{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module Futhark.CodeGen.Backends.CCUDA ( compileProg , GC.CParts(..) , GC.asLibrary , GC.asExecutable ) where import Control.Monad import Data.List (intercalate) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import qualified Language.C.Quote.OpenCL as C import qualified Futhark.CodeGen.Backends.GenericC as GC import qualified Futhark.CodeGen.ImpGen.CUDA as ImpGen import Futhark.Representation.ExplicitMemory hiding (GetSize, CmpSizeLe, GetSizeMax) import Futhark.MonadFreshNames import Futhark.CodeGen.ImpCode.OpenCL import Futhark.CodeGen.Backends.COpenCL.Boilerplate (commonOptions) import Futhark.CodeGen.Backends.CCUDA.Boilerplate import Futhark.CodeGen.Backends.GenericC.Options compileProg :: MonadFreshNames m => Prog ExplicitMemory -> m GC.CParts compileProg prog = do (Program cuda_code cuda_prelude kernel_names _ sizes failures prog') <- ImpGen.compileProg prog let extra = generateBoilerplate cuda_code cuda_prelude kernel_names sizes failures GC.compileProg operations extra cuda_includes [Space "device", DefaultSpace] cliOptions prog' where operations :: GC.Operations OpenCL () operations = GC.defaultOperations { GC.opsWriteScalar = writeCUDAScalar , GC.opsReadScalar = readCUDAScalar , GC.opsAllocate = allocateCUDABuffer , GC.opsDeallocate = deallocateCUDABuffer , GC.opsCopy = copyCUDAMemory , GC.opsStaticArray = staticCUDAArray , GC.opsMemoryType = cudaMemoryType , GC.opsCompiler = callKernel , GC.opsFatMemory = True } cuda_includes = unlines [ "#include " , "#include " ] cliOptions :: [Option] cliOptions = commonOptions ++ [ Option { optionLongName = "dump-cuda" , optionShortName = Nothing , optionArgument = RequiredArgument "FILE" , optionAction = [C.cstm|{futhark_context_config_dump_program_to(cfg, optarg); entry_point = NULL;}|] } , Option { optionLongName = "load-cuda" , optionShortName = Nothing , optionArgument = RequiredArgument "FILE" , optionAction = [C.cstm|futhark_context_config_load_program_from(cfg, optarg);|] } , Option { optionLongName = "dump-ptx" , optionShortName = Nothing , optionArgument = RequiredArgument "FILE" , optionAction = [C.cstm|{futhark_context_config_dump_ptx_to(cfg, optarg); entry_point = NULL;}|] } , Option { optionLongName = "load-ptx" , optionShortName = Nothing , optionArgument = RequiredArgument "FILE" , optionAction = [C.cstm|futhark_context_config_load_ptx_from(cfg, optarg);|] } , Option { optionLongName = "nvrtc-option" , optionShortName = Nothing , optionArgument = RequiredArgument "OPT" , optionAction = [C.cstm|futhark_context_config_add_nvrtc_option(cfg, optarg);|] } ] writeCUDAScalar :: GC.WriteScalar OpenCL () writeCUDAScalar mem idx t "device" _ val = do val' <- newVName "write_tmp" GC.stm [C.cstm|{$ty:t $id:val' = $exp:val; CUDA_SUCCEED( cuMemcpyHtoD($exp:mem + $exp:idx * sizeof($ty:t), &$id:val', sizeof($ty:t))); }|] writeCUDAScalar _ _ _ space _ _ = error $ "Cannot write to '" ++ space ++ "' memory space." readCUDAScalar :: GC.ReadScalar OpenCL () readCUDAScalar mem idx t "device" _ = do val <- newVName "read_res" GC.decl [C.cdecl|$ty:t $id:val;|] GC.stm [C.cstm|CUDA_SUCCEED( cuMemcpyDtoH(&$id:val, $exp:mem + $exp:idx * sizeof($ty:t), sizeof($ty:t))); |] GC.stm [C.cstm|if (futhark_context_sync(ctx) != 0) { return 1; }|] return [C.cexp|$id:val|] readCUDAScalar _ _ _ space _ = error $ "Cannot write to '" ++ space ++ "' memory space." allocateCUDABuffer :: GC.Allocate OpenCL () allocateCUDABuffer mem size tag "device" = GC.stm [C.cstm|CUDA_SUCCEED(cuda_alloc(&ctx->cuda, $exp:size, $exp:tag, &$exp:mem));|] allocateCUDABuffer _ _ _ space = error $ "Cannot allocate in '" ++ space ++ "' memory space." deallocateCUDABuffer :: GC.Deallocate OpenCL () deallocateCUDABuffer mem tag "device" = GC.stm [C.cstm|CUDA_SUCCEED(cuda_free(&ctx->cuda, $exp:mem, $exp:tag));|] deallocateCUDABuffer _ _ space = error $ "Cannot deallocate in '" ++ space ++ "' memory space." copyCUDAMemory :: GC.Copy OpenCL () copyCUDAMemory dstmem dstidx dstSpace srcmem srcidx srcSpace nbytes = do fn <- memcpyFun dstSpace srcSpace GC.stm [C.cstm|CUDA_SUCCEED( $id:fn($exp:dstmem + $exp:dstidx, $exp:srcmem + $exp:srcidx, $exp:nbytes)); |] where memcpyFun DefaultSpace (Space "device") = return "cuMemcpyDtoH" memcpyFun (Space "device") DefaultSpace = return "cuMemcpyHtoD" memcpyFun (Space "device") (Space "device") = return "cuMemcpy" memcpyFun _ _ = error $ "Cannot copy to '" ++ show dstSpace ++ "' from '" ++ show srcSpace ++ "'." staticCUDAArray :: GC.StaticArray OpenCL () staticCUDAArray name "device" t vs = do let ct = GC.primTypeToCType t name_realtype <- newVName $ baseString name ++ "_realtype" num_elems <- case vs of ArrayValues vs' -> do let vs'' = [[C.cinit|$exp:v|] | v <- map GC.compilePrimValue vs'] GC.earlyDecl [C.cedecl|static $ty:ct $id:name_realtype[$int:(length vs'')] = {$inits:vs''};|] return $ length vs'' ArrayZeros n -> do GC.earlyDecl [C.cedecl|static $ty:ct $id:name_realtype[$int:n];|] return n -- Fake a memory block. GC.contextField (pretty name) [C.cty|struct memblock_device|] Nothing -- During startup, copy the data to where we need it. GC.atInit [C.cstm|{ ctx->$id:name.references = NULL; ctx->$id:name.size = 0; CUDA_SUCCEED(cuMemAlloc(&ctx->$id:name.mem, ($int:num_elems > 0 ? $int:num_elems : 1)*sizeof($ty:ct))); if ($int:num_elems > 0) { CUDA_SUCCEED(cuMemcpyHtoD(ctx->$id:name.mem, $id:name_realtype, $int:num_elems*sizeof($ty:ct))); } }|] GC.item [C.citem|struct memblock_device $id:name = ctx->$id:name;|] staticCUDAArray _ space _ _ = error $ "CUDA backend cannot create static array in '" ++ space ++ "' memory space" cudaMemoryType :: GC.MemoryType OpenCL () cudaMemoryType "device" = return [C.cty|typename CUdeviceptr|] cudaMemoryType space = error $ "CUDA backend does not support '" ++ space ++ "' memory space." callKernel :: GC.OpCompiler OpenCL () callKernel (GetSize v key) = GC.stm [C.cstm|$id:v = ctx->sizes.$id:key;|] callKernel (CmpSizeLe v key x) = do x' <- GC.compileExp x GC.stm [C.cstm|$id:v = ctx->sizes.$id:key <= $exp:x';|] callKernel (GetSizeMax v size_class) = let field = "max_" ++ cudaSizeClass size_class in GC.stm [C.cstm|$id:v = ctx->cuda.$id:field;|] where cudaSizeClass (SizeThreshold _) = "threshold" cudaSizeClass SizeGroup = "block_size" cudaSizeClass SizeNumGroups = "grid_size" cudaSizeClass SizeTile = "tile_size" cudaSizeClass SizeLocalMemory = "shared_memory" cudaSizeClass (SizeBespoke x _) = pretty x callKernel (LaunchKernel safety name args num_blocks block_size) = do args_arr <- newVName "kernel_args" time_start <- newVName "time_start" time_end <- newVName "time_end" (args', shared_vars) <- unzip <$> mapM mkArgs args let (shared_sizes, shared_offsets) = unzip $ catMaybes shared_vars shared_offsets_sc = mkOffsets shared_sizes shared_args = zip shared_offsets shared_offsets_sc shared_tot = last shared_offsets_sc mapM_ (\(arg,offset) -> GC.decl [C.cdecl|unsigned int $id:arg = $exp:offset;|] ) shared_args (grid_x, grid_y, grid_z) <- mkDims <$> mapM GC.compileExp num_blocks (block_x, block_y, block_z) <- mkDims <$> mapM GC.compileExp block_size let perm_args | length num_blocks == 3 = [ [C.cinit|&perm[0]|], [C.cinit|&perm[1]|], [C.cinit|&perm[2]|] ] | otherwise = [] failure_args = take (numFailureParams safety) [[C.cinit|&ctx->global_failure|], [C.cinit|&ctx->failure_is_an_option|], [C.cinit|&ctx->global_failure_args|]] args'' = perm_args ++ failure_args ++ [ [C.cinit|&$id:a|] | a <- args' ] sizes_nonzero = expsNotZero [grid_x, grid_y, grid_z, block_x, block_y, block_z] GC.stm [C.cstm| if ($exp:sizes_nonzero) { int perm[3] = { 0, 1, 2 }; if ($exp:grid_y > (1<<16)) { perm[1] = perm[0]; perm[0] = 1; } if ($exp:grid_z > (1<<16)) { perm[2] = perm[0]; perm[0] = 2; } size_t grid[3]; grid[perm[0]] = $exp:grid_x; grid[perm[1]] = $exp:grid_y; grid[perm[2]] = $exp:grid_z; void *$id:args_arr[] = { $inits:args'' }; typename int64_t $id:time_start = 0, $id:time_end = 0; if (ctx->debugging) { fprintf(stderr, "Launching %s with grid size (", $string:name); $stms:(printSizes [grid_x, grid_y, grid_z]) fprintf(stderr, ") and block size ("); $stms:(printSizes [block_x, block_y, block_z]) fprintf(stderr, ").\n"); $id:time_start = get_wall_time(); } CUDA_SUCCEED( cuLaunchKernel(ctx->$id:name, grid[0], grid[1], grid[2], $exp:block_x, $exp:block_y, $exp:block_z, $exp:shared_tot, NULL, $id:args_arr, NULL)); if (ctx->debugging) { CUDA_SUCCEED(cuCtxSynchronize()); $id:time_end = get_wall_time(); fprintf(stderr, "Kernel %s runtime: %ldus\n", $string:name, $id:time_end - $id:time_start); } }|] when (safety >= SafetyFull) $ GC.stm [C.cstm|ctx->failure_is_an_option = 1;|] where mkDims [] = ([C.cexp|0|] , [C.cexp|0|], [C.cexp|0|]) mkDims [x] = (x, [C.cexp|1|], [C.cexp|1|]) mkDims [x,y] = (x, y, [C.cexp|1|]) mkDims (x:y:z:_) = (x, y, z) addExp x y = [C.cexp|$exp:x + $exp:y|] alignExp e = [C.cexp|$exp:e + ((8 - ($exp:e % 8)) % 8)|] mkOffsets = scanl (\a b -> a `addExp` alignExp b) [C.cexp|0|] expNotZero e = [C.cexp|$exp:e != 0|] expAnd a b = [C.cexp|$exp:a && $exp:b|] expsNotZero = foldl expAnd [C.cexp|1|] . map expNotZero mkArgs (ValueKArg e t) = (,Nothing) <$> GC.compileExpToName "kernel_arg" t e mkArgs (MemKArg v) = do v' <- GC.rawMem v arg <- newVName "kernel_arg" GC.decl [C.cdecl|typename CUdeviceptr $id:arg = $exp:v';|] return (arg, Nothing) mkArgs (SharedMemoryKArg (Count c)) = do num_bytes <- GC.compileExp c size <- newVName "shared_size" offset <- newVName "shared_offset" GC.decl [C.cdecl|unsigned int $id:size = $exp:num_bytes;|] return (offset, Just (size, offset)) printSizes = intercalate [[C.cstm|fprintf(stderr, ", ");|]] . map printSize printSize e = [[C.cstm|fprintf(stderr, "%d", $exp:e);|]]