# front (work-in-progress) A front-end web framework which aim is to bring the power of GHC on client side with as less JavaScript as possible by the Fay. The goal is to have a tiny websockets-based bridge between client and server to propagate client events on server for further handling. ## Features - Server-side rendering. - both SPA and regular webapp (sharing state across multiple routes). - Several communication models (single session, broadcast, etc.). - Virtual DOM with full/partial rendering. - "blaze-html" like extended markup tree for handling both DOM and JS events. ## Usage 1. Add `front` as a dependency to your project using preferred build tool. 2. Obtain `bundle.js` by ``` curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/swamp-agr/front/master/examples/todo/static/bundle.js ``` and include it as static resource in your application server. 3. Import `Shared` module. 4. Choose proper communication model (Only session, Broadcast, etc.). 5. That's it. ## Examples - `TODO` - Installation with Stack (`servant-auth-cookie` should be fixed to allow build with `cabal`): ``` stack install --flag="front:examples" ``` - usage: ``` cd examples/todo # for servant-based: todo-servant-example # for yesod-based: todo-yesod-example # open web browser: open http://localhost:3000 ``` ## Developer Installation (Contribution) For server: ``` cabal new-build ``` or ``` stack build ``` For client (issue: faylang/fay#459): ``` cabal sandbox init cabal install # fay executable and libraries will be loaded export HASKELL_PACKAGE_SANDBOX=`echo .cabal-sandbox/*-packages.conf.d/` .cabal-sandbox/bin/fay \ --package fay-dom,fay-websockets \ --include shared,fay \ -o bundle.js fay/Client.hs ``` or ``` ~/.local/bin/fay \ --package fay-dom,fay-websockets \ --include shared,fay \ -o bundle.js fay/Client.hs ``` Please do not hesitate to open Issue to discuss your questions or use cases. ## Acknowledgement This ongoing framework would not have happened without these people and technologies: - @5HT for inspiration by **N2O** framework. The idea of transfer both data and events over websockets. - @jaspervdj for **blaze-html**. - @meiersi for **blaze-react** and the approach how to handle events in the same markup with html. - @snoyberg for **yesod-fay** and the way how to embed generated assert into server and to trigger dependent Fay compilation from Haskell code. - @bergmark for **Fay** compiler.