module Freckle.App.Exception.MonadThrow ( throwM , throwString , fromJustNoteM , impossible , catch , catchJust , catches , try , tryJust , withException , checkpoint , checkpointMany , checkpointCallStack -- * Miscellany , MonadThrow , MonadCatch , MonadMask , module Freckle.App.Exception.Types ) where import Freckle.App.Exception.Types import Control.Applicative (pure) import Control.Exception.Annotated (checkpoint, checkpointMany) import Control.Monad (void) import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, MonadMask, MonadThrow) import Data.Either (Either (..)) import Data.Function (($), (.)) import Data.Functor (fmap, (<$>)) import Data.Maybe (Maybe, maybe) import Data.String (String) import GHC.IO.Exception (userError) import GHC.Stack (withFrozenCallStack) import Control.Exception.Annotated qualified as Annotated import Control.Monad.Catch qualified -- Throws an exception, wrapped in 'AnnotatedException' which includes a call stack throwM :: forall e m a. (Exception e, MonadThrow m, HasCallStack) => e -> m a throwM e = withFrozenCallStack $ Annotated.throw e throwString :: forall m a. (MonadThrow m, HasCallStack) => String -> m a throwString s = withFrozenCallStack $ throwM $ userError s fromJustNoteM :: forall m a. (MonadThrow m, HasCallStack) => String -> Maybe a -> m a fromJustNoteM err = withFrozenCallStack $ maybe (throwString err) pure impossible :: forall m a. (MonadThrow m, HasCallStack) => m a impossible = withFrozenCallStack $ throwString "Impossible" catch :: forall e m a . (Exception e, MonadCatch m, HasCallStack) => m a -> (e -> m a) -> m a catch action handler = withFrozenCallStack $ Annotated.catch action handler catchJust :: forall e b m a . (Exception e, MonadCatch m, HasCallStack) => (e -> Maybe b) -> m a -> (b -> m a) -> m a catchJust test action handler = withFrozenCallStack $ Annotated.catch action $ \e -> maybe (Control.Monad.Catch.throwM e) handler (test e) catches :: forall m a . (MonadCatch m, HasCallStack) => m a -- ^ Action to run -> [ExceptionHandler m a] -- ^ Recovery actions to run if the first action throws an exception -- with a type of either @e@ or @'AnnotatedException' e@ -> m a catches action handlers = withFrozenCallStack $ Annotated.catches action (fmap (\case (ExceptionHandler f) -> Annotated.Handler f) handlers) try :: forall e m a . (Exception e, MonadCatch m, HasCallStack) => m a -- ^ Action to run -> m (Either e a) -- ^ Returns 'Left' if the action throws an exception with a type -- of either @e@ or @'AnnotatedException' e@ try action = withFrozenCallStack $ Annotated.try action tryJust :: forall e b m a . (Exception e, MonadCatch m, HasCallStack) => (e -> Maybe b) -> m a -- ^ Action to run -> m (Either b a) tryJust test action = withFrozenCallStack $ Annotated.catch (Right <$> action) $ \e -> maybe (Control.Monad.Catch.throwM e) (pure . Left) (test e) withException :: forall e a m b . (Exception e, MonadCatch m, HasCallStack) => m a -> (e -> m b) -> m a withException action onException = withFrozenCallStack $ Annotated.catch action $ \e -> do void $ onException e Control.Monad.Catch.throwM e -- | When dealing with a library that does not use 'AnnotatedException', -- apply this function to augment its exceptions with call stacks. checkpointCallStack :: forall m a . (MonadCatch m, HasCallStack) => m a -- ^ Action that might throw whatever types of exceptions -> m a -- ^ Action that only throws 'AnnotatedException', -- where the annotations include a call stack checkpointCallStack action = withFrozenCallStack $ Annotated.checkpointCallStack action