{-# LANGUAGE CPP                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes         #-}
-- |
-- A faster free applicative.
-- Based on <https://www.eyrie.org/~zednenem/2013/05/27/freeapp Dave Menendez's work>.
module Control.Applicative.Fraxl.Free
  ( ASeq(..)
  , reduceASeq
  , Ap(..)
  , liftAp
  , retractAp
  , runAp
  , runAp_
  , hoistASeq
  , traverseASeq
  , rebaseASeq
  , hoistAp
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Data.Typeable

data ASeq f a where
  ANil :: ASeq f ()
  ACons :: f a -> ASeq f u -> ASeq f (a,u)
  deriving Typeable

-- | reduceASeq a sequence of applicative effects into an applicative.
reduceASeq :: Applicative f => ASeq f u -> f u
reduceASeq ANil         = pure ()
reduceASeq (ACons x xs) = (,) <$> x <*> reduceASeq xs

-- | Transform a sequence of 'f' into a sequence of 'g'.
hoistASeq :: (forall x. f x -> g x) -> ASeq f a -> ASeq g a
hoistASeq _ ANil = ANil
hoistASeq u (ACons x xs) = ACons (u x) (u `hoistASeq` xs)

-- | Traverse a sequence with resepect to its interpretation type 'f'.
traverseASeq :: Applicative h => (forall x. f x -> h (g x)) -> ASeq f a -> h (ASeq g a)
traverseASeq _ ANil      = pure ANil
traverseASeq f (ACons x xs) = ACons <$> f x <*> traverseASeq f xs

-- | It may not look like it, but this appends two sequences.
-- See <https://www.eyrie.org/~zednenem/2013/05/27/freeapp Dave Menendez's work> for more explanation.
rebaseASeq :: ASeq f u -> (forall x. (x -> y) -> ASeq f x -> z) ->
  (v -> u -> y) -> ASeq f v -> z
rebaseASeq ANil         k f = k (`f` ())
rebaseASeq (ACons x xs) k f =
  rebaseASeq xs (\g s -> k (\(a,u) -> g u a) (ACons x s))
    (\v u a -> f v (a,u))

-- | The faster free 'Applicative'.
newtype Ap f a = Ap
  { unAp :: forall u y z.
    (forall x. (x -> y) -> ASeq f x -> z) ->
    (u -> a -> y) -> ASeq f u -> z }
  deriving Typeable

-- | Given a natural transformation from @f@ to @g@, this gives a canonical monoidal natural transformation from @'Ap' f@ to @g@.
-- prop> runAp t == retractApp . hoistApp t
runAp :: Applicative g => (forall x. f x -> g x) -> Ap f a -> g a
runAp u = retractAp . hoistAp u

-- | Perform a monoidal analysis over free applicative value.
-- Example:
-- @
-- count :: Ap f a -> Int
-- count = getSum . runAp_ (\\_ -> Sum 1)
-- @
runAp_ :: Monoid m => (forall a. f a -> m) -> Ap f b -> m
runAp_ f = getConst . runAp (Const . f)

instance Functor (Ap f) where
  fmap g x = Ap (\k f -> unAp x k (\s -> f s . g))

instance Applicative (Ap f) where
  pure a = Ap (\k f -> k (`f` a))
  x <*> y = Ap (\k f -> unAp y (unAp x k) (\s a g -> f s (g a)))

-- | A version of 'lift' that can be used with just a 'Functor' for @f@.
liftAp :: f a -> Ap f a
liftAp a = Ap (\k f s -> k (\(a',s') -> f s' a') (ACons a s))
{-# INLINE liftAp #-}

-- | Given a natural transformation from @f@ to @g@ this gives a monoidal natural transformation from @Ap f@ to @Ap g@.
hoistAp :: (forall x. f x -> g x) -> Ap f a -> Ap g a
hoistAp g x = Ap (\k f s ->
  unAp x
    (\f' s' ->
      rebaseASeq (hoistASeq g s') k
        (\v u -> f v (f' u)) s)
    (const id)

-- | Interprets the free applicative functor over f using the semantics for
--   `pure` and `<*>` given by the Applicative instance for f.
--   prop> retractApp == runAp id
retractAp :: Applicative f => Ap f a -> f a
retractAp x = unAp x (\f s -> f <$> reduceASeq s) (\() -> id) ANil