{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns
           , FlexibleContexts #-}

-- | Provides a way to estimate the value of a pixel at rational coordinates
-- using a linear interpolation.
module Vision.Image.Interpolate (
      Interpolable (..), bilinearInterpol
    ) where

import Data.Int
import Data.RatioInt (denominator, numerator)
import Data.Word

import Vision.Image.Class (Pixel (..), Image (..), ImagePixel, ImageChannel)
import Vision.Primitive (RPoint (..), ix2)

-- | Provides a way to apply the interpolation to every component of a pixel.
class Interpolable p where
    -- | Given a function which interpolates two points over a single channel,
    -- returns a function which interpolates two points over every channel of
    -- two pixels.
    interpol :: (PixelChannel p -> PixelChannel p -> PixelChannel p)
             -> p -> p -> p

instance Interpolable Int16 where
    interpol = id

instance Interpolable Int32 where
    interpol = id

instance Interpolable Int where
    interpol = id

instance Interpolable Word8 where
    interpol = id

instance Interpolable Word16 where
    interpol = id

instance Interpolable Word32 where
    interpol = id

instance Interpolable Word where
    interpol = id

instance Interpolable Float where
    interpol = id

instance Interpolable Double where
    interpol = id

instance Interpolable Bool where
    interpol = id

-- | Uses a bilinear interpolation to find the value of the pixel at the
-- rational coordinates.
-- Estimates the value of a rational point @p@ using @a@, @b@, @c@ and @d@ :
-- @
--       x1       x2
-- y1    a ------ b
--       -        -
--       -  p     -
--       -        -
-- y2    c ------ d
-- @
bilinearInterpol :: (Image i, Interpolable (ImagePixel i)
                   , Integral (ImageChannel i))
                 => i -> RPoint -> ImagePixel i
img `bilinearInterpol` RPoint x y
    | not integralX && not integralY =
        let (!x1, !deltaX1) = properFraction x
            (!y1, !deltaY1) = properFraction y
            !x2 = x1 + 1
            !y2 = y1 + 1
            !a = img `index` ix2 y1 x1
            !b = img `index` ix2 y1 x2
            !c = img `index` ix2 y2 x1
            !d = img `index` ix2 y2 x2

            -- Computes the relative distance to the four points.
            !deltaX2 = compl deltaX1
            !deltaY2 = compl deltaY1

            !interpolX1 = interpol (interpolChannel deltaX1 deltaX2) a b
            !interpolX2 = interpol (interpolChannel deltaX1 deltaX2) c d
        in interpol (interpolChannel deltaY1 deltaY2) interpolX1 interpolX2
    | not integralX =
        let (!x1, !deltaX1) = properFraction x
            !y1     = truncate y
            !x2     = x1 + 1
            !a = img `index` ix2 y1 x1
            !b = img `index` ix2 y1 x2
            !deltaX2 = compl deltaX1
        in interpol (interpolChannel deltaX1 deltaX2) a b
    | not integralY =
        let !x1     = truncate x
            (!y1, !deltaY1) = properFraction y
            !y2     = y1 + 1
            !a      = img `index` ix2 y1 x1
            !c      = img `index` ix2 y2 x1
            !deltaY2 = compl deltaY1
        in interpol (interpolChannel deltaY1 deltaY2) a c
    | otherwise = img `index` ix2 (numerator y) (numerator x)
    integralX = denominator x == 1
    integralY = denominator y == 1

    -- compl delta = 1 - delta
    compl delta = delta {
          numerator = denominator delta - numerator delta
    {-# INLINE compl #-}

    -- Interpolates the value of a single channel given its two surrounding
    -- points.
    interpolChannel deltaA deltaB chanA chanB = truncate $
    -- (fromIntegral chanA) * deltaB + (fromIntegral chanB) * deltaA
    --   deltaB { numerator = int chanA * numerator deltaB }
    -- + deltaA { numerator = int chanB * numerator deltaA }
        deltaA {
              numerator = int chanA * numerator deltaB
                        + int chanB * numerator deltaA
    {-# INLINE interpolChannel #-}
{-# INLINE bilinearInterpol #-}

int :: Integral a => a -> Int
int = fromIntegral