-- | -- Module : Data.HFunctor.Chain -- Copyright : (c) Justin Le 2019 -- License : BSD3 -- -- Maintainer : justin@jle.im -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable -- -- This module provides an 'Interpret'able data type of "linked list of -- tensor applications". -- -- The type @'Chain' t@, for any @'Tensor' t@, is meant to be the same as -- @'ListBy' t@ (the monoidal functor combinator for @t@), and represents -- "zero or more" applications of @f@ to @t@. -- -- The type @'Chain1' t@, for any @'Associative' t@, is meant to be the -- same as @'NonEmptyBy' t@ (the semigroupoidal functor combinator for @t@) and -- represents "one or more" applications of @f@ to @t@. -- -- The advantage of using 'Chain' and 'Chain1' over 'ListBy' or 'NonEmptyBy' is that -- they provide a universal interface for pattern matching and constructing -- such values, which may simplify working with new such functor -- combinators you might encounter. module Data.HFunctor.Chain ( -- * 'Chain' Chain(..) , foldChain , unfoldChain , unroll , reroll , unrolling , appendChain -- * 'Chain1' , Chain1(..) , foldChain1 , unfoldChain1 , unrollingNE , unrollNE , rerollNE , appendChain1 , fromChain1 -- ** Matchable -- | The following conversions between 'Chain' and 'Chain1' are only -- possible if @t@ is 'Matchable' , splittingChain1 , splitChain1 , matchingChain , unmatchChain ) where import Control.Monad.Freer.Church import Control.Natural import Control.Natural.IsoF import Data.Functor.Bind import Data.Functor.Classes import Data.Functor.Day hiding (intro1, intro2, elim1, elim2) import Data.Functor.Identity import Data.Functor.Plus import Data.Functor.Product import Data.HBifunctor import Data.HBifunctor.Associative import Data.HBifunctor.Tensor import Data.HFunctor import Data.HFunctor.Interpret import Data.Kind import Data.Typeable import GHC.Generics -- | A useful construction that works like a "non-empty linked list" of @t -- f@ applied to itself multiple times. That is, it contains @t f f@, @t -- f (t f f)@, @t f (t f (t f f))@, etc, with @f@ occuring /one or more/ -- times. It is meant to be the same as @'NonEmptyBy' t@. -- -- A @'Chain1' t f a@ is explicitly one of: -- -- * @f a@ -- * @t f f a@ -- * @t f (t f f) a@ -- * @t f (t f (t f f)) a@ -- * .. etc -- -- Note that this is exactly the description of @'NonEmptyBy' t@. And that's "the -- point": for all instances of 'Associative', @'Chain1' t@ is -- isomorphic to @'NonEmptyBy' t@ (witnessed by 'unrollingNE'). That's big picture -- of 'NonEmptyBy': it's supposed to be a type that consists of all possible -- self-applications of @f@ to @t@. -- -- 'Chain1' gives you a way to work with all @'NonEmptyBy' t@ in a uniform way. -- Unlike for @'NonEmptyBy' t f@ in general, you can always explicitly /pattern -- match/ on a 'Chain1' (with its two constructors) and do what you please -- with it. You can also /construct/ 'Chain1' using normal constructors -- and functions. -- -- You can convert in between @'NonEmptyBy' t f@ and @'Chain1' t f@ with 'unrollNE' -- and 'rerollNE'. You can fully "collapse" a @'Chain1' t f@ into an @f@ -- with 'retract', if you have @'SemigroupIn' t f@; this could be considered -- a fundamental property of semigroup-ness. -- -- See 'Chain' for a version that has an "empty" value. -- -- Another way of thinking of this is that @'Chain1' t@ is the "free -- @'SemigroupIn' t@". Given any functor @f@, @'Chain1' t f@ is -- a semigroup in the semigroupoidal category of endofunctors enriched by -- @t@. So, @'Chain1' 'Control.Monad.Freer.Church.Comp'@ is the "free -- 'Data.Functor.Bind.Bind'", @'Chain1' 'Day'@ is the "free -- 'Data.Functor.Apply.Apply'", etc. You "lift" from @f a@ to @'Chain1' -- t f a@ using 'inject'. -- -- Note: this instance doesn't exist directly because of restrictions in -- typeclasses, but is implemented as -- -- @ -- 'Associative' t => 'SemigroupIn' ('WrapHBF' t) ('Chain1' t f) -- @ -- -- where 'biretract' is 'appendChain1'. -- -- You can fully "collapse" a @'Chain' t i f@ into an @f@ with -- 'retract', if you have @'MonoidIn' t i f@; this could be considered -- a fundamental property of monoid-ness. -- -- -- This construction is inspired by iteratees and machines. data Chain1 t f a = Done1 (f a) | More1 (t f (Chain1 t f) a) deriving (Typeable, Generic) deriving instance (Eq (f a), Eq (t f (Chain1 t f) a)) => Eq (Chain1 t f a) deriving instance (Ord (f a), Ord (t f (Chain1 t f) a)) => Ord (Chain1 t f a) deriving instance (Show (f a), Show (t f (Chain1 t f) a)) => Show (Chain1 t f a) deriving instance (Read (f a), Read (t f (Chain1 t f) a)) => Read (Chain1 t f a) deriving instance (Functor f, Functor (t f (Chain1 t f))) => Functor (Chain1 t f) deriving instance (Foldable f, Foldable (t f (Chain1 t f))) => Foldable (Chain1 t f) deriving instance (Traversable f, Traversable (t f (Chain1 t f))) => Traversable (Chain1 t f) instance (Eq1 f, Eq1 (t f (Chain1 t f))) => Eq1 (Chain1 t f) where liftEq eq = \case Done1 x -> \case Done1 y -> liftEq eq x y More1 _ -> False More1 x -> \case Done1 _ -> False More1 y -> liftEq eq x y instance (Ord1 f, Ord1 (t f (Chain1 t f))) => Ord1 (Chain1 t f) where liftCompare c = \case Done1 x -> \case Done1 y -> liftCompare c x y More1 _ -> LT More1 x -> \case Done1 _ -> GT More1 y -> liftCompare c x y instance (Show1 (t f (Chain1 t f)), Show1 f) => Show1 (Chain1 t f) where liftShowsPrec sp sl d = \case Done1 x -> showsUnaryWith (liftShowsPrec sp sl) "Done1" d x More1 xs -> showsUnaryWith (liftShowsPrec sp sl) "More1" d xs instance (Functor f, Read1 (t f (Chain1 t f)), Read1 f) => Read1 (Chain1 t f) where liftReadsPrec rp rl = readsData $ readsUnaryWith (liftReadsPrec rp rl) "Done1" Done1 <> readsUnaryWith (liftReadsPrec rp rl) "More1" More1 -- | Recursively fold down a 'Chain1'. Provide a function on how to handle -- the "single @f@ case" ('inject'), and how to handle the "combined @t -- f g@ case", and this will fold the entire @'Chain1' t f@ into a single -- @g@. -- -- This is a catamorphism. foldChain1 :: forall t f g. HBifunctor t => f ~> g -- ^ handle 'Done1' -> t f g ~> g -- ^ handle 'More1' -> Chain1 t f ~> g foldChain1 f g = go where go :: Chain1 t f ~> g go = \case Done1 x -> f x More1 xs -> g (hright go xs) -- | Recursively build up a 'Chain1'. Provide a function that takes some -- starting seed @g@ and returns either "done" (@f@) or "continue further" -- (@t f g@), and it will create a @'Chain1' t f@ from a @g@. -- -- This is an anamorphism. unfoldChain1 :: forall t f (g :: Type -> Type). HBifunctor t => (g ~> f :+: t f g) -> g ~> Chain1 t f unfoldChain1 f = go where go :: g ~> Chain1 t f go = (Done1 !*! More1 . hright go) . f instance HBifunctor t => HFunctor (Chain1 t) where hmap f = foldChain1 (Done1 . f) (More1 . hleft f) instance HBifunctor t => Inject (Chain1 t) where inject = Done1 instance (HBifunctor t, SemigroupIn t f) => Interpret (Chain1 t) f where retract = \case Done1 x -> x More1 xs -> binterpret id retract xs interpret :: forall g. g ~> f -> Chain1 t g ~> f interpret f = go where go :: Chain1 t g ~> f go = \case Done1 x -> f x More1 xs -> binterpret f go xs -- | A type @'NonEmptyBy' t@ is supposed to represent the successive application of -- @t@s to itself. The type @'Chain1' t f@ is an actual concrete ADT that contains -- successive applications of @t@ to itself, and you can pattern match on -- each layer. -- -- 'unrollingNE' states that the two types are isormorphic. Use 'unrollNE' -- and 'rerollNE' to convert between the two. unrollingNE :: forall t f. (Associative t, Functor f) => NonEmptyBy t f <~> Chain1 t f unrollingNE = isoF unrollNE rerollNE -- | A type @'NonEmptyBy' t@ is supposed to represent the successive application of -- @t@s to itself. 'unrollNE' makes that successive application explicit, -- buy converting it to a literal 'Chain1' of applications of @t@ to -- itself. -- -- @ -- 'unrollNE' = 'unfoldChain1' 'matchNE' -- @ unrollNE :: (Associative t, Functor f) => NonEmptyBy t f ~> Chain1 t f unrollNE = unfoldChain1 matchNE -- | A type @'NonEmptyBy' t@ is supposed to represent the successive application of -- @t@s to itself. 'rerollNE' takes an explicit 'Chain1' of applications -- of @t@ to itself and rolls it back up into an @'NonEmptyBy' t@. -- -- @ -- 'rerollNE' = 'foldChain1' 'inject' 'consNE' -- @ rerollNE :: Associative t => Chain1 t f ~> NonEmptyBy t f rerollNE = foldChain1 inject consNE -- | 'Chain1' is a semigroup with respect to @t@: we can "combine" them in -- an associative way. -- -- This is essentially 'biretract', but only requiring @'Associative' t@: -- it comes from the fact that @'Chain1' t@ is the "free @'SemigroupIn' -- t@". -- -- @since appendChain1 :: forall t f. (Associative t, Functor f) => t (Chain1 t f) (Chain1 t f) ~> Chain1 t f appendChain1 = unrollNE . appendNE . hbimap rerollNE rerollNE -- | @'Chain1' t@ is the "free @'SemigroupIn' t@". However, we have to -- wrap @t@ in 'WrapHBF' to prevent overlapping instances. instance (Associative t, Functor f) => SemigroupIn (WrapHBF t) (Chain1 t f) where biretract = appendChain1 . unwrapHBF binterpret f g = biretract . hbimap f g -- | @'Chain1' 'Day'@ is the free "semigroup in the semigroupoidal category -- of endofunctors enriched by 'Day'" --- aka, the free 'Apply'. instance Functor f => Apply (Chain1 Day f) where f <.> x = appendChain1 $ Day f x ($) instance Functor f => Apply (Chain1 Comp f) where (<.>) = apDefault -- | @'Chain1' 'Comp'@ is the free "semigroup in the semigroupoidal -- category of endofunctors enriched by 'Comp'" --- aka, the free 'Bind'. instance Functor f => Bind (Chain1 Comp f) where x >>- f = appendChain1 (x :>>= f) -- | @'Chain1' (':*:')@ is the free "semigroup in the semigroupoidal -- category of endofunctors enriched by ':*:'" --- aka, the free 'Alt'. instance Functor f => Alt (Chain1 (:*:) f) where x y = appendChain1 (x :*: y) -- | @'Chain1' 'Product'@ is the free "semigroup in the semigroupoidal -- category of endofunctors enriched by 'Product'" --- aka, the free 'Alt'. instance Functor f => Alt (Chain1 Product f) where x y = appendChain1 (Pair x y) -- | A useful construction that works like a "linked list" of @t f@ applied -- to itself multiple times. That is, it contains @t f f@, @t f (t f f)@, -- @t f (t f (t f f))@, etc, with @f@ occuring /zero or more/ times. It is -- meant to be the same as @'ListBy' t@. -- -- If @t@ is 'Tensor', then it means we can "collapse" this linked list -- into some final type @'ListBy' t@ ('reroll'), and also extract it back -- into a linked list ('unroll'). -- -- So, a value of type @'Chain' t i f a@ is one of either: -- -- * @i a@ -- * @f a@ -- * @t f f a@ -- * @t f (t f f) a@ -- * @t f (t f (t f f)) a@ -- * .. etc. -- -- Note that this is /exactly/ what an @'ListBy' t@ is supposed to be. Using -- 'Chain' allows us to work with all @'ListBy' t@s in a uniform way, with -- normal pattern matching and normal constructors. -- -- You can fully "collapse" a @'Chain' t i f@ into an @f@ with -- 'retract', if you have @'MonoidIn' t i f@; this could be considered -- a fundamental property of monoid-ness. -- -- Another way of thinking of this is that @'Chain' t i@ is the "free -- @'MonoidIn' t i@". Given any functor @f@, @'Chain' t i f@ is a monoid -- in the monoidal category of endofunctors enriched by @t@. So, @'Chain' -- 'Control.Monad.Freer.Church.Comp' 'Data.Functor.Identity.Identity'@ is -- the "free 'Monad'", @'Chain' 'Data.Functor.Day.Day' -- 'Data.Functor.Identity.Identity'@ is the "free 'Applicative'", etc. You -- "lift" from @f a@ to @'Chain' t i f a@ using 'inject'. -- -- Note: this instance doesn't exist directly because of restrictions in -- typeclasses, but is implemented as -- -- @ -- 'Tensor' t i => 'MonoidIn' ('WrapHBF' t) ('WrapF' i) ('Chain' t i f) -- @ -- -- where 'pureT' is 'Done' and 'biretract' is 'appendChain'. -- -- This construction is inspired by -- data Chain t i f a = Done (i a) | More (t f (Chain t i f) a) deriving instance (Eq (i a), Eq (t f (Chain t i f) a)) => Eq (Chain t i f a) deriving instance (Ord (i a), Ord (t f (Chain t i f) a)) => Ord (Chain t i f a) deriving instance (Show (i a), Show (t f (Chain t i f) a)) => Show (Chain t i f a) deriving instance (Read (i a), Read (t f (Chain t i f) a)) => Read (Chain t i f a) deriving instance (Functor i, Functor (t f (Chain t i f))) => Functor (Chain t i f) deriving instance (Foldable i, Foldable (t f (Chain t i f))) => Foldable (Chain t i f) deriving instance (Traversable i, Traversable (t f (Chain t i f))) => Traversable (Chain t i f) instance (Eq1 i, Eq1 (t f (Chain t i f))) => Eq1 (Chain t i f) where liftEq eq = \case Done x -> \case Done y -> liftEq eq x y More _ -> False More x -> \case Done _ -> False More y -> liftEq eq x y instance (Ord1 i, Ord1 (t f (Chain t i f))) => Ord1 (Chain t i f) where liftCompare c = \case Done x -> \case Done y -> liftCompare c x y More _ -> LT More x -> \case Done _ -> GT More y -> liftCompare c x y instance (Show1 (t f (Chain t i f)), Show1 i) => Show1 (Chain t i f) where liftShowsPrec sp sl d = \case Done x -> showsUnaryWith (liftShowsPrec sp sl) "Done" d x More xs -> showsUnaryWith (liftShowsPrec sp sl) "More" d xs instance (Functor i, Read1 (t f (Chain t i f)), Read1 i) => Read1 (Chain t i f) where liftReadsPrec rp rl = readsData $ readsUnaryWith (liftReadsPrec rp rl) "Done" Done <> readsUnaryWith (liftReadsPrec rp rl) "More" More -- | Recursively fold down a 'Chain'. Provide a function on how to handle -- the "single @f@ case" ('nilLB'), and how to handle the "combined @t f g@ -- case", and this will fold the entire @'Chain' t i) f@ into a single @g@. -- -- This is a catamorphism. foldChain :: forall t i f g. HBifunctor t => (i ~> g) -- ^ Handle 'Done' -> (t f g ~> g) -- ^ Handle 'More' -> Chain t i f ~> g foldChain f g = go where go :: Chain t i f ~> g go = \case Done x -> f x More xs -> g (hright go xs) -- | Recursively build up a 'Chain'. Provide a function that takes some -- starting seed @g@ and returns either "done" (@i@) or "continue further" -- (@t f g@), and it will create a @'Chain' t i f@ from a @g@. -- -- This is an anamorphism. unfoldChain :: forall t f (g :: Type -> Type) i. HBifunctor t => (g ~> i :+: t f g) -> g ~> Chain t i f unfoldChain f = go where go :: g a -> Chain t i f a go = (Done !*! More . hright go) . f instance HBifunctor t => HFunctor (Chain t i) where hmap f = foldChain Done (More . hleft f) instance Tensor t i => Inject (Chain t i) where inject = More . hright Done . intro1 -- | We can collapse and interpret an @'Chain' t i@ if we have @'Tensor' t@. instance MonoidIn t i f => Interpret (Chain t i) f where interpret :: forall g. () => g ~> f -> Chain t i g ~> f interpret f = go where go :: Chain t i g ~> f go = \case Done x -> pureT @t x More xs -> binterpret f go xs -- | A 'Chain1' is "one or more linked @f@s", and a 'Chain' is "zero or -- more linked @f@s". So, we can convert from a 'Chain1' to a 'Chain' that -- always has at least one @f@. -- -- The result of this function always is made with 'More' at the top level. fromChain1 :: Tensor t i => Chain1 t f ~> Chain t i f fromChain1 = foldChain1 (More . hright Done . intro1) More -- | A type @'ListBy' t@ is supposed to represent the successive application of -- @t@s to itself. The type @'Chain' t i f@ is an actual concrete -- ADT that contains successive applications of @t@ to itself, and you can -- pattern match on each layer. -- -- 'unrolling' states that the two types are isormorphic. Use 'unroll' -- and 'reroll' to convert between the two. unrolling :: Tensor t i => ListBy t f <~> Chain t i f unrolling = isoF unroll reroll -- | A type @'ListBy' t@ is supposed to represent the successive application of -- @t@s to itself. 'unroll' makes that successive application explicit, -- buy converting it to a literal 'Chain' of applications of @t@ to -- itself. -- -- @ -- 'unroll' = 'unfoldChain' 'unconsLB' -- @ unroll :: Tensor t i => ListBy t f ~> Chain t i f unroll = unfoldChain unconsLB -- | A type @'ListBy' t@ is supposed to represent the successive application of -- @t@s to itself. 'rerollNE' takes an explicit 'Chain' of applications of -- @t@ to itself and rolls it back up into an @'ListBy' t@. -- -- @ -- 'reroll' = 'foldChain' 'nilLB' 'consLB' -- @ -- -- Because @t@ cannot be inferred from the input or output, you should call -- this with /-XTypeApplications/: -- -- @ -- 'reroll' \@'Control.Monad.Freer.Church.Comp' -- :: 'Chain' Comp 'Data.Functor.Identity.Identity' f a -> 'Control.Monad.Freer.Church.Free' f a -- @ reroll :: forall t i f. Tensor t i => Chain t i f ~> ListBy t f reroll = foldChain (nilLB @t) consLB -- | 'Chain' is a monoid with respect to @t@: we can "combine" them in -- an associative way. The identity here is anything made with the 'Done' -- constructor. -- -- This is essentially 'biretract', but only requiring @'Tensor' t i@: it -- comes from the fact that @'Chain1' t i@ is the "free @'MonoidIn' t i@". -- 'pureT' is 'Done'. -- -- @since appendChain :: forall t i f. Tensor t i => t (Chain t i f) (Chain t i f) ~> Chain t i f appendChain = unroll . appendLB . hbimap reroll reroll -- | A @'Chain1' t f@ is like a non-empty linked list of @f@s, and -- a @'Chain' t i f@ is a possibly-empty linked list of @f@s. This -- witnesses the fact that the former is isomorphic to @f@ consed to the -- latter. splittingChain1 :: forall t i f. (Matchable t i, Functor f) => Chain1 t f <~> t f (Chain t i f) splittingChain1 = fromF unrollingNE . splittingNE @t . overHBifunctor id unrolling -- | The "forward" function representing 'splittingChain1'. Provided here -- as a separate function because it does not require @'Functor' f@. splitChain1 :: forall t i f. Tensor t i => Chain1 t f ~> t f (Chain t i f) splitChain1 = hright (unroll @t) . splitNE @t . rerollNE -- | A @'Chain' t i f@ is a linked list of @f@s, and a @'Chain1' t f@ is -- a non-empty linked list of @f@s. This witnesses the fact that -- a @'Chain' t i f@ is either empty (@i@) or non-empty (@'Chain1' t f@). matchingChain :: forall t i f. (Tensor t i, Matchable t i, Functor f) => Chain t i f <~> i :+: Chain1 t f matchingChain = fromF unrolling . matchingLB @t . overHBifunctor id unrollingNE -- | The "reverse" function representing 'matchingChain'. Provided here -- as a separate function because it does not require @'Functor' f@. unmatchChain :: forall t i f. Tensor t i => i :+: Chain1 t f ~> Chain t i f unmatchChain = unroll . (nilLB @t !*! fromNE @t) . hright rerollNE -- | We have to wrap @t@ in 'WrapHBF' to prevent overlapping instances. instance (Tensor t i, Functor f) => SemigroupIn (WrapHBF t) (Chain t i f) where biretract = appendChain . unwrapHBF binterpret f g = biretract . hbimap f g -- | @'Chain' t i@ is the "free @'MonoidIn' t i@". However, we have to -- wrap @t@ in 'WrapHBF' and @i@ in 'WrapF' to prevent overlapping instances. instance (Tensor t i, Functor f) => MonoidIn (WrapHBF t) (WrapF i) (Chain t i f) where pureT = Done . unwrapF instance Apply (Chain Day Identity f) where f <.> x = appendChain $ Day f x ($) -- | @'Chain' 'Day' 'Identity'@ is the free "monoid in the monoidal -- category of endofunctors enriched by 'Day'" --- aka, the free -- 'Applicative'. instance Applicative (Chain Day Identity f) where pure = Done . Identity (<*>) = (<.>) instance Apply (Chain Comp Identity f) where (<.>) = apDefault instance Applicative (Chain Comp Identity f) where pure = Done . Identity (<*>) = (<.>) instance Bind (Chain Comp Identity f) where x >>- f = appendChain (x :>>= f) -- | @'Chain' 'Comp' 'Identity'@ is the free "monoid in the monoidal -- category of endofunctors enriched by 'Comp'" --- aka, the free -- 'Monad'. instance Monad (Chain Comp Identity f) where (>>=) = (>>-) instance Functor f => Alt (Chain (:*:) Proxy f) where x y = appendChain (x :*: y) -- | @'Chain' (':*:') 'Proxy'@ is the free "monoid in the monoidal -- category of endofunctors enriched by ':*:'" --- aka, the free -- 'Plus'. instance Functor f => Plus (Chain (:*:) Proxy f) where zero = Done Proxy instance Functor f => Alt (Chain Product Proxy f) where x y = appendChain (Pair x y) -- | @'Chain' (':*:') 'Proxy'@ is the free "monoid in the monoidal -- category of endofunctors enriched by ':*:'" --- aka, the free -- 'Plus'. instance Functor f => Plus (Chain Product Proxy f) where zero = Done Proxy