SIMPLE TESTS ============ This directors contains several sets of SIMPLE test programs: - Basic - Advanced - KExceptions - Kdiverse The latter two sets are taken from the K Framework distribution. Each directory contains: - several test programs (*.smp), - the funcon terms generated from those test programs (*.fct), and - in some cases, configuration files providing sample input values (*.config). Running Funcon Terms -------------------- To run a test, you will first need to have built the SIMPLE interpreter (see ../README.txt). Then invoke it as follows (using Kdiverse2.fct as an example): > runfct-SIMPLE Kdiverse/Kdiverse2.fct Tests involving reading input take their input from the individual .config files, e.g. Kdiverse/Kdiverse2.config. To run a test interactively, you should load the "SIMPLE-interactive.config" configuration file: > runfct-SIMPLE --config SIMPLE-interactive.config Kdiverse/Kdiverse2.fct Regenerating Funcon Terms ------------------------- Note: All funcon terms have already been generated, so regenerating them is only necessary if you have added or modified a test program, or changed the CBS definition of SIMPLE. To generate the funcon terms from test files, you first need to have imported and built the "SIMPLE-Editor" Spoofax project in Eclipse. Then you can run the "regen-funcons" script. E.g. > sh ./ Basic will generate a *.fct file for each *.smp file in the folder "Basic".