{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} -- | @futhark repl@ module Futhark.CLI.REPL (main) where import Control.Monad.Free.Church import Control.Exception import Data.Char import Data.List (intercalate, intersperse) import Data.Maybe import Data.Version import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.Except import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import NeatInterpolation (text) import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.Console.GetOpt import Text.Read (readMaybe) import qualified System.Console.Haskeline as Haskeline import Language.Futhark import Language.Futhark.Parser hiding (EOF) import qualified Language.Futhark.TypeChecker as T import qualified Language.Futhark.Semantic as T import Futhark.MonadFreshNames import Futhark.Version import Futhark.Compiler import Futhark.Pipeline import Futhark.Util.Options import Futhark.Util (toPOSIX) import qualified Language.Futhark.Interpreter as I banner :: String banner = unlines [ "|// |\\ | |\\ |\\ /", "|/ | \\ |\\ |\\ |/ /", "| | \\ |/ | |\\ \\", "| | \\ | | | \\ \\" ] -- | Run @futhark repl@. main :: String -> [String] -> IO () main = mainWithOptions interpreterConfig options "options... [program.fut]" run where run [] _ = Just $ repl Nothing run [prog] _ = Just $ repl $ Just prog run _ _ = Nothing data StopReason = EOF | Stop | Exit | Load FilePath repl :: Maybe FilePath -> IO () repl maybe_prog = do putStr banner putStrLn $ "Version " ++ showVersion version ++ "." putStrLn "Copyright (C) DIKU, University of Copenhagen, released under the ISC license." putStrLn "" putStrLn "Run :help for a list of commands." putStrLn "" let toploop s = do (stop, s') <- runStateT (runExceptT $ runFutharkiM $ forever readEvalPrint) s case stop of Left Stop -> finish s' Left EOF -> finish s' Left Exit -> finish s' Left (Load file) -> do liftIO $ T.putStrLn $ "Loading " <> T.pack file maybe_new_state <- liftIO $ newFutharkiState (futharkiCount s) $ Just file case maybe_new_state of Right new_state -> toploop new_state Left err -> do liftIO $ putStrLn err toploop s' Right _ -> return () finish s = do quit <- confirmQuit if quit then return () else toploop s maybe_init_state <- liftIO $ newFutharkiState 0 maybe_prog case maybe_init_state of Left err -> error $ "Failed to initialise interpreter state: " ++ err Right init_state -> Haskeline.runInputT Haskeline.defaultSettings $ toploop init_state putStrLn "Leaving 'futhark repl'." confirmQuit :: Haskeline.InputT IO Bool confirmQuit = do c <- Haskeline.getInputChar "Quit REPL? (y/n) " case c of Nothing -> return True -- EOF Just 'y' -> return True Just 'n' -> return False _ -> confirmQuit newtype InterpreterConfig = InterpreterConfig { interpreterEntryPoint :: Name } interpreterConfig :: InterpreterConfig interpreterConfig = InterpreterConfig defaultEntryPoint options :: [FunOptDescr InterpreterConfig] options = [ Option "e" ["entry-point"] (ReqArg (\entry -> Right $ \config -> config { interpreterEntryPoint = nameFromString entry }) "NAME") "The entry point to execute." ] -- | Representation of breaking at a breakpoint, to allow for -- navigating through the stack frames and such. data Breaking = Breaking { breakingStack :: NE.NonEmpty I.StackFrame , breakingAt :: Int -- ^ Index of the current breakpoint (with -- 0 being the outermost). } data FutharkiState = FutharkiState { futharkiImports :: Imports , futharkiNameSource :: VNameSource , futharkiCount :: Int , futharkiEnv :: (T.Env, I.Ctx) , futharkiBreaking :: Maybe Breaking -- ^ Are we currently stopped at a breakpoint? , futharkiSkipBreaks :: [Loc] -- ^ Skip breakpoints at these locations. , futharkiBreakOnNaN :: Bool , futharkiLoaded :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ The currently loaded file. } newFutharkiState :: Int -> Maybe FilePath -> IO (Either String FutharkiState) newFutharkiState count maybe_file = runExceptT $ do (imports, src, tenv, ienv) <- case maybe_file of Nothing -> do -- Load the builtins through the type checker. (_, imports, src) <- badOnLeft show =<< runExceptT (readLibrary []) -- Then into the interpreter. ienv <- foldM (\ctx -> badOnLeft show <=< runInterpreter' . I.interpretImport ctx) I.initialCtx $ map (fmap fileProg) imports -- Then make the prelude available in the type checker. (tenv, d, src') <- badOnLeft pretty $ T.checkDec imports src T.initialEnv (T.mkInitialImport ".") $ mkOpen "/prelude/prelude" -- Then in the interpreter. ienv' <- badOnLeft show =<< runInterpreter' (I.interpretDec ienv d) return (imports, src', tenv, ienv') Just file -> do (ws, imports, src) <- badOnLeft show =<< liftIO (runExceptT (readProgram file) `catch` \(err::IOException) -> return (externalErrorS (show err))) liftIO $ print ws let imp = T.mkInitialImport "." ienv1 <- foldM (\ctx -> badOnLeft show <=< runInterpreter' . I.interpretImport ctx) I.initialCtx $ map (fmap fileProg) imports (tenv1, d1, src') <- badOnLeft pretty $ T.checkDec imports src T.initialEnv imp $ mkOpen "/prelude/prelude" (tenv2, d2, src'') <- badOnLeft pretty $ T.checkDec imports src' tenv1 imp $ mkOpen $ toPOSIX $ dropExtension file ienv2 <- badOnLeft show =<< runInterpreter' (I.interpretDec ienv1 d1) ienv3 <- badOnLeft show =<< runInterpreter' (I.interpretDec ienv2 d2) return (imports, src'', tenv2, ienv3) return FutharkiState { futharkiImports = imports , futharkiNameSource = src , futharkiCount = count , futharkiEnv = (tenv, ienv) , futharkiBreaking = Nothing , futharkiSkipBreaks = mempty , futharkiBreakOnNaN = False , futharkiLoaded = maybe_file } where badOnLeft :: (err -> String) -> Either err a -> ExceptT String IO a badOnLeft _ (Right x) = return x badOnLeft p (Left err) = throwError $ p err getPrompt :: FutharkiM String getPrompt = do i <- gets futharkiCount return $ "[" ++ show i ++ "]> " mkOpen :: FilePath -> UncheckedDec mkOpen f = OpenDec (ModImport f NoInfo mempty) mempty -- The ExceptT part is more of a continuation, really. newtype FutharkiM a = FutharkiM { runFutharkiM :: ExceptT StopReason (StateT FutharkiState (Haskeline.InputT IO)) a } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState FutharkiState, MonadIO, MonadError StopReason) readEvalPrint :: FutharkiM () readEvalPrint = do prompt <- getPrompt line <- inputLine prompt breaking <- gets futharkiBreaking case T.uncons line of Nothing | isJust breaking -> throwError Stop | otherwise -> return () Just (':', command) -> do let (cmdname, rest) = T.break isSpace command arg = T.dropWhileEnd isSpace $ T.dropWhile isSpace rest case filter ((cmdname `T.isPrefixOf`) . fst) commands of [] -> liftIO $ T.putStrLn $ "Unknown command '" <> cmdname <> "'" [(_, (cmdf, _))] -> cmdf arg matches -> liftIO $ T.putStrLn $ "Ambiguous command; could be one of " <> mconcat (intersperse ", " (map fst matches)) _ -> do -- Read a declaration or expression. maybe_dec_or_e <- parseDecOrExpIncrM (inputLine " ") prompt line case maybe_dec_or_e of Left err -> liftIO $ print err Right (Left d) -> onDec d Right (Right e) -> onExp e modify $ \s -> s { futharkiCount = futharkiCount s + 1 } where inputLine prompt = do inp <- FutharkiM $ lift $ lift $ Haskeline.getInputLine prompt case inp of Just s -> return $ T.pack s Nothing -> throwError EOF getIt :: FutharkiM (Imports, VNameSource, T.Env, I.Ctx) getIt = do imports <- gets futharkiImports src <- gets futharkiNameSource (tenv, ienv) <- gets futharkiEnv return (imports, src, tenv, ienv) onDec :: UncheckedDec -> FutharkiM () onDec d = do (imports, src, tenv, ienv) <- getIt cur_import <- gets $ T.mkInitialImport . fromMaybe "." . futharkiLoaded -- Most of the complexity here concerns the dealing with the fact -- that 'import "foo"' is a declaration. We have to involve a lot -- of machinery to load this external code before executing the -- declaration itself. let basis = Basis imports src ["/prelude/prelude"] mkImport = uncurry $ T.mkImportFrom cur_import imp_r <- runExceptT $ readImports basis (map mkImport $ decImports d) case imp_r of Left e -> liftIO $ print e Right (_, imports', src') -> case T.checkDec imports' src' tenv cur_import d of Left e -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ pretty e Right (tenv', d', src'') -> do let new_imports = filter ((`notElem` map fst imports) . fst) imports' int_r <- runInterpreter $ do let onImport ienv' (s, imp) = I.interpretImport ienv' (s, T.fileProg imp) ienv' <- foldM onImport ienv new_imports I.interpretDec ienv' d' case int_r of Left err -> liftIO $ print err Right ienv' -> modify $ \s -> s { futharkiEnv = (tenv', ienv') , futharkiImports = imports' , futharkiNameSource = src'' } onExp :: UncheckedExp -> FutharkiM () onExp e = do (imports, src, tenv, ienv) <- getIt case either (Left . pretty) Right $ T.checkExp imports src tenv e of Left err -> liftIO $ putStrLn err Right (tparams, e') | null tparams -> do r <- runInterpreter $ I.interpretExp ienv e' case r of Left err -> liftIO $ print err Right v -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ pretty v | otherwise -> liftIO $ do putStrLn $ "Inferred type of expression: " ++ pretty (typeOf e') putStrLn $ "The following types are ambiguous: " ++ intercalate ", " (map (prettyName . typeParamName) tparams) prettyBreaking :: Breaking -> String prettyBreaking b = prettyStacktrace (breakingAt b) $ map locStr $ NE.toList $ breakingStack b -- Are we currently willing to break for this reason? Among othe -- things, we do not want recursive breakpoints. It could work fine -- technically, but is probably too confusing to be useful. breakForReason :: FutharkiState -> I.StackFrame -> I.BreakReason -> Bool breakForReason s _ I.BreakNaN | not $ futharkiBreakOnNaN s = False breakForReason s top _ = isNothing (futharkiBreaking s) && locOf top `notElem` futharkiSkipBreaks s runInterpreter :: F I.ExtOp a -> FutharkiM (Either I.InterpreterError a) runInterpreter m = runF m (return . Right) intOp where intOp (I.ExtOpError err) = return $ Left err intOp (I.ExtOpTrace w v c) = do liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Trace at " ++ locStr (srclocOf w) ++ ": " ++ v c intOp (I.ExtOpBreak why callstack c) = do s <- get let why' = case why of I.BreakPoint -> "Breakpoint" I.BreakNaN -> "NaN produced" top = NE.head callstack ctx = I.stackFrameCtx top tenv = I.typeCheckerEnv $ I.ctxEnv ctx breaking = Breaking callstack 0 -- Are we supposed to respect this breakpoint? when (breakForReason s top why) $ do liftIO $ putStrLn $ why' <> " at " ++ locStr top liftIO $ putStrLn $ prettyBreaking breaking liftIO $ putStrLn " to continue." -- Note the cleverness to preserve the Haskeline session (for -- line history and such). (stop, s') <- FutharkiM $ lift $ lift $ runStateT (runExceptT $ runFutharkiM $ forever readEvalPrint) s { futharkiEnv = (tenv, ctx) , futharkiCount = futharkiCount s + 1 , futharkiBreaking = Just breaking } case stop of Left (Load file) -> throwError $ Load file _ -> do liftIO $ putStrLn "Continuing..." put s { futharkiCount = futharkiCount s' , futharkiSkipBreaks = futharkiSkipBreaks s' <> futharkiSkipBreaks s , futharkiBreakOnNaN = futharkiBreakOnNaN s' } c runInterpreter' :: MonadIO m => F I.ExtOp a -> m (Either I.InterpreterError a) runInterpreter' m = runF m (return . Right) intOp where intOp (I.ExtOpError err) = return $ Left err intOp (I.ExtOpTrace w v c) = do liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Trace at " ++ locStr w ++ ": " ++ v c intOp (I.ExtOpBreak _ _ c) = c type Command = T.Text -> FutharkiM () loadCommand :: Command loadCommand file = do loaded <- gets futharkiLoaded case (T.null file, loaded) of (True, Just loaded') -> throwError $ Load loaded' (True, Nothing) -> liftIO $ T.putStrLn "No file specified and no file previously loaded." (False, _) -> throwError $ Load $ T.unpack file genTypeCommand :: Show err => (String -> T.Text -> Either err a) -> (Imports -> VNameSource -> T.Env -> a -> Either T.TypeError b) -> (b -> String) -> Command genTypeCommand f g h e = do prompt <- getPrompt case f prompt e of Left err -> liftIO $ print err Right e' -> do imports <- gets futharkiImports src <- gets futharkiNameSource (tenv, _) <- gets futharkiEnv case g imports src tenv e' of Left err -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ pretty err Right x -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ h x typeCommand :: Command typeCommand = genTypeCommand parseExp T.checkExp $ \(ps, e) -> pretty e <> concatMap ((" "<>) . pretty) ps <> " : " <> pretty (typeOf e) mtypeCommand :: Command mtypeCommand = genTypeCommand parseModExp T.checkModExp $ pretty . fst unbreakCommand :: Command unbreakCommand _ = do top <- gets $ fmap (NE.head . breakingStack) . futharkiBreaking case top of Nothing -> liftIO $ putStrLn "Not currently stopped at a breakpoint." Just top' -> do modify $ \s -> s { futharkiSkipBreaks = locOf top' : futharkiSkipBreaks s } throwError Stop nanbreakCommand :: Command nanbreakCommand _ = do modify $ \s -> s { futharkiBreakOnNaN = not $ futharkiBreakOnNaN s } b <- gets futharkiBreakOnNaN liftIO $ putStrLn $ if b then "Now treating NaNs as breakpoints." else "No longer treating NaNs as breakpoints." frameCommand :: Command frameCommand which = do maybe_stack <- gets $ fmap breakingStack . futharkiBreaking case (maybe_stack, readMaybe $ T.unpack which) of (Just stack, Just i) | frame:_ <- NE.drop i stack -> do let breaking = Breaking stack i ctx = I.stackFrameCtx frame tenv = I.typeCheckerEnv $ I.ctxEnv ctx modify $ \s -> s { futharkiEnv = (tenv, ctx) , futharkiBreaking = Just breaking } liftIO $ putStrLn $ prettyBreaking breaking (Just _, _) -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Invalid stack index: " ++ T.unpack which (Nothing, _) -> liftIO $ putStrLn "Not stopped at a breakpoint." pwdCommand :: Command pwdCommand _ = liftIO $ putStrLn =<< getCurrentDirectory cdCommand :: Command cdCommand dir | T.null dir = liftIO $ putStrLn "Usage: ':cd '." | otherwise = liftIO $ setCurrentDirectory (T.unpack dir) `catch` \(err::IOException) -> print err helpCommand :: Command helpCommand _ = liftIO $ forM_ commands $ \(cmd, (_, desc)) -> do T.putStrLn $ ":" <> cmd T.putStrLn $ T.replicate (1+T.length cmd) "-" T.putStr desc T.putStrLn "" T.putStrLn "" quitCommand :: Command quitCommand _ = throwError Exit commands :: [(T.Text, (Command, T.Text))] commands = [("load", (loadCommand, [text| Load a Futhark source file. Usage: > :load foo.fut If the loading succeeds, any expressions entered subsequently can use the declarations in the source file. Only one source file can be loaded at a time. Using the :load command a second time will replace the previously loaded file. It will also replace any declarations entered at the REPL. |])), ("type", (typeCommand, [text| Show the type of an expression, which must fit on a single line. |])), ("mtype", (mtypeCommand, [text| Show the type of a module expression, which must fit on a single line. |])), ("unbreak", (unbreakCommand, [text| Skip all future occurences of the current breakpoint. |])), ("nanbreak", (nanbreakCommand, [text| Toggle treating operators that produce new NaNs as breakpoints. We consider a NaN to be "new" if none of the arguments to the operator in question is a NaN. |])), ("frame", (frameCommand, [text| While at a break point, jump to another stack frame, whose variables can then be inspected. Resuming from the breakpoint will jump back to the innermost stack frame. |])), ("pwd", (pwdCommand, [text| Print the current working directory. |])), ("cd", (cdCommand, [text| Change the current working directory. |])), ("help", (helpCommand, [text| Print a list of commands and a description of their behaviour. |])), ("quit", (quitCommand, [text| Exit REPL. |]))]