (x,y) = (+) x <$> genMax range
  where range = y - x

genMax :: Word -> Gen Word
genMax m = (flip mod m) <$> arbitraryPrimtype