    This file is part of funsat.

    funsat is free software: it is released under the BSD3 open source license.
    You can find details of this license in the file LICENSE at the root of the
    source tree.

    Copyright 2008 Denis Bueno


Tabular output.

Converts any matrix of showable data types into a tabular form for which the
layout is automatically done properly.  Currently there is no maximum row width,
just a dynamically-calculated column width.

If the input matrix is mal-formed, the largest well-formed submatrix is
chosen.  That is, elements along too-long dimensions are chopped off.

module Text.Tabular( Table(..), mkTable, combine, unTable ) where

import Data.List( intercalate )

newtype Table a = Table [Row a]            -- table is a list of rows
newtype Row a = Row [Cell a]
data Cell a = Cell { cellWidth :: !Int
                   -- the width of a cell is the max of the widths of the
                   -- string representations of all the elements in the column
                   -- in which this cell occurs
                   , cellData :: !a } -- element printed in box of colWidth

mkTable :: (Show a) => [[a]] -> Table a
mkTable rows = Table $ mkRows rows
    widths      = colWidths rows
    mkRows rows = [ Row (map mkCell (zip widths row)) | row <- rows ]
    mkCell      = uncurry Cell

unTable :: Table a -> [[a]]
unTable (Table rows) = [ map cellData r | (Row r) <- rows ]

combine :: (Show a) => Table a -> Table a -> Table a
-- slow impl but works
combine t t' = mkTable (unTable t ++ unTable t')

-- returns a list of the widths of each column
colWidths :: (Show a) => [[a]] -> [Int]
colWidths = map (maximum . map (length . show)) . zipn

-- Pretty, columnar output.
instance (Show a) => Show (Table a) where
    show (Table rows) = intercalate "\n" $ map showRow rows 
          showRow (Row cols) = intercalate " " $ colStrings
              colStrings = [ padString (cellWidth c) (show d)
                             | c@(Cell {cellData=d}) <- cols ]

padString :: Int -> String -> String
padString maxWidth str = str ++ replicate padLen ' '
    where padLen = maxWidth - length str

zipn :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
zipn xss | any null xss = []
zipn xss = map head xss : zipn (map tail xss)