-- -*- coding: utf-8; -*- Name: funcmp Version: 1.2 Author: Meik Hellmund, Ralf Hinze, Joachim Korittky, Marco Kuhlmann, Ferenc Wágner, Peter Simons Category: Graphics License: GPL License-file: COPYING Maintainer: simons@cryp.to Homepage: http://cryp.to/funcmp/ Description: Functional MetaPost is a Haskell frontend to the MetaPost language by John Hobby. Users write their graphics as Haskell programs, which then emit MetaPost code that can be compiled into encapsulated PostScript files and smoothly included into e.g. LaTeX. Synopsis: Functional MetaPost Build-Depends: base, haskell98, process, filepath Build-Type: Simple Exposed-Modules: Paths_funcmp, FMP, FMP.Canvas, FMP.Color, FMP.Core, FMP.File, FMP.Frames, FMP.Matrix, FMP.PP, FMP.Picture, FMP.RedBlack, FMP.Resolve, FMP.Symbols, FMP.Syntax, FMP.Term, FMP.Tree, FMP.Turtle, FMP.Types Data-files: AUTHORS, ChangeLog, README, prologue.txt, texmf/FuncMP.mp, texmf/fmp1.mf, texmf/fmp24.mf, texmf/fmp8.mf, doc/FMPMain.lhs doc/Manual.lhs doc/Manual_eng.lhs doc/README.doc doc/Tutorial.lhs doc/Tutorial_eng.lhs doc/fmp.ini doc/lhs2TeX.fmt