#!/usr/bin/runhaskell import Distribution.Franchise configure = do copyright "David Roundy" license "BSD3" addExtraData "category" "Distribution" addExtraData "synopsis" "A package for configuring and building Haskell software" addExtraData "description" $ unlines ["", " Franchise is an easy-to use package for building Haskell", " software. Unlike Cabal, you aren't required to track every", " possible dependency in every possible build condition. In", " addition, you are not required to use an external tool such as", " autoconf in order to configure the build based on which", " packages, libraries and tools are present.", "", " Note: the cabal dependencies are autogenerated, and approximate."] ghcFlags ["-threaded","-O2","-Wall"] main = build [] configure $ do -- versionFromDarcs doesn't go in configure -- because we want to rerun it with each -- build rather than waiting for the user to -- run Setup.hs configure again. versionFromDarcs darcsDist "franchise" ["franchise.cabal"] package "franchise" ["Distribution.Franchise"] []