-- Copyright (c) 2012 Mark Dittmer - http://www.markdittmer.org
-- Developed for a Google Summer of Code project - http://gsoc2012.markdittmer.org
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- | cross-platform file watching.

module System.FSNotify
       ( Event(..)
       -- * Starting/Stopping
       , WatchManager
       , withManager
       , startManager
       , stopManager
       , defaultConfig
       , WatchConfig(..)
       , withManagerConf
       , startManagerConf

       -- * Watching
       , watchDir
       , watchDirChan
       , watchTree
       , watchTreeChan
       ) where

import Prelude hiding (FilePath, catch)

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Data.Map (Map)
import Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS
import System.FSNotify.Polling
import System.FSNotify.Types
import qualified Data.Map as Map

#ifdef OS_Linux
import System.FSNotify.Linux
#  ifdef OS_Win32
import System.FSNotify.Win32
#  else
#    ifdef OS_Mac
import System.FSNotify.OSX
#    else
type NativeManager = PollManager
#    endif
#  endif

data WatchManager = WatchManager WatchConfig (Either PollManager NativeManager)
defaultConfig :: WatchConfig
defaultConfig = DebounceDefault

-- | Perform an IO action with a WatchManager in place.
-- Tear down the WatchManager after the action is complete.
withManager :: (WatchManager -> IO a) -> IO a
withManager  = withManagerConf defaultConfig

-- | Start a file watch manager.
-- Directories can only be watched when they are managed by a started watch
-- watch manager.
-- When finished watching. you must release resources via 'stopManager'.
-- It is preferrable if possible to use 'withManager' to handle this
-- automatically.
startManager :: IO WatchManager
startManager = startManagerConf defaultConfig

-- | Stop a file watch manager.
-- Stopping a watch manager will immediately stop
-- watching for files and free resources.
stopManager :: WatchManager -> IO ()
stopManager (WatchManager _ wm) =
  case wm of
    Right native -> killSession native
    Left poll    -> killSession poll

withManagerConf :: WatchConfig -> (WatchManager -> IO a) -> IO a
withManagerConf debounce = bracket (startManagerConf debounce) stopManager

startManagerConf :: WatchConfig -> IO WatchManager
startManagerConf debounce = initSession >>= createManager
    createManager :: Maybe NativeManager -> IO WatchManager
    createManager (Just nativeManager) = return (WatchManager debounce (Right nativeManager))
    createManager Nothing = return . (WatchManager debounce) . Left =<< createPollManager

-- | Watch the immediate contents of a directory by streaming events to a Chan.
-- Watching the immediate contents of a directory will only report events
-- associated with files within the specified directory, and not files
-- within its subdirectories.
watchDirChan :: WatchManager -> FilePath -> ActionPredicate -> EventChannel -> IO ()
watchDirChan (WatchManager db wm) = either (listen db) (listen db) wm

-- | Watch all the contents of a directory by streaming events to a Chan.
-- Watching all the contents of a directory will report events associated with
-- files within the specified directory and its subdirectories.
watchTreeChan :: WatchManager -> FilePath -> ActionPredicate -> EventChannel -> IO ()
watchTreeChan (WatchManager db wm) = either (listenRecursive db) (listenRecursive db) wm

-- | Watch the immediate contents of a directory by committing an Action for each event.
-- Watching the immediate contents of a directory will only report events
-- associated with files within the specified directory, and not files
-- within its subdirectories. No two events pertaining to the same FilePath will
-- be executed concurrently.
watchDir :: WatchManager -> FilePath -> ActionPredicate -> Action -> IO ()
watchDir (WatchManager db wm) = either runFallback runNative wm
    runFallback = threadChanFallback $ listen db
    runNative   = threadChanNative   $ listen db

threadChanNative :: (NativeManager -> FilePath -> ActionPredicate -> Chan Event -> IO b) -> NativeManager -> FilePath -> ActionPredicate -> Action -> IO b
threadChanNative listener iface path actPred action =
      threadChan action $ listener iface path actPred

threadChanFallback :: (PollManager -> FilePath -> ActionPredicate -> Chan Event -> IO b) -> PollManager -> FilePath -> ActionPredicate -> Action -> IO b
threadChanFallback listener iface path actPred action =
      threadChan action $ listener iface path actPred

threadChan :: Action -> (Chan Event -> IO b) -> IO b
threadChan action runListener = do
      chan <- newChan
      _    <- forkIO $ readEvents chan action Map.empty
      runListener chan

-- | Watch all the contents of a directory by committing an Action for each event.
-- Watching all the contents of a directory will report events associated with
-- files within the specified directory and its subdirectories. No two events
-- pertaining to the same FilePath will be executed concurrently.
watchTree :: WatchManager -> FilePath -> ActionPredicate -> Action -> IO ()
watchTree (WatchManager db wm) = either runFallback runNative wm
    runFallback = threadChanFallback $ listenRecursive db
    runNative   = threadChanNative   $ listenRecursive db

type ThreadLock = MVar ()
type PathLockMap = Map FilePath ThreadLock

readEvents :: EventChannel -> Action -> PathLockMap -> IO ()
readEvents chan action  pathMap = do
  event <- readChan chan
  let path = eventPath event
  mVar <- getMVar $ Map.lookup path pathMap
  _ <- takeMVar mVar >> (forkIO $ action event `finally` putMVar mVar ())
  readEvents chan action  $ Map.insert path mVar pathMap
    getMVar :: Maybe ThreadLock -> IO ThreadLock
    getMVar (Just tl) = return tl
    getMVar Nothing   = newMVar ()