.. _error-index: Compiler Error Index ==================== Elaboration on type errors produced by the compiler. Many error messages contain links to the sections below. Uniqueness errors ----------------- .. _use-after-consume: "Using *x*, but this was consumed at *y*." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A core principle of uniqueness typing (see :ref:`in-place-updates`) is that after a variable is "consumed", it must not be used again. For example, this is invalid, and will result in the error above:: let y = x with [0] = 0 in x Several operations can *consume* a variable: array update expressions, calling a function with unique-typed parameters, or passing it as the initial value of a unique-typed loop parameter. When a variable is consumed, its *aliases* are also considered consumed. Aliasing is the possibility of two variables occupying the same memory at run-time. For example, this will fail as above, because ``y`` and ``x`` are aliased:: let y = x let z = y with [0] = 0 in x We can always break aliasing by using a ``copy`` expression:: let y = copy x let z = y with [0] = 0 in x .. _not-consumable: "Would consume *x*, which is not consumable" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This error message occurs for programs that try to perform a consumption (such as an in-place update) on variables that are not consumable. For example, it would occur for the following program:: let f (a: []i32) = let a[0] = a[0]+1 in a Only arrays with a a *unique array type* can be consumed. Such a type is written by prefixing the array type with an asterisk. The program could be fixed by writing it like this:: let f (a: *[]i32) = let a[0] = a[0]+1 in a Note that this places extra obligations on the caller of the ``f`` function, since it now *consumes* its argument. See :ref:`in-place-updates` for the full details. You can always obtain a unique copy of an array by using ``copy``:: let f (a: []i32) = let a = copy a let a[0] = a[0]+1 in a But note that in most cases (although not all), this subverts the purpose of using in-place updates in the first place. .. _return-aliased: "Unique-typed return value of *x* is aliased to *y*, which is not consumable" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This can be caused by a function like this:: let f (xs: []i32) : *[]i32 = xs We are saying that ``f`` returns a *unique* array - meaning it has no aliases - but at the same time, it aliases the parameter *xs*, which is not marked as being unique (see :ref:`in-place-updates`). This violates one of the core guarantees provided by uniqueness types, namely that a unique return value does not alias any value that might be used in the future. Imagine if this was permitted, and we had a program that used ``f``:: let b = f a let b[0] = x ... The update of ``b`` is fine, but if ``b`` was allowed to alias ``a`` (hence occupying the same memory), then we would be modifying ``a`` as well, which is a violation of referential transparency. As with most uniqueness errors, it can be fixed by using ``copy xs`` to break the aliasing. We can also change the type of ``f`` to take a unique array as input:: let f (xs: *[]i32) : *[]i32 = xs This makes ``xs`` "consumable", in the sense used by the error message. .. _unique-return-aliased: "A unique-typed component of the return value of *x* is aliased to some other component" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Caused by programs like the following:: let main (xs: *[]i32) : (*[]i32, *[]i32) = (xs, xs) While we are allowed to "consume" ``xs``, as it is a unique parameter, this function is trying to return two unique values that alias each other. This violates one of the core guarantees provided by uniqueness types, namely that a unique return value does not alias any value that might be used in the future (see :ref:`in-place-updates`) - and in this case, the two values alias each other. We can fix this by inserting copies to break the aliasing:: let main (xs: *[]i32) : (*[]i32, *[]i32) = (xs, copy xs) Size errors ----------- .. _unused-size: "Size *x* unused in pattern." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Caused by expressions like this:: let [n] (y: i32) = x And functions like this:: let f [n] (x: i32) = x Since ``n`` is not the size of anything, it cannot be assigned a value at runtime. Hence this program is rejected. .. _causality-check: "Causality check" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Causality check errors occur when the program is written in such a way that a size is needed before it is actually computed. See :ref:`causality` for the full rules. Contrived example:: let f (b: bool) (xs: []i32) = let a = [] : [][]i32 let b = [filter (>0) xs] in a[0] == b[0] Here the inner size of the array ``a`` must be the same as the inner size of ``b``, but the inner size of ``b`` depends on a ``filter`` operation that is executed after ``a`` is constructed. There are various ways to fix causality errors. In the above case, we could merely change the order of statements, such that ``b`` is bound first, meaning that the size is available by the time ``a`` is bound. In many other cases, we can lift out the "size-producing" expressions into a separate ``let``-binding preceding the problematic expressions. Other errors ------------ .. _nested-entry: "Entry points may not be declared inside modules." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This occurs when the program uses the ``entry`` keyword inside a module:: module m = { entry f x = x + 1 } Entry points can only be declared at the top level of a file. When we wish to make a function from inside a module available as an entry point, we must define a wrapper function:: module m = { let f x = x + 1 } entry f = m.f