// Stub code for OpenCL setup. private void OPENCL_SUCCEED(int return_code, [CallerFilePath] string filePath = "", [CallerLineNumber] int lineNumber = 0) { OpenCLSucceed(return_code, "", filePath, lineNumber); } private void OPENCL_SUCCEED(ComputeErrorCode return_code, [CallerFilePath] string filePath = "", [CallerLineNumber] int lineNumber = 0) { OpenCLSucceed((int) return_code, "", filePath, lineNumber); } private void OPENCL_SUCCEED(object return_code, [CallerFilePath] string filePath = "", [CallerLineNumber] int lineNumber = 0) { OpenCLSucceed((int) return_code, "", filePath, lineNumber); } public struct OpenCLConfig { public bool Debugging; public int PreferredDeviceNum; public string PreferredPlatform; public string PreferredDevice; public string DumpProgramTo; public string LoadProgramFrom; public int DefaultGroupSize; public int DefaultNumGroups; public int DefaultTileSize; public int DefaultThreshold; public int NumSizes; public string[] SizeNames; public string[] SizeVars; public int[] SizeValues; public string[] SizeClasses; } private void MemblockUnrefDevice(ref FutharkContext context, ref OpenCLMemblock block, string desc) { if (!block.IsNull) { block.DecreaseRefs(); if (context.DetailMemory) { Console.Error.WriteLine(String.Format( "Unreferencing block {0} (allocated as {1}) in {2}: {3} references remaining.", desc, block.Tag, "space 'device'", block.References)); } if (block.References == 0) { context.CurrentMemUsageDevice -= block.Size; OPENCL_SUCCEED(OpenCLFree(ref context, block.Mem, block.Tag)); block.IsNull = true; } if (context.DetailMemory) { Console.Error.WriteLine(String.Format( "{0} bytes freed (now allocated: {1} bytes)", block.Size, context.CurrentMemUsageDevice)); } } } private void MemblockSetDevice(ref FutharkContext context, ref OpenCLMemblock lhs, ref OpenCLMemblock rhs, string lhs_desc) { MemblockUnrefDevice(ref context, ref lhs, lhs_desc); rhs.IncreaseRefs(); lhs = rhs; } private OpenCLMemblock MemblockAllocDevice(ref FutharkContext context, OpenCLMemblock block, long size, string desc) { if (size < 0) { panic(1, String.Format("Negative allocation of {0} bytes attempted for {1} in {2}", size, desc)); } MemblockUnrefDevice(ref context, ref block, desc); OPENCL_SUCCEED(OpenCLAlloc(ref context, size, desc, ref block.Mem)); block.References = 1; block.IsNull = false; block.Size = size; block.Tag = desc; context.CurrentMemUsageDevice += size; if (context.DetailMemory) { Console.Error.Write(String.Format("Allocated {0} bytes for {1} in {2} (now allocated: {3} bytes)", size, desc, "space 'device'", Ctx.CurrentMemUsageDevice)); } if (context.CurrentMemUsageDevice > context.PeakMemUsageDevice) { context.PeakMemUsageDevice = context.CurrentMemUsageDevice; if (context.DetailMemory) { Console.Error.Write(" (new peak).\n"); } } else if (context.DetailMemory) { Console.Error.Write(".\n"); } return block; } private bool FreeListFind(ref OpenCLFreeList free_list, string tag, ref long size_out, ref CLMemoryHandle mem_out) { for (int i = 0; i < free_list.Capacity; i++) { if (free_list.Entries[i].Valid && free_list.Entries[i].Tag == tag) { free_list.Entries[i].Valid = false; size_out = free_list.Entries[i].Size; mem_out = free_list.Entries[i].Mem; free_list.Used--; return true; } } return false; } private bool FreeListFirst(ref OpenCLFreeList free_list, ref CLMemoryHandle mem_out) { for (int i = 0; i < free_list.Capacity; i++) { if (free_list.Entries[i].Valid) { free_list.Entries[i].Valid = false; mem_out = free_list.Entries[i].Mem; free_list.Used--; return true; } } return false; } private ComputeErrorCode OpenCLAllocActual(ref FutharkContext context, long min_size, ref CLMemoryHandle mem) { ComputeErrorCode error; mem = CL10.CreateBuffer(context.OpenCL.Context, ComputeMemoryFlags.ReadWrite , new IntPtr(min_size), IntPtr.Zero, out error); if (error != ComputeErrorCode.Success) { return error; } int x = 2; unsafe { error = CL10.EnqueueWriteBuffer(Ctx.OpenCL.Queue, mem, true, IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr(sizeof(int)), new IntPtr(&x), 0, null, null); } return error; } private ComputeErrorCode OpenCLAlloc(ref FutharkContext context, long min_size, string tag, ref CLMemoryHandle mem_out) { if (min_size < 0) { panic(1, "Tried to allocate a negative amount of bytes."); } min_size = (min_size < sizeof(int)) ? sizeof(int) : min_size; long size = 0; if (FreeListFind(ref context.FreeList, tag, ref size, ref mem_out)) { if (size >= min_size && size <= min_size * 2) { return ComputeErrorCode.Success; } else { ComputeErrorCode code1 = CL10.ReleaseMemObject(mem_out); if (code1 != ComputeErrorCode.Success) { return code1; } } } ComputeErrorCode error = OpenCLAllocActual(ref context, min_size, ref mem_out); while (error == ComputeErrorCode.MemoryObjectAllocationFailure) { CLMemoryHandle mem = Ctx.EMPTY_MEM_HANDLE; if (FreeListFirst(ref context.FreeList, ref mem)) { error = CL10.ReleaseMemObject(mem); if (error != ComputeErrorCode.Success) { return error; } } else { break; } error = OpenCLAllocActual(ref context, min_size, ref mem_out); } return error; } private ComputeErrorCode OpenCLFree(ref FutharkContext context, CLMemoryHandle mem, string tag) { long size = 0; CLMemoryHandle existing_mem = Ctx.EMPTY_MEM_HANDLE; ComputeErrorCode error = ComputeErrorCode.Success; if (FreeListFind(ref context.FreeList, tag, ref size, ref existing_mem)) { error = CL10.ReleaseMemObject(existing_mem); if (error != ComputeErrorCode.Success) { return error; } } if (existing_mem.Value == mem.Value) { return error; } var trash_null = new IntPtr(0); unsafe { error = CL10.GetMemObjectInfo(mem, ComputeMemoryInfo.Size, new IntPtr(sizeof(long)), new IntPtr(&size), out trash_null); } if (error == ComputeErrorCode.Success) { FreeListInsert(ref context, size, mem, tag); } return error; } private void FreeListInsert(ref FutharkContext context, long size, CLMemoryHandle mem, string tag) { int i = FreeListFindInvalid(ref context); if (i == context.FreeList.Capacity) { var cap = context.FreeList.Capacity; int new_capacity = cap * 2; Array.Resize(ref context.FreeList.Entries, new_capacity); for (int j = 0; j < cap; j++) { var entry = new OpenCLFreeListEntry(); entry.Valid = false; context.FreeList.Entries[cap + j] = entry; } context.FreeList.Capacity *= 2; } context.FreeList.Entries[i].Valid = true; context.FreeList.Entries[i].Size = size; context.FreeList.Entries[i].Tag = tag; context.FreeList.Entries[i].Mem = mem; context.FreeList.Used++; } private int FreeListFindInvalid(ref FutharkContext context) { int i; for (i = 0; i < context.FreeList.Capacity; i++) { if (!context.FreeList.Entries[i].Valid) { break; } } return i; } private class OpenCLMemblock { public int References; public CLMemoryHandle Mem; public long Size; public string Tag; public bool IsNull; public void IncreaseRefs() { this.References += 1; } public void DecreaseRefs() { this.References -= 1; } } private OpenCLMemblock EmptyMemblock(CLMemoryHandle mem) { var block = new OpenCLMemblock(); block.Mem = mem; block.References = 0; block.Tag = ""; block.Size = 0; block.IsNull = true; return block; } public struct OpenCLFreeListEntry { public bool Valid; public CLMemoryHandle Mem; public long Size; public string Tag; } public struct OpenCLFreeList { public OpenCLFreeListEntry[] Entries; public int Capacity; public int Used; } private OpenCLFreeList OpenCLFreeListInit() { int CAPACITY = 30; // arbitrarily chosen var free_list = new OpenCLFreeList(); free_list.Entries = Enumerable.Range(0, CAPACITY) .Select(_ => { var entry = new OpenCLFreeListEntry(); entry.Valid = false; return entry; }).ToArray(); free_list.Capacity = CAPACITY; free_list.Used = 0; return free_list; } private void OpenCLConfigInit(out OpenCLConfig cfg, int num_sizes, string[] size_names, string[] size_vars, int[] size_values, string[] size_classes) { cfg.Debugging = false; cfg.PreferredDeviceNum = 0; cfg.PreferredPlatform = ""; cfg.PreferredDevice = ""; cfg.DumpProgramTo = null; cfg.LoadProgramFrom = null; // The following are dummy sizes that mean the concrete defaults // will be set during initialisation via hardware-inspection-based // heuristics. cfg.DefaultGroupSize = 0; cfg.DefaultNumGroups = 0; cfg.DefaultTileSize = 0; cfg.DefaultThreshold = 0; cfg.NumSizes = num_sizes; cfg.SizeNames = size_names; cfg.SizeVars = size_vars; cfg.SizeValues = size_values; cfg.SizeClasses = size_classes; } public struct OpenCLContext { public CLPlatformHandle Platform; public CLDeviceHandle Device; public CLContextHandle Context; public CLCommandQueueHandle Queue; public OpenCLConfig Cfg; public int MaxGroupSize; public int MaxNumGroups; public int MaxTileSize; public int MaxThreshold; public int MaxLocalMemory; public int LockstepWidth; } public struct OpenCLDeviceOption { public CLPlatformHandle Platform; public CLDeviceHandle Device; public ComputeDeviceTypes DeviceType; public string PlatformName; public string DeviceName; }; /* This function must be defined by the user. It is invoked by setup_opencl() after the platform and device has been found, but before the program is loaded. Its intended use is to tune constants based on the selected platform and device. */ private string OpenCLErrorString(int err) { switch ((ComputeErrorCode) err) { case ComputeErrorCode.Success: return "Success!"; case ComputeErrorCode.DeviceNotFound: return "Device not found."; case ComputeErrorCode.DeviceNotAvailable: return "Device not available"; case ComputeErrorCode.CompilerNotAvailable: return "Compiler not available"; case ComputeErrorCode.MemoryObjectAllocationFailure: return "Memory object allocation failure"; case ComputeErrorCode.OutOfResources: return "Out of resources"; case ComputeErrorCode.OutOfHostMemory: return "Out of host memory"; case ComputeErrorCode.ProfilingInfoNotAvailable: return "Profiling information not available"; case ComputeErrorCode.MemoryCopyOverlap: return "Memory copy overlap"; case ComputeErrorCode.ImageFormatMismatch: return "Image format mismatch"; case ComputeErrorCode.ImageFormatNotSupported: return "Image format not supported"; case ComputeErrorCode.BuildProgramFailure: return "Program build failure"; case ComputeErrorCode.MapFailure: return "Map failure"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidValue: return "Invalid value"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidDeviceType: return "Invalid device type"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidPlatform: return "Invalid platform"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidDevice: return "Invalid device"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidContext: return "Invalid context"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidCommandQueueFlags: return "Invalid queue properties"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidCommandQueue: return "Invalid command queue"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidHostPointer: return "Invalid host pointer"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidMemoryObject: return "Invalid memory object"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidImageFormatDescriptor: return "Invalid image format descriptor"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidImageSize: return "Invalid image size"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidSampler: return "Invalid sampler"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidBinary: return "Invalid binary"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidBuildOptions: return "Invalid build options"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidProgram: return "Invalid program"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidProgramExecutable: return "Invalid program executable"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidKernelName: return "Invalid kernel name"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidKernelDefinition: return "Invalid kernel definition"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidKernel: return "Invalid kernel"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidArgumentIndex: return "Invalid argument index"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidArgumentValue: return "Invalid argument value"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidArgumentSize: return "Invalid argument size"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidKernelArguments: return "Invalid kernel arguments"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidWorkDimension: return "Invalid work dimension"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidWorkGroupSize: return "Invalid work group size"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidWorkItemSize: return "Invalid work item size"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidGlobalOffset: return "Invalid global offset"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidEventWaitList: return "Invalid event wait list"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidEvent: return "Invalid event"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidOperation: return "Invalid operation"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidGLObject: return "Invalid OpenGL object"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidBufferSize: return "Invalid buffer size"; case ComputeErrorCode.InvalidMipLevel: return "Invalid mip-map level"; default: return "Unknown"; } } private void OpenCLSucceed(int ret, string call, string file, int line) { if (ret != (int) ComputeErrorCode.Success) { panic(-1, "{0}:{1}: OpenCL call\n {2}\nfailed with error code {3} ({4})\n", file, line, call, ret, OpenCLErrorString(ret)); } } private void SetPreferredPlatform(ref OpenCLConfig cfg, string s) { cfg.PreferredPlatform = s; } private void SetPreferredDevice(ref OpenCLConfig cfg, string s) { int x = 0; int i = 0; if (s[0] == '#') { i = 1; while (i < s.Length && char.IsDigit(s[i])) { x = x * 10 + (int) (s[i])-'0'; i++; } // Skip trailing spaces. while (i < s.Length && char.IsWhiteSpace(s[i])) { i++; } } cfg.PreferredDevice = s.Substring(i); cfg.PreferredDeviceNum = x; } private string OpenCLPlatformInfo(CLPlatformHandle platform, ComputePlatformInfo param) { IntPtr req_bytes; IntPtr _null = new IntPtr(); OPENCL_SUCCEED(CL10.GetPlatformInfo(platform, param, _null, _null, out req_bytes)); byte[] info = new byte[(int) req_bytes]; unsafe { fixed (byte* ptr = &info[0]) { OPENCL_SUCCEED(CL10.GetPlatformInfo(platform, param, req_bytes, new IntPtr(ptr), out _null)); } } return System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(info); } private string OpenCLDeviceInfo(CLDeviceHandle device, ComputeDeviceInfo param) { IntPtr req_bytes; IntPtr _null = new IntPtr(); OPENCL_SUCCEED(CL10.GetDeviceInfo(device, param, _null, _null, out req_bytes)); byte[] info = new byte[(int) req_bytes]; unsafe { fixed (byte* ptr = &info[0]) { OPENCL_SUCCEED(CL10.GetDeviceInfo(device, param, req_bytes, new IntPtr(ptr), out _null)); } } return System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(info); } private void OpenCLAllDeviceOptions(out OpenCLDeviceOption[] devices_out, out int num_devices_out) { int num_devices = 0, num_devices_added = 0; CLPlatformHandle[] all_platforms; int[] platform_num_devices; int num_platforms; // Find the number of platforms. OPENCL_SUCCEED(CL10.GetPlatformIDs(0, null, out num_platforms)); // Make room for them. all_platforms = new CLPlatformHandle[num_platforms]; platform_num_devices = new int[num_platforms]; int tmp; // Fetch all the platforms. OPENCL_SUCCEED(CL10.GetPlatformIDs(num_platforms, all_platforms, out tmp)); // Count the number of devices for each platform, as well as the // total number of devices. for (int i = 0; i < num_platforms; i++) { if (CL10.GetDeviceIDs(all_platforms[i], ComputeDeviceTypes.All, 0, null, out platform_num_devices[i]) == ComputeErrorCode.Success) { num_devices += platform_num_devices[i]; } else { platform_num_devices[i] = 0; } } // Make room for all the device options. OpenCLDeviceOption[] devices = new OpenCLDeviceOption[num_devices]; // Loop through the platforms, getting information about their devices. for (int i = 0; i < num_platforms; i++) { CLPlatformHandle platform = all_platforms[i]; int num_platform_devices = platform_num_devices[i]; if (num_platform_devices == 0) { continue; } string platform_name = OpenCLPlatformInfo(platform, ComputePlatformInfo.Name); CLDeviceHandle[] platform_devices = new CLDeviceHandle[num_platform_devices]; // Fetch all the devices. OPENCL_SUCCEED(CL10.GetDeviceIDs(platform, ComputeDeviceTypes.All, num_platform_devices, platform_devices, out tmp)); IntPtr tmpptr; // Loop through the devices, adding them to the devices array. unsafe { for (int j = 0; j < num_platform_devices; j++) { string device_name = OpenCLDeviceInfo(platform_devices[j], ComputeDeviceInfo.Name); devices[num_devices_added].Platform = platform; devices[num_devices_added].Device = platform_devices[j]; fixed (void* ptr = &devices[num_devices_added].DeviceType) { OPENCL_SUCCEED(CL10.GetDeviceInfo(platform_devices[j], ComputeDeviceInfo.Type, new IntPtr(sizeof(ComputeDeviceTypes)), new IntPtr(ptr), out tmpptr)); } // We don't want the structs to share memory, so copy the platform name. // Each device name is already unique. devices[num_devices_added].PlatformName = platform_name; devices[num_devices_added].DeviceName = device_name; num_devices_added++; } } } devices_out = devices; num_devices_out = num_devices; } private bool IsBlacklisted(string platform_name, string device_name) { return (platform_name.Contains("Apple") && device_name.Contains("Intel(R) Core(TM)")); } private OpenCLDeviceOption GetPreferredDevice(OpenCLConfig cfg) { OpenCLDeviceOption[] devices; int num_devices; OpenCLAllDeviceOptions(out devices, out num_devices); int num_device_matches = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num_devices; i++) { OpenCLDeviceOption device = devices[i]; if (!IsBlacklisted(device.PlatformName, device.DeviceName) && device.PlatformName.Contains(cfg.PreferredPlatform) && device.DeviceName.Contains(cfg.PreferredDevice) && num_device_matches++ == cfg.PreferredDeviceNum) { return device; } } panic(1, "Could not find acceptable OpenCL device.\n"); // this is never reached throw new Exception(); } private void DescribeDeviceOption(OpenCLDeviceOption device) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Using platform: {0}", device.PlatformName); Console.Error.WriteLine("Using device: {0}", device.DeviceName); } private ComputeProgramBuildStatus BuildOpenCLProgram(ref CLProgramHandle program, CLDeviceHandle device, string options) { ComputeErrorCode ret_val = CL10.BuildProgram(program, 1, new []{device}, options, null, IntPtr.Zero); // Avoid termination due to CL_BUILD_PROGRAM_FAILURE if (ret_val != ComputeErrorCode.Success && ret_val != ComputeErrorCode.BuildProgramFailure) { Debug.Assert((int) ret_val == 0); } ComputeProgramBuildStatus build_status; unsafe { IntPtr _null = new IntPtr(); ret_val = CL10.GetProgramBuildInfo(program, device, ComputeProgramBuildInfo.Status, new IntPtr(sizeof(int)), new IntPtr(&build_status), out _null); } Debug.Assert(ret_val == 0); if (build_status != ComputeProgramBuildStatus.Success) { char[] build_log; IntPtr ret_val_size; unsafe { ret_val = CL10.GetProgramBuildInfo(program, device, ComputeProgramBuildInfo.BuildLog, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, out ret_val_size); } Debug.Assert(ret_val == 0); build_log = new char[((int)ret_val_size)+1]; unsafe { IntPtr _null = new IntPtr(); fixed (char* ptr = &build_log[0]) { CL10.GetProgramBuildInfo(program, device, ComputeProgramBuildInfo.BuildLog, ret_val_size, new IntPtr(ptr), out _null); } } Debug.Assert(ret_val == 0); // The spec technically does not say whether the build log is zero-terminated, so let's be careful. build_log[(int)ret_val_size] = '\0'; Console.Error.Write("Build log:\n{0}\n", new string(build_log)); } return build_status; } // We take as input several strings representing the program, because // C does not guarantee that the compiler supports particularly large // literals. Notably, Visual C has a limit of 2048 characters. The // array must be NULL-terminated. private CLProgramHandle SetupOpenCL(ref FutharkContext ctx, string[] srcs, bool required_types) { ComputeErrorCode error; CLPlatformHandle platform; CLDeviceHandle device; int MaxGroupSize, MaxLocalMemory; ctx.OpenCL.LockstepWidth = 0; OpenCLDeviceOption device_option = GetPreferredDevice(ctx.OpenCL.Cfg); if (ctx.Debugging) { DescribeDeviceOption(device_option); } device = device = device_option.Device; platform = platform = device_option.Platform; if (required_types){ int supported; unsafe { IntPtr throwaway0 = new IntPtr(); OPENCL_SUCCEED(CL10.GetDeviceInfo(device, ComputeDeviceInfo.PreferredVectorWidthDouble, new IntPtr(sizeof(IntPtr)), new IntPtr(&supported), out throwaway0)); } if (supported == 0) { panic(1, "Program uses double-precision floats, but this is not supported on chosen device: {0}\n", device_option.DeviceName); } } unsafe { IntPtr throwaway1 = new IntPtr(); OPENCL_SUCCEED(CL10.GetDeviceInfo(device, ComputeDeviceInfo.MaxWorkGroupSize, new IntPtr(sizeof(IntPtr)), new IntPtr(&MaxGroupSize), out throwaway1)); } int MaxTileSize = (int) Math.Sqrt(MaxGroupSize); unsafe { IntPtr throwaway1 = new IntPtr(); OPENCL_SUCCEED(CL10.GetDeviceInfo(device, ComputeDeviceInfo.LocalMemorySize, new IntPtr(sizeof(IntPtr)), new IntPtr(&MaxLocalMemory), out throwaway1)); } // Make sure this function is defined. PostOpenCLSetup(ref ctx, ref device_option); if (MaxGroupSize < ctx.OpenCL.Cfg.DefaultGroupSize) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Note: Device limits default group size to {0} (down from {1}).\n", MaxGroupSize, ctx.OpenCL.Cfg.DefaultGroupSize); ctx.OpenCL.Cfg.DefaultGroupSize = MaxGroupSize; } if (MaxTileSize < ctx.OpenCL.Cfg.DefaultTileSize) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Note: Device limits default tile size to {0} (down from {1}).\n", MaxTileSize, ctx.OpenCL.Cfg.DefaultTileSize); ctx.OpenCL.Cfg.DefaultTileSize = MaxTileSize; } ctx.OpenCL.MaxGroupSize = MaxGroupSize; ctx.OpenCL.MaxTileSize = MaxTileSize; // No limit. ctx.OpenCL.MaxThreshold = ctx.OpenCL.MaxNumGroups; // No limit. ctx.OpenCL.MaxLocalMemory = MaxLocalMemory; // Now we go through all the sizes, clamp them to the valid range, // or set them to the default. for (int i = 0; i < ctx.OpenCL.Cfg.NumSizes; i++) { string size_class = ctx.OpenCL.Cfg.SizeClasses[i]; int size_value = ctx.OpenCL.Cfg.SizeValues[i]; string size_name = ctx.OpenCL.Cfg.SizeNames[i]; int max_value, default_value; max_value = default_value = 0; if (size_class.StartsWith("group_size")) { max_value = MaxGroupSize; default_value = ctx.OpenCL.Cfg.DefaultGroupSize; } else if (size_class.StartsWith("num_groups")) { max_value = MaxGroupSize; // Futhark assumes this constraint. default_value = ctx.OpenCL.Cfg.DefaultNumGroups; } else if (size_class.StartsWith("tile_size")){ max_value = (int) Math.Sqrt(MaxGroupSize); default_value = ctx.OpenCL.Cfg.DefaultTileSize; } else if (size_class.StartsWith("threshold")) { max_value = 0; // No limit. default_value = ctx.OpenCL.Cfg.DefaultThreshold; } else { panic(1, "Unknown size class for size '{0}': {1}\n", size_name, size_class); } if (size_value == 0) { ctx.OpenCL.Cfg.SizeValues[i] = default_value; } else if (max_value > 0 && size_value > max_value) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Note: Device limits {0} to {1} (down from {2})", size_name, max_value, size_value); ctx.OpenCL.Cfg.SizeValues[i] = default_value; } } IntPtr[] properties = new []{ new IntPtr((int) ComputeContextInfo.Platform), platform.Value, IntPtr.Zero }; // Note that nVidia's OpenCL requires the platform property IntPtr _null; ctx.OpenCL.Context = CL10.CreateContext(properties, 1, new []{device}, null, ctx.NULL, out error); Debug.Assert(error == 0); ctx.OpenCL.Queue = CL10.CreateCommandQueue(ctx.OpenCL.Context, device, 0, out error); Debug.Assert(error == 0); if (ctx.Debugging) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Lockstep width: {0}\n", (int)ctx.OpenCL.LockstepWidth); Console.Error.WriteLine("Default group size: {0}\n", (int)ctx.OpenCL.Cfg.DefaultGroupSize); Console.Error.WriteLine("Default number of groups: {0}\n", (int)ctx.OpenCL.Cfg.DefaultNumGroups); } string fut_opencl_src; // Maybe we have to read OpenCL source from somewhere else (used for debugging). if (ctx.OpenCL.Cfg.LoadProgramFrom != null) { fut_opencl_src = File.ReadAllText(ctx.OpenCL.Cfg.LoadProgramFrom); } else { // Build the OpenCL program. First we have to concatenate all the fragments. fut_opencl_src = string.Join("\n", srcs); } CLProgramHandle prog; error = 0; string[] src_ptr = new[]{fut_opencl_src}; IntPtr[] src_size = new []{IntPtr.Zero}; if (ctx.OpenCL.Cfg.DumpProgramTo != null) { File.WriteAllText(ctx.OpenCL.Cfg.DumpProgramTo, fut_opencl_src); } unsafe { prog = CL10.CreateProgramWithSource(ctx.OpenCL.Context, 1, src_ptr, src_size, out error); } Debug.Assert(error == 0); int compile_opts_size = 1024; string compile_opts = String.Format("-DLOCKSTEP_WIDTH={0} ", ctx.OpenCL.LockstepWidth); for (int i = 0; i < ctx.OpenCL.Cfg.NumSizes; i++) { compile_opts += String.Format("-D{0}={1} ", ctx.OpenCL.Cfg.SizeVars[i], ctx.OpenCL.Cfg.SizeValues[i]); } OPENCL_SUCCEED(BuildOpenCLProgram(ref prog, device, compile_opts)); return prog; } private CLMemoryHandle EmptyMemHandle(CLContextHandle context) { ComputeErrorCode tmp; var cl_mem = CL10.CreateBuffer(context, ComputeMemoryFlags.ReadWrite, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, out tmp); return cl_mem; } private void FutharkConfigPrintSizes() { int n = FutharkGetNumSizes(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1})", FutharkGetSizeName(i), FutharkGetSizeClass(i)); } Environment.Exit(0); } private void FutharkConfigSetSize(ref FutharkContextConfig config, string optarg) { var name_and_value = optarg.Split('='); if (name_and_value.Length != 2) { panic(1, "Invalid argument for size option: {0}", optarg); } var name = name_and_value[0]; var value = Convert.ToInt32(name_and_value[1]); if (name == "default_num_groups") { config.OpenCL.DefaultNumGroups = value; } else if (name == "default_group_size") { config.OpenCL.DefaultGroupSize = value; } else if (name == "default_tile_size") { config.OpenCL.DefaultTileSize = value; } else if (name == "default_threshold") { config.OpenCL.DefaultThreshold = value; } else if (!FutharkContextConfigSetSize(ref config, name, value)) { panic(1, "Unknown size: {0}", name); } } private void FutharkConfigLoadTuning(ref FutharkContextConfig config, string fname) { StreamReader file = new StreamReader(fname); String line; while((line = file.ReadLine()) != null) { FutharkConfigSetSize(ref config, line); } file.Close(); }