{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses ,FunctionalDependencies ,FlexibleInstances ,FlexibleContexts ,GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving ,TypeSynonymInstances ,TypeOperators ,ParallelListComp ,BangPatterns #-} {- This file is part of funsat. funsat is free software: it is released under the BSD3 open source license. You can find details of this license in the file LICENSE at the root of the source tree. Copyright 2008 Denis Bueno -} -- | Data types used when dealing with SAT problems in funsat. module Funsat.Types where import Control.Monad.MonadST( MonadST(..) ) import Control.Monad.ST.Strict import Data.Array.ST import Data.Array.Unboxed import Data.BitSet ( BitSet ) import Data.Foldable hiding ( sequence_ ) import Data.List( intercalate ) import Data.Map ( Map ) import Data.Set ( Set ) import Data.STRef import Funsat.Monad import Prelude hiding ( sum, concatMap, elem, foldr, foldl, any, maximum ) import qualified Data.BitSet as BitSet import qualified Data.Foldable as Fl import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set -- * Basic Types newtype Var = V {unVar :: Int} deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Ix) instance Show Var where show (V i) = show i ++ "v" instance Num Var where _ + _ = error "+ doesn't make sense for variables" _ - _ = error "- doesn't make sense for variables" _ * _ = error "* doesn't make sense for variables" signum _ = error "signum doesn't make sense for variables" negate = error "negate doesn't make sense for variables" abs = id fromInteger l | l <= 0 = error $ show l ++ " is not a variable" | otherwise = V $ fromInteger l newtype Lit = L {unLit :: Int} deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Ix) instance Num Lit where _ + _ = error "+ doesn't make sense for literals" _ - _ = error "- doesn't make sense for literals" _ * _ = error "* doesn't make sense for literals" signum _ = error "signum doesn't make sense for literals" negate = inLit negate abs = inLit abs fromInteger l | l == 0 = error "0 is not a literal" | otherwise = L $ fromInteger l -- | Transform the number inside the literal. inLit :: (Int -> Int) -> Lit -> Lit inLit f = L . f . unLit -- | The polarity of the literal. Negative literals are false; positive -- literals are true. The 0-literal is an error. litSign :: Lit -> Bool litSign (L x) | x < 0 = False | x > 0 = True | otherwise = error "litSign of 0" instance Show Lit where show = show . unLit instance Read Lit where readsPrec i s = map (\(i,s) -> (L i, s)) (readsPrec i s) -- | The variable for the given literal. var :: Lit -> Var var = V . abs . unLit -- | The positive literal for the given variable. lit :: Var -> Lit lit = L . unVar type Clause = [Lit] data CNF = CNF { numVars :: Int , numClauses :: Int , clauses :: Set Clause } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) -- | The solution to a SAT problem. In each case we return an assignment, -- which is obviously right in the `Sat' case; in the `Unsat' case, the reason -- is to assist in the generation of an unsatisfiable core. data Solution = Sat IAssignment | Unsat IAssignment deriving (Eq) instance Show Solution where show (Sat a) = "satisfiable: " ++ showAssignment a show (Unsat _) = "unsatisfiable" finalAssignment :: Solution -> IAssignment finalAssignment (Sat a) = a finalAssignment (Unsat a) = a -- | Represents a container of type @t@ storing elements of type @a@ that -- support membership, insertion, and deletion. -- -- There are various data structures used in funsat which are essentially used -- as ''set-like'' objects. I've distilled their interface into three -- methods. These methods are used extensively in the implementation of the -- solver. class Ord a => Setlike t a where -- | The set-like object with an element removed. without :: t -> a -> t -- | The set-like object with an element included. with :: t -> a -> t -- | Whether the set-like object contains a certain element. contains :: t -> a -> Bool instance Ord a => Setlike (Set a) a where without = flip Set.delete with = flip Set.insert contains = flip Set.member instance Ord a => Setlike [a] a where without = flip List.delete with = flip (:) contains = flip List.elem instance Setlike IAssignment Lit where without a l = a // [(var l, 0)] with a l = a // [(var l, unLit l)] contains a l = unLit l == a ! (var l) instance (Ord k, Ord a) => Setlike (Map k a) (k, a) where with m (k,v) = Map.insert k v m without m (k,_) = Map.delete k m contains = error "no contains for Setlike (Map k a) (k, a)" instance (Ord a, BitSet.Hash a) => Setlike (BitSet a) a where with = flip BitSet.insert without = flip BitSet.delete contains = flip BitSet.member instance (BitSet.Hash Lit) where hash l = if li > 0 then 2 * vi else (2 * vi) + 1 where li = unLit l vi = abs li instance (BitSet.Hash Var) where hash = unVar -- * Assignments -- | An ''immutable assignment''. Stores the current assignment according to -- the following convention. A literal @L i@ is in the assignment if in -- location @(abs i)@ in the array, @i@ is present. Literal @L i@ is absent -- if in location @(abs i)@ there is 0. It is an error if the location @(abs -- i)@ is any value other than @0@ or @i@ or @negate i@. -- -- Note that the `Model' instance for `Lit' and `IAssignment' takes constant -- time to execute because of this representation for assignments. Also -- updating an assignment with newly-assigned literals takes constant time, -- and can be done destructively, but safely. type IAssignment = UArray Var Int showAssignment :: IAssignment -> String showAssignment a = intercalate " " ([show (a!i) | i <- range . bounds $ a, (a!i) /= 0]) -- | Mutable array corresponding to the `IAssignment' representation. type MAssignment s = STUArray s Var Int -- | Same as @freeze@, but at the right type so GHC doesn't yell at me. freezeAss :: MAssignment s -> ST s IAssignment {-# INLINE freezeAss #-} freezeAss = freeze -- | See `freezeAss'. unsafeFreezeAss :: (MonadST s m) => MAssignment s -> m IAssignment {-# INLINE unsafeFreezeAss #-} unsafeFreezeAss = liftST . unsafeFreeze thawAss :: IAssignment -> ST s (MAssignment s) {-# INLINE thawAss #-} thawAss = thaw unsafeThawAss :: IAssignment -> ST s (MAssignment s) {-# INLINE unsafeThawAss #-} unsafeThawAss = unsafeThaw -- | Destructively update the assignment with the given literal. assign :: MAssignment s -> Lit -> ST s (MAssignment s) assign a l = writeArray a (var l) (unLit l) >> return a -- | Destructively undo the assignment to the given literal. unassign :: MAssignment s -> Lit -> ST s (MAssignment s) unassign a l = writeArray a (var l) 0 >> return a -- | The assignment as a list of signed literals. litAssignment :: IAssignment -> [Lit] litAssignment mFr = foldr (\i ass -> if mFr!i == 0 then ass else (L . (mFr!) $ i) : ass) [] (range . bounds $ mFr) -- | The union of the reason side and the conflict side are all the nodes in -- the `cutGraph' (excepting, perhaps, the nodes on the reason side at -- decision level 0, which should never be present in a learned clause). data Cut f gr a b = Cut { reasonSide :: f Graph.Node -- ^ The reason side contains at least the decision variables. , conflictSide :: f Graph.Node -- ^ The conflict side contains the conflicting literal. , cutUIP :: Graph.Node , cutGraph :: gr a b } instance (Show (f Graph.Node), Show (gr a b)) => Show (Cut f gr a b) where show (Cut { conflictSide = c, cutUIP = uip }) = "Cut (uip=" ++ show uip ++ ", cSide=" ++ show c ++ ")" -- | Annotate each variable in the conflict graph with literal (indicating its -- assignment) and decision level. The only reason we make a new datatype for -- this is for its `Show' instance. data CGNodeAnnot = CGNA Lit Int instance Show CGNodeAnnot where show (CGNA (L 0) _) = "lambda" show (CGNA l lev) = show l ++ " (" ++ show lev ++ ")" -- * Model -- | An instance of this class is able to answer the question, Is a -- truth-functional object @x@ true under the model @m@? Or is @m@ a model -- for @x@? There are three possible answers for this question: `True' (''the -- object is true under @m@''), `False' (''the object is false under @m@''), -- and undefined, meaning its status is uncertain or unknown (as is the case -- with a partial assignment). -- -- The only method in this class is so named so it reads well when used infix. -- Also see: `isTrueUnder', `isFalseUnder', `isUndefUnder'. class Model a m where -- | @x ``statusUnder`` m@ should use @Right@ if the status of @x@ is -- defined, and @Left@ otherwise. statusUnder :: a -> m -> Either () Bool -- /O(1)/. instance Model Lit IAssignment where statusUnder l a | a `contains` l = Right True | a `contains` negate l = Right False | otherwise = Left () instance Model Var IAssignment where statusUnder v a | a `contains` pos = Right True | a `contains` neg = Right False | otherwise = Left () where pos = L (unVar v) neg = negate pos instance Model Clause IAssignment where statusUnder c m -- true if c intersect m is not null == a member of c in m | Fl.any (\e -> m `contains` e) c = Right True -- false if all its literals are false under m. | Fl.all (`isFalseUnder` m) c = Right False | otherwise = Left () where isFalseUnder x m = isFalse $ x `statusUnder` m where isFalse (Right False) = True isFalse _ = False -- * Internal data types type Level = Int -- | A /level array/ maintains a record of the decision level of each variable -- in the solver. If @level@ is such an array, then @level[i] == j@ means the -- decision level for var number @i@ is @j@. @j@ must be non-negative when -- the level is defined, and `noLevel' otherwise. -- -- Whenever an assignment of variable @v@ is made at decision level @i@, -- @level[unVar v]@ is set to @i@. type LevelArray s = STUArray s Var Level -- | Immutable version. type FrozenLevelArray = UArray Var Level -- | The VSIDS-like dynamic variable ordering. newtype VarOrder s = VarOrder { varOrderArr :: STUArray s Var Double } deriving Show newtype FrozenVarOrder = FrozenVarOrder (UArray Var Double) deriving Show -- | Each pair of watched literals is paired with its clause and id. type WatchedPair s = (STRef s (Lit, Lit), Clause, ClauseId) type WatchArray s = STArray s Lit [WatchedPair s] data PartialResolutionTrace = PartialResolutionTrace { resTraceIdCount :: !Int , resTrace :: ![Int] , resTraceOriginalSingles :: ![(Clause, ClauseId)] -- Singleton clauses are not stored in the database, they are assigned. -- But we need to record their ids, so we put them here. , resSourceMap :: Map ClauseId [ClauseId] } deriving (Show) type ReasonMap = Map Var (Clause, ClauseId) type ClauseId = Int instance Show (STRef s a) where show = const "" instance Show (STUArray s Var Int) where show = const "" instance Show (STUArray s Var Double) where show = const "" instance Show (STArray s a b) where show = const ""