{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples       #-}
module Foundation.Primitive.Block.Base
    ( Block(..)
    , MutableBlock(..)
    -- * Basic accessor
    , unsafeNew
    , unsafeThaw
    , unsafeFreeze
    , unsafeCopyElements
    , unsafeCopyElementsRO
    , unsafeCopyBytes
    , unsafeCopyBytesRO
    , unsafeRead
    , unsafeWrite
    , unsafeIndex
    -- * Properties
    , lengthSize
    , lengthBytes
    -- * Other methods
    , new
    ) where

import           GHC.Prim
import           GHC.Types
import           GHC.ST
import qualified Data.List
import           Foundation.Internal.Base
import           Foundation.Internal.Proxy
import           Foundation.Primitive.Types.OffsetSize
import           Foundation.Primitive.Monad
import           Foundation.Primitive.NormalForm
import           Foundation.Numerical
import           Foundation.Primitive.Types

-- | A block of memory containing unpacked bytes representing values of type 'ty'
data Block ty = Block ByteArray#
    deriving (Typeable)

instance Data ty => Data (Block ty) where
    dataTypeOf _ = blockType
    toConstr _   = error "toConstr"
    gunfold _ _  = error "gunfold"

blockType :: DataType
blockType = mkNoRepType "Foundation.Block"

instance NormalForm (Block ty) where
    toNormalForm (Block !_) = ()
instance (PrimType ty, Show ty) => Show (Block ty) where
    show v = show (toList v)
instance (PrimType ty, Eq ty) => Eq (Block ty) where
    (==) = equal
instance (PrimType ty, Ord ty) => Ord (Block ty) where
    compare = internalCompare

instance PrimType ty => Monoid (Block ty) where
    mempty  = empty
    mappend = append
    mconcat = concat

instance PrimType ty => IsList (Block ty) where
    type Item (Block ty) = ty
    fromList = internalFromList
    toList = internalToList

lengthSize :: forall ty . PrimType ty => Block ty -> Size ty
lengthSize (Block ba) =
    let !(Size (I# szBits)) = primSizeInBytes (Proxy :: Proxy ty)
        !elems              = quotInt# (sizeofByteArray# ba) szBits
     in Size (I# elems)
{-# INLINE[1] lengthSize #-}

lengthBytes :: Block ty -> Size Word8
lengthBytes (Block ba) = Size (I# (sizeofByteArray# ba))
{-# INLINE[1] lengthBytes #-}

-- | Create an empty block of memory
empty :: Block ty
empty = Block ba where !(Block ba) = empty_

empty_ :: Block ()
empty_ = runST $ primitive $ \s1 ->
    case newByteArray# 0# s1           of { (# s2, mba #) ->
    case unsafeFreezeByteArray# mba s2 of { (# s3, ba  #) ->
        (# s3, Block ba #) }}

-- | Return the element at a specific index from an array without bounds checking.
-- Reading from invalid memory can return unpredictable and invalid values.
-- use 'index' if unsure.
unsafeIndex :: forall ty . PrimType ty => Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
unsafeIndex (Block ba) n = primBaIndex ba n
{-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-}

-- | make a block from a list of elements.
internalFromList :: PrimType ty => [ty] -> Block ty
internalFromList l = runST $ do
    ma <- new (Size len)
    iter 0 l $ \i x -> unsafeWrite ma i x
    unsafeFreeze ma
  where len = Data.List.length l
        iter _  []     _ = return ()
        iter !i (x:xs) z = z i x >> iter (i+1) xs z

-- | transform a block to a list.
internalToList :: forall ty . PrimType ty => Block ty -> [ty]
internalToList blk@(Block ba)
    | len == 0  = []
    | otherwise = loop 0
    !len = lengthSize blk
    loop !i | i .==# len = []
            | otherwise  = primBaIndex ba i : loop (i+1)

-- | Check if two vectors are identical
equal :: (PrimType ty, Eq ty) => Block ty -> Block ty -> Bool
equal a b
    | la /= lb  = False
    | otherwise = loop 0
    !la = lengthSize a
    !lb = lengthSize b
    loop n | n .==# la = True
           | otherwise = (unsafeIndex a n == unsafeIndex b n) && loop (n+1)

-- | Compare 2 vectors
internalCompare :: (Ord ty, PrimType ty) => Block ty -> Block ty -> Ordering
internalCompare a b = loop 0
    !la = lengthSize a
    !lb = lengthSize b
    loop n
        | n .==# la = if la == lb then EQ else LT
        | n .==# lb = GT
        | otherwise =
            case unsafeIndex a n `compare` unsafeIndex b n of
                EQ -> loop (n+1)
                r  -> r

-- | Append 2 arrays together by creating a new bigger array
append :: Block ty -> Block ty -> Block ty
append a b
    | la == 0 = b
    | lb == 0 = a
    | otherwise = runST $ do
        r  <- unsafeNew (la+lb)
        unsafeCopyBytesRO r 0                 a 0 la
        unsafeCopyBytesRO r (sizeAsOffset la) b 0 lb
        unsafeFreeze r
    !la = lengthBytes a
    !lb = lengthBytes b

concat :: [Block ty] -> Block ty
concat [] = empty
concat l  =
    case filterAndSum 0 [] l of
        (_,[])            -> empty
        (_,[x])           -> x
        (totalLen,chunks) -> runST $ do
            r <- unsafeNew totalLen
            doCopy r 0 chunks
            unsafeFreeze r
    -- TODO would go faster not to reverse but pack from the end instead
    filterAndSum !totalLen acc []     = (totalLen, Data.List.reverse acc)
    filterAndSum !totalLen acc (x:xs)
        | len == 0  = filterAndSum totalLen acc xs
        | otherwise = filterAndSum (len+totalLen) (x:acc) xs
      where len = lengthBytes x

    doCopy _ _ []     = return ()
    doCopy r i (x:xs) = do
        unsafeCopyBytesRO r i x 0 lx
        doCopy r (i `offsetPlusE` lx) xs
      where !lx = lengthBytes x

-- | A Mutable block of memory containing unpacked bytes representing values of type 'ty'
data MutableBlock ty st = MutableBlock (MutableByteArray# st)

-- | Freeze a mutable block into a block.
-- If the mutable block is still use after freeze,
-- then the modification will be reflected in an unexpected
-- way in the Block.
unsafeFreeze :: PrimMonad prim => MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> prim (Block ty)
unsafeFreeze (MutableBlock mba) = primitive $ \s1 ->
    case unsafeFreezeByteArray# mba s1 of
        (# s2, ba #) -> (# s2, Block ba #)
{-# INLINE unsafeFreeze #-}

-- | Thaw an immutable block.
-- If the immutable block is modified, then the original immutable block will
-- be modified too, but lead to unexpected results when querying
unsafeThaw :: (PrimType ty, PrimMonad prim) => Block ty -> prim (MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim))
unsafeThaw (Block ba) = primitive $ \st -> (# st, MutableBlock (unsafeCoerce# ba) #)

-- | Create a new mutable block of a specific size in bytes.
-- Note that no checks are made to see if the size in bytes is compatible with the size
-- of the underlaying element 'ty' in the block.
-- use 'new' if unsure
unsafeNew :: PrimMonad prim => Size Word8 -> prim (MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim))
unsafeNew (Size (I# bytes)) =
    primitive $ \s1 -> case newByteArray# bytes s1 of { (# s2, mba #) -> (# s2, MutableBlock mba #) }

-- | Create a new mutable block of a specific N size of 'ty' elements
new :: forall prim ty . (PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) => Size ty -> prim (MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim))
new n = unsafeNew (sizeOfE (primSizeInBytes (Proxy :: Proxy ty)) n)

-- | Copy a number of elements from an array to another array with offsets
unsafeCopyElements :: forall prim ty . (PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty)
                   => MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -- ^ destination mutable block
                   -> Offset ty                        -- ^ offset at destination
                   -> MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -- ^ source mutable block
                   -> Offset ty                        -- ^ offset at source
                   -> Size ty                          -- ^ number of elements to copy
                   -> prim ()
unsafeCopyElements dstMb destOffset srcMb srcOffset n = -- (MutableBlock dstMba) ed (MutableBlock srcBa) es n =
    unsafeCopyBytes dstMb (offsetOfE sz destOffset)
                    srcMb (offsetOfE sz srcOffset)
                    (sizeOfE sz n)
    !sz = primSizeInBytes (Proxy :: Proxy ty)

unsafeCopyElementsRO :: forall prim ty . (PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty)
                     => MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -- ^ destination mutable block
                     -> Offset ty                        -- ^ offset at destination
                     -> Block ty                         -- ^ source block
                     -> Offset ty                        -- ^ offset at source
                     -> Size ty                          -- ^ number of elements to copy
                     -> prim ()
unsafeCopyElementsRO dstMb destOffset srcMb srcOffset n =
    unsafeCopyBytesRO dstMb (offsetOfE sz destOffset)
                      srcMb (offsetOfE sz srcOffset)
                      (sizeOfE sz n)
    !sz = primSizeInBytes (Proxy :: Proxy ty)

-- | Copy a number of bytes from a MutableBlock to another MutableBlock with specific byte offsets
unsafeCopyBytes :: forall prim ty . PrimMonad prim
                => MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -- ^ destination mutable block
                -> Offset Word8                     -- ^ offset at destination
                -> MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -- ^ source mutable block
                -> Offset Word8                     -- ^ offset at source
                -> Size Word8                       -- ^ number of elements to copy
                -> prim ()
unsafeCopyBytes (MutableBlock dstMba) (Offset (I# d)) (MutableBlock srcBa) (Offset (I# s)) (Size (I# n)) =
    primitive $ \st -> (# copyMutableByteArray# srcBa s dstMba d n st, () #)
{-# INLINE unsafeCopyBytes #-}

-- | Copy a number of bytes from a Block to a MutableBlock with specific byte offsets
unsafeCopyBytesRO :: forall prim ty . PrimMonad prim
                  => MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -- ^ destination mutable block
                  -> Offset Word8                     -- ^ offset at destination
                  -> Block ty                         -- ^ source block
                  -> Offset Word8                     -- ^ offset at source
                  -> Size Word8                       -- ^ number of elements to copy
                  -> prim ()
unsafeCopyBytesRO (MutableBlock dstMba) (Offset (I# d)) (Block srcBa) (Offset (I# s)) (Size (I# n)) =
    primitive $ \st -> (# copyByteArray# srcBa s dstMba d n st, () #)
{-# INLINE unsafeCopyBytesRO #-}

-- | read from a cell in a mutable block without bounds checking.
-- Reading from invalid memory can return unpredictable and invalid values.
-- use 'read' if unsure.
unsafeRead :: (PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) => MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> Offset ty -> prim ty
unsafeRead (MutableBlock mba) i = primMbaRead mba i
{-# INLINE unsafeRead #-}

-- | write to a cell in a mutable block without bounds checking.
-- Writing with invalid bounds will corrupt memory and your program will
-- become unreliable. use 'write' if unsure.
unsafeWrite :: (PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) => MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> Offset ty -> ty -> prim ()
unsafeWrite (MutableBlock mba) i v = primMbaWrite mba i v
{-# INLINE unsafeWrite #-}