{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-} module Freckle.App.MemcachedSpec ( spec ) where import Prelude import AppExample import Blammo.Logging.LogSettings import Blammo.Logging.Logger import Control.Lens (lens, to, (^?)) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.Aeson (Value (..)) import Data.Aeson.Lens import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE import Data.Text qualified as T import Freckle.App.Env qualified as Env import Freckle.App.Memcached import Freckle.App.Memcached.Client ( MemcachedClient , withMemcachedClient ) import Freckle.App.Memcached.Client qualified as Memcached import Freckle.App.Memcached.Servers import OpenTelemetry.Trace ( HasTracer (..) , Tracer , TracerProvider , initializeGlobalTracerProvider , makeTracer , shutdownTracerProvider , tracerOptions ) import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it) import Test.Hspec.Expectations.Lifted (shouldBe, shouldSatisfy) import UnliftIO (MonadUnliftIO) import UnliftIO.Exception (bracket) data ExampleValue = A | B | C deriving stock (Eq, Show) instance Cachable ExampleValue where toCachable = \case A -> "A" B -> "Broken" C -> "C" fromCachable = \case "A" -> Right A "B" -> Right B "C" -> Right C x -> Left $ "invalid: " <> show x data App = App { appMemcachedClient :: MemcachedClient , appLogger :: Logger , appTracer :: Tracer } instance HasMemcachedClient App where memcachedClientL = lens appMemcachedClient $ \x y -> x {appMemcachedClient = y} instance HasLogger App where loggerL = lens appLogger $ \x y -> x {appLogger = y} instance HasTracer App where tracerL = lens appTracer $ \x y -> x {appTracer = y} loadApp :: (App -> IO a) -> IO a loadApp f = do servers <- Env.parse id $ Env.var (Env.eitherReader readMemcachedServers) "MEMCACHED_SERVERS" (Env.def defaultMemcachedServers) appLogger <- newTestLogger defaultLogSettings withTracerProvider $ \tp -> do let appTracer = makeTracer tp "freckle-app" tracerOptions withMemcachedClient servers $ \appMemcachedClient -> do f App {..} withTracerProvider :: MonadUnliftIO m => (TracerProvider -> m a) -> m a withTracerProvider = bracket (liftIO initializeGlobalTracerProvider) (liftIO . shutdownTracerProvider) spec :: Spec spec = withApp loadApp $ do describe "caching" $ do it "caches the given action by key using Cachable" $ appExample $ do k <- cacheKeyThrow "A" val <- caching k (cacheTTL 5) $ pure A mbs <- Memcached.get k val `shouldBe` A mbs `shouldBe` Just "A" it "logs, but doesn't fail, on deserialization errors" $ appExample $ do k <- cacheKeyThrow "B" val0 <- caching k (cacheTTL 5) $ pure B -- set val1 <- caching k (cacheTTL 5) $ pure B -- get will fail mbs <- Memcached.get k val0 `shouldBe` B val1 `shouldBe` B mbs `shouldBe` Just "Broken" msgs <- getLoggedMessagesLenient let Just LoggedMessage {..} = NE.last <$> NE.nonEmpty msgs Object loggedMessageMeta ^? key "error" . key "message" . _String `shouldBe` Just "Unable to deserialize: invalid: \"Broken\"" -- This assertion is far too brittle, but can be useful to un-comment if -- you intend to work on this logic specifically -- Object loggedMessageMeta ^? key "error" . key "stack" . _String . to T.lines -- `shouldBe` Just -- [ "CallStack (from HasCallStack):" -- , " throwM, called at library/Freckle/App/Memcached.hs:121:30 in freckle-app-" -- , " cachingAs, called at library/Freckle/App/Memcached.hs:92:11 in freckle-app-" -- , " caching, called at tests/Freckle/App/MemcachedSpec.hs:87:15 in main:Freckle.App.MemcachedSpec" -- ] Object loggedMessageMeta ^? key "error" . key "stack" . _String . to T.lines `shouldSatisfy` maybe False (not . null)