module AuxWindows where import Fudgets hiding (menuF) import AllFudgets(metaKey) import ContribFudgets import Arrows import Http import HeaderNames(userAgent,accept,location,dnt) import MessageHeaders(getheader) import URL(URL(..),url2str,urlPath,urlHost) import ParseURL(parseURL) import HtmlFuns(extractTitle) import Utils2(trim,mix) import URLFetchF import Rdf import Data.Maybe(maybeToList,fromMaybe) import Data.Char(isLatin1) import Unicode(decodeUTF8) --auxWindowsF = srcDispF >*< what'sRelatedF >*< urlHistoryF --{- data AuxWindow = UrlHistory | What'sRelated | SourceDisp deriving Eq auxWindows = [UrlHistory, What'sRelated, SourceDisp] auxWindowsF = loopThroughRightF windowsF auxWindowsMenuF where windowsF = post >^=< listF [(UrlHistory,urlHistoryF), (What'sRelated,what'sRelatedF), (SourceDisp,srcDispF)] >=^^< concatMapSP pre where pre (Left (w,b)) = [(w,Left b)] pre (Right i) = [(w,Right i)|w<-auxWindows] post (w,Left b) = Left (w,b) post (w,Right o) = Right o auxWindowsMenuF = nameF "AuxWindowsMenu" $ menuBarF [subMenuItem idT ws "Windows"] where ws = [wtoggle UrlHistory "History", wtoggle What'sRelated "What's Related", wtoggle SourceDisp "Source Display"] wtoggle w = toggleItem (tr w) False tr w = Transl ((,) w) (\ (w',b) -> if w'==w then Just b else Nothing) idT = Transl id Just -- why not this? --} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- srcDispF = if showSource then (idSP -+- nullSP)>^^=< --moreShellF "Source" --nameF "SourceWindow" (delayedAuxShellF {-"Source"-} "WWWB: Source Display" moreF) >=^++< buttonF' kr rArrowD where kl = k "Left"; kr = k "Right"; k sym = setKeys [([metaKey],sym)] urlListF = auxShellF {-"History"-} "WWWB: URL History" urlPickListF historySP pos refs = getSP $ either fromLoop fromOutside where same = historySP pos refs urlOut url = putSP (Right (Right (httpGet url))) closeOut = putSP . Right . Left toList = putSP . Left . Right . Right toAuxShell = putSP . Left . Right . Left hilight = toList . highlightItems . (:[]) newpos p = hilight p $ historySP p refs fromLoop = either fromButtons (either fromAuxShell fromUrlList) fromAuxShell b = closeOut b same fromButtons = either fromPrevious fromNext fromPrevious _ = if pos>0 then urlOut (fst (refs!!pos')) $ newpos pos' else same where pos' = pos-1 fromNext _ = case splitAt pos' refs of (_,(url,_):_) -> urlOut url $ newpos pos' _ -> same where pos' = pos+1 fromUrlList (n,(url,_)) = urlOut url $ newpos n fromOutside = either openFromOutside urlFromOutside openFromOutside b = toAuxShell b same urlFromOutside ((url,_),html) = let ref = (url,doctitle) doctitle = case extractTitle html of Just t -> trim t _ -> url2str url in case find (fst ref) 0 (map fst refs) of Just pos' -> newpos pos' _ -> let refs' = take pos' refs++[ref] pos' = pos+1 in toList (replaceAllFrom pos' [ref]) $ hilight pos' $ historySP pos' refs' find x n [] = Nothing find x n (y:ys) = if x==y then Just n else find x (n+1) ys -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- what'sRelatedF = --nameF "What'sRelated" $ delayedAuxShellF {-lbl-} ("WWWB: "++lbl) relatedF where lbl = "What's Related" relatedF= dispRelatedF >==< (clearF>*^=< urlPickListF >=^< replaceAll . extr where post (n,(url,title)) = httpGet url extr = concatMap extr1 where extr1 (RdfCmd ("CHILD",attrs)) = maybeToList $ do urlstr <- lookup "HREF" attrs url <- parseURL urlstr return (url,linktext url (lookup "NAME" attrs)) extr1 (RdfCtx _ rdf) = extr rdf extr1 _ = [] fromUTF = map onlyLatin1 . decodeUTF8 onlyLatin1 c = if isLatin1 c then c else '¿' linktext url optName = maybe (url2str url) useName optName where useName name = fromUTF name ++ extrHost url extrHost url = fromMaybe "" $ -- This is of course highly dependent Netscape conventions... do rurl <- parseURL (drop (length "/fwd/rl/") (urlPath url)) host <- urlHost rurl return $ " ("++host++")" fetchRelatedF = mapFilterSP post >^^=< urlFetchF >=^^< mapFilterSP (pre . fst . fst) where post (Right (url,Right resp)) = parseRdf (respBody resp) post _ = Nothing pre (URL (Just "http") (Just host) optport path _) | host/="localhost" && '?' `notElem` path = fmap httpGetRdf rurl where rurl = parseURL (wwwrl++host++portstr++path) portstr = opt optport ((':':).show) opt m f = maybe "" f m wwwrl = "" pre _ = Nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- auxShellF lbl title fud = loopThroughRightF (wmShellF' (setVisible False) title fud) (Right>^==^^=< pickListF snd -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- httpGetRdf url = httpReq' ["text/rdf"] (url,HttpGet) httpGet url = httpReq (url,HttpGet) httpReq = httpReq' doctypes where doctypes = ["text/"++t | t<-["html","plain","gemini"]]++["*/*;q=0.5"] httpReq' types (url,method) = HttpReq url method httpHdrs where httpHdrs = [header userAgent "WWWBrowser/0 HttpFetchF (", header dnt "1", header accept (mix types ",")] docUrl url resp@(HttpResp { respHdrs=hdrs }) = case getheader hdrs location of "" -> url s -> fromMaybe url (parseURL s) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- showSource = argFlag "source" True