futhark-0.20.4: An optimising compiler for a functional, array-oriented language.
Safe HaskellNone



All (almost) compiler pipelines end with an Action, which does something with the result of the pipeline.



printAction :: ASTRep rep => Action rep Source #

Print the result to stdout.

printAliasesAction :: (ASTRep rep, CanBeAliased (Op rep)) => Action rep Source #

Print the result to stdout, alias annotations.

callGraphAction :: Action SOACS Source #

Print call graph to stdout.

impCodeGenAction :: Action SeqMem Source #

Convert the program to sequential ImpCode and print it to stdout.

kernelImpCodeGenAction :: Action GPUMem Source #

Convert the program to GPU ImpCode and print it to stdout.

multicoreImpCodeGenAction :: Action MCMem Source #

Convert the program to CPU multicore ImpCode and print it to stdout.

metricsAction :: OpMetrics (Op rep) => Action rep Source #

Print metrics about AST node counts to stdout.

compileMulticoreToWASMAction :: FutharkConfig -> CompilerMode -> FilePath -> Action MCMem Source #

The futhark wasm-multicore action.