// Start of chaselev.h #ifndef _CHASELEV_H_ #define _CHASELEV_H_ /* Implementation of Chase-lev's concurrent lock-free deque from ``Dynamic Circular Work-Stealing Deque`` (2005) This implementation was ported from https://github.com/deepsea-inria/heartbeat !!! This implementation leaks memory, if the circular array is grown as we don't maintain a list of the old buffers. However, we can't safely free it either as a stealing thread might be reading from it. !!! */ #if defined(MCCHASELEV) #include #include #include static struct subtask* const STEAL_RES_EMPTY = (struct subtask*) 0; static struct subtask* const STEAL_RES_ABORT = (struct subtask*) 1; static const int strong = 0; static const int backoff_nb_cycles = 1l << 10; static inline struct subtask* cb_get(struct subtask **buf, int64_t capacity, int64_t i) { return (struct subtask*)__atomic_load_n(&buf[i % capacity], __ATOMIC_RELAXED); } static inline void cb_put (struct subtask **buf, int64_t capacity, int64_t i, struct subtask* x) { __atomic_store_n(&buf[i % capacity], x, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); } struct deque_buffer* grow(struct subtask **old_array, int64_t old_capacity, int64_t new_capacity, int64_t b, int64_t t) { struct deque_buffer* new_deque_buffer = malloc(sizeof(struct deque_buffer)); new_deque_buffer->size = new_capacity; new_deque_buffer->array = calloc(new_capacity, sizeof(struct subtask*)); for (int64_t i = t; i < b; i++) { cb_put(new_deque_buffer->array, new_capacity, i, cb_get(old_array, old_capacity, i)); } return new_deque_buffer; } static inline int deque_init(struct deque *q, int64_t capacity) { assert(q != NULL); memset(q, 0, sizeof(struct deque)); q->buffer = malloc(sizeof(struct deque_buffer)); q->buffer->array = calloc(capacity, sizeof(struct subtask*)); q->buffer->size = capacity; q->dead = 0; if (q->buffer->array == NULL) { return -1; } if (q->buffer == NULL) { return -1; } return 0; } static inline void deque_destroy(struct deque* q) { q->dead = 1; free(q->buffer->array); free(q->buffer); } static inline int cas_top (struct deque *q, int64_t old_val, int64_t new_val) { int64_t ov = old_val; if(__atomic_compare_exchange_n(&q->top, &ov, new_val, strong, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)) { return 1; } spin_for(backoff_nb_cycles); return 0; } void push_back(struct deque *q, struct subtask*subtask) { assert(subtask != NULL); assert(q != NULL); int64_t b = __atomic_load_n(&q->bottom, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); // load atomically int64_t t = __atomic_load_n(&q->top, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE); // load atomically struct deque_buffer *buffer = __atomic_load_n(&q->buffer, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); if (b-t >= (buffer->size - 1)) { // grow_queue struct subtask **old_array = buffer->array; int64_t old_capacity = __atomic_load_n(&buffer->size, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); int64_t new_capacity = old_capacity * 2; struct deque_buffer *new_buffer = grow(old_array, old_capacity, new_capacity, b, t); __atomic_store_n(&q->buffer, new_buffer, __ATOMIC_RELEASE); buffer = __atomic_load_n(&q->buffer, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); memset(old_array, 0, sizeof(struct subtask*) * old_capacity); // free(old_array); Not safe!! } cb_put(buffer->array, buffer->size, b, subtask); __atomic_thread_fence(__ATOMIC_RELEASE); __atomic_store_n(&q->bottom, b+1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); return; } struct subtask * pop_back(struct deque *q) { int64_t b = __atomic_load_n(&q->bottom, __ATOMIC_RELAXED) - 1; // load atomically struct deque_buffer *buffer = __atomic_load_n(&q->buffer, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); __atomic_store_n(&q->bottom, b, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); __atomic_thread_fence(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); int64_t t = __atomic_load_n(&q->top, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); if (b < t) { __atomic_store_n(&q->bottom, t, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); return NULL; } struct subtask* item = cb_get(buffer->array, buffer->size, b); if (b > t) { return item; } // else there's only one item left // Did we win the race? if (!cas_top(q, t, t + 1)) { item = NULL; } __atomic_store_n(&q->bottom, t+1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); return item; } struct subtask* steal(struct deque *q) { assert(q != NULL); int64_t t = __atomic_load_n(&q->top, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE); // load atomically __atomic_thread_fence(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); int64_t b = __atomic_load_n(&q->bottom, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE); // load atomically if (t >= b) { return STEAL_RES_EMPTY; } struct deque_buffer *buffer = __atomic_load_n(&q->buffer, __ATOMIC_CONSUME); struct subtask* item = cb_get(buffer->array, buffer->size, t); if (!cas_top(q, t, t + 1)) { return STEAL_RES_ABORT; } return item; } static inline size_t nb_subtasks(struct deque *q) { return (size_t)__atomic_load_n(&q->bottom, __ATOMIC_RELAXED) - __atomic_load_n(&q->top, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); } static inline int empty(struct deque *q) { return nb_subtasks(q) < 1; } #endif #endif // end of chaselev.h